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Both of my Inspire 1s with video connection loss after FM Update
2141 10 2018-4-13
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Hello. I recently purchased 2 inspire one drones which were operating very well and reseponding perfectly. Both purchased from responsible parties and in near perfect shape. the other day I updated the Firmware on both of them and now are both nearly unusable as they keep giving me video connection loss. the screen will freeze or simply go black all together. I have tried several fixes and none have worked. DJI is nearly Usless as far as helping with the issue and now I'm wondering if I made a huge mistake purchasing them in the first place. It kind of reminds me of apple deliberatley slowing down their phones to get you to purchase the new ones. These were not cheap by any stretch and I'm about to loose a couple of jobs next week. Bottom line is that these apparently dont let you downgrade from the newest FM upgrade. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. AN YES, THE GARBAGE IDEA HAS ALREADY BEEN SUGGESTED. LOL.
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DJI Mindy

Sorry for the trouble caused after firmware upgrade? But it should be irrelevant with the firmware.
May I know what mobile device you are using? Have you tried another one?
Please check if the gimbal connector is oxidized, please try to wipe the copper sheet with 95% alcohol and a cotton swab.
Besides, please check if the gimbal cable is loose. pin.png
Is there any chance to try another RC?
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Donnie -
First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

What are you using for the Go app device  ? An Apple I pad Pro with a A9 or A10 processor works very well.  With the updates came more data and encryption and some of the older Go app devices that worked in the past will NOT work properly .

Try that first

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United States

DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-4-15 23:44
Sorry for the trouble caused after firmware upgrade? But it should be irrelevant with the firmware.
May I know what mobile device you are using? Have you tried another one?
Please check if the gimbal connector is oxidized, please try to wipe the copper sheet with 95% alcohol and a cotton swab.

I'm Using the Samsung Tab S2 on all 4 Rc. Nothing on them but the DJI AP and some a couple of the stock APs from samsung. Also, I have 2 drones. Impossible that they would have the same issue immediately after the FW Update. I have tried every fix out there and still get the same result.  I have swapped the gimbles from one drone to the other and tried the channel 20 and so forth.

Why have other inspire one users claiming to have the same problem go away when they downgrade to the older FW? I'm not comfortable modifying the firmware file the way they suggest, but I have checked everything including the cables. Even with range extenders they loose connection.

funny part is since I purchased these used, sending them in for repair as DJI suggests, will and purchasing The Ipad pros or the like will make these drones much more expensive then they are worth and I'm already about to loose work over them.

These drones were operating very well prior to the update and now they are pretty much useless. I would really like to simply put them back to the way they were and be able to get some use out of them. I really cant afford to purchase another set of drones as all my money is tied up in these 2. I want to believe in your product, but this is making it very hard to do so.
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Flight distance : 411696 ft
United States

What firmware version are you running?
I'm pretty sure I'm running the latest firmware on all 3 of my inspires which was released 7-10-2017, FW I also use the Galaxy Tab s2 and I have no issues.

Make sure your tablet is up-to-date with its operating system.
Make sure your DJI GO App is up-to-date
Make sure your remote controller is up-to-date

I ran into this problem last summer and going through all of the components to make sure they are all on the correct Firmware versions and rebinding the RC to the Inspire corrected the issue.

At work we have had some weird issues with the Slave RC losing its signal. It would get choppy and freeze. My Galaxy Tab s2 has cellular data and I found out that at times the cellular data or the WIFI being turned on would mess with the Slave RC. Rebinding the Master and Slave fixed this. We haven't had issues since.
Another thing you could take a look at is the channel settings in the HD menu of DJI GO App. Look at the channel readouts and see if by any chance the channel you are on has alot of interference. Usually the "Auto" setting does a good job but there are time's I have to manually set it to make sure I'm on a good clean channel. I also lower my Image Transmission Code rate to its lowest setting when in custom. I do this for range and to make sure I don't have any video issues when I'm in the field. Plus the image looks fine at its lowest setting.

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United States

Katbusa3274 Posted at 2018-4-19 08:45
What firmware version are you running?
I'm pretty sure I'm running the latest firmware on all 3 of my inspires which was released 7-10-2017, FW I also use the Galaxy Tab s2 and I have no issues.

Thanks for the input. I am actually on the latest. That seemed to cause the issue. I've even done the gimble cable and contact cleaning. And I do check the channels regularly. for the most part they are very low and I just don't understand why these things are only losing video. Just for the heck of it, I went as far as borrowing my friends inspire with the same firmware and swapped his gimble for mine and used my tab s2 with the exact same settings and absolutely flawless. We then used his tablet and gimble on my inspires and same issue as before. Checked all settings on both setups.

