Gimbal vibration. Check it while the drone is sitting on a table. Can you touch very softly the gimbal axis (where it enters into the shell)? If it vibrates, this is the problem. So, either you change the gimbal vibration absorbers (there is a spare part for it) or the best, you send it back for repairing.
Just a silly question, the gimbal lock has been removed, right? Did the drone crash before? Please try to refresh the latest firmware V 01.05.0600 and calibrate the IMU and gimbal. Please keep us updated if the issue persists. Thank you.
DJI Thor Posted at 2018-4-17 21:07
Just a silly question, the gimbal lock has been removed, right? Did the drone crash before? Please try to refresh the latest firmware V 01.05.0600 and calibrate the IMU and gimbal. Please keep us updated if the issue persists. Thank you.
Thanks for reply. Gimbal locked ofcourse has been removed before flight. I had a litlle crash about 6 months ago, but everything seems okay. What you mean refresh latest firmware ? Reinstall ? Downgrade and upgrade again ? I actually have 01.05.0600 version.
g1rek Posted at 2018-4-17 21:48
Thanks for reply. Gimbal locked ofcourse has been removed before flight. I had a litlle crash about 6 months ago, but everything seems okay. What you mean refresh latest firmware ? Reinstall ? Downgrade and upgrