Ok, so someone asked Tahoe_Ed to share his Phantom 3 settings and why he used them, so I thought it would be greatly beneficial if we all had one thread that everyone could refer to, to see what people are using on their Phantoms as far as config settings go. PLEASE DO ALSO SHARE WHY YOU CHOOSE YOUR SETTINGS, if they are not default. Doesn't have to be all of them, nor the ones that are just plain common sense, however I think this will help the learning curve for a lot of flyers. Doesn’t have to be long, just a line or whatever. I think everyone wants to try to get optimal performance out of their quads and since everyone is not as knowledgeable here, this should serve as a great platform to share in that aspect without having to look through 100x threads. LETS KEEP THIS THREAD "USER PROBLEMATIC REPLIES" free, dont want the clutter. Just quad settings please.
Would be great if you could start this off Tahoe_Ed, but everyone feel free to add. This will only help us in the long run, I promise! J…..