I really don't know why they don't allow you to downgrade the firmware if this is a potential problem. I get that it's a business but it's just caused me 2 jobs and I now have to borrow a drone when I spent all this money on these. An even bigger problem is that now I can't even sell these to recover my money so I can get a more reliable drone. There has to be a company out there who actually supports their equipment and doesn't hijack it to get to keep forcing you to pay. I so wanted to believe in DJI, but this is ridiculous.  
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Flight distance : 411696 ft
United States

That's a bummer! I was hoping it would of been an easy fix. Keep us updated if you end up figuring it out.
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Flight distance : 434931 ft
United States

Sounds like he knows what the problem is. I know in the past for me, firmware or a go app update had screwed up my birds. Then, when the next update came around, i was back to normal.
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Flight distance : 669026 ft

I still have my first Inspire1 that I bought on 11/28/2014 was the coolest thing I had ever flown, with maybe the exception of my Super Chipmunk II or my Cirrus Glider, I loved it. When I first got it, I pulled it out of the case read the "Quick Start manual which was in chinese, Really ? Any way I called my local shop and they told how to sync the rc and I was off !!!!!! I did not know about FW updates or any of that, I was flying and this thing was haul'in ass! I was having such a good time my whole body got hard ! After going thru 8 batteries, I took a break, smoked a cig and downed some Gator Aid. I do that after something else too, but i'm so old I cann't remember what. Any way along come the FW up dates to fix my drone. I didn't know there was any thing wrong with it. So I start doing the up dates. Which each up date came a new set of problems that it did not have until I started the up dates. I have not done the last update as the poor thing is hardly usable now. If it's not broke, don't fix it, if it's not ready, don't ship it. You will never hear that at DJI.
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United States

SteveHalford Posted at 2018-5-5 10:45
I still have my first Inspire1 that I bought on 11/28/2014 was the coolest thing I had ever flown, with maybe the exception of my Super Chipmunk II or my Cirrus Glider, I loved it. When I first got it, I pulled it out of the case read the "Quick Start manual which was in chinese, Really ? Any way I called my local shop and they told how to sync the rc and I was off !!!!!! I did not know about FW updates or any of that, I was flying and this thing was haul'in ass! I was having such a good time my whole body got hard ! After going thru 8 batteries, I took a break, smoked a cig and downed some Gator Aid. I do that after something else too, but i'm so old I cann't remember what. Any way along come the FW up dates to fix my drone. I didn't know there was any thing wrong with it. So I start doing the up dates. Which each up date came a new set of problems that it did not have until I started the up dates. I have not done the last update as the poor thing is hardly usable now. If it's not broke, don't fix it, if it's not ready, don't ship it. You will never hear that at DJI.

What's funny about this situation is that the actual birds are perfectly fine, it's the way the firmware is installed that's apparently the problem and unfortunately, DJI doesn't make it any easier or appear to care.
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Ups_Jeff Posted at 2018-5-4 17:04
Sounds like he knows what the problem is. I know in the past for me, firmware or a go app update had screwed up my birds. Then, when the next update came around, i was back to normal.

Thanks Ups_Jeff. It has to be the firmeware if it's both of them. I've been told that there is a possibility that it may have been the sequence of the update. IE: the Bird first and then the remote, but of course they don't tell you that when the remote asks for the update first.

Other people that have had this issue claim that with previous updates, you were able to simply downgrade one version on the bird and rc and then redo process with the bird first and then the rc. problem solved and crises averted. But I guess DJI decided on this version to block the ability to downgrade the firmware so you would wind up sending the bird to them. for a fee and shipping of course.

Others claim that there are hacks to downgrade the firmware, but I guess I'm the only idiot out there who doesn't believe I should have to HACK my own equipment to use it!!! You would think that if DJI really wanted to help out their customers with what may turn out to be such a simple solution, that someone over there would have sense to simply put out a file that would allow the customer to at least attempt the downgrade and reinstall instead of holding the equipment hostage.

I have tried 5 times to convince them to help me with it and each time, I've got the exact same response, "We can't find the issue with the Aircraft based on what we have tried so you will have to send it in for further diagnostics and we will let you know how much it will cost to get it repaired." And that's when I have to tell them not to bother opening a repair ticket because I am not sending in a couple of perfectly good birds to get a software update and wind up paying around $300 in shipping and whatever they decide they can extort from me.

I will definitely keep you guys posted.. And thanks for letting me vent. That's all I can do for now.

Or maybe I can simply take these up in the air and charge people to use them for target practice. I can do like they do at the fair and mess up the sights on the rifles until I get my money back and then let them get shot down over the swamp, never to be seen again.
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