United States
SteveHalford Posted at 2018-5-5 10:45
I still have my first Inspire1 that I bought on 11/28/2014 was the coolest thing I had ever flown, with maybe the exception of my Super Chipmunk II or my Cirrus Glider, I loved it. When I first got it, I pulled it out of the case read the "Quick Start manual which was in chinese, Really ? Any way I called my local shop and they told how to sync the rc and I was off !!!!!! I did not know about FW updates or any of that, I was flying and this thing was haul'in ass! I was having such a good time my whole body got hard ! After going thru 8 batteries, I took a break, smoked a cig and downed some Gator Aid. I do that after something else too, but i'm so old I cann't remember what. Any way along come the FW up dates to fix my drone. I didn't know there was any thing wrong with it. So I start doing the up dates. Which each up date came a new set of problems that it did not have until I started the up dates. I have not done the last update as the poor thing is hardly usable now. If it's not broke, don't fix it, if it's not ready, don't ship it. You will never hear that at DJI.
What's funny about this situation is that the actual birds are perfectly fine, it's the way the firmware is installed that's apparently the problem and unfortunately, DJI doesn't make it any easier or appear to care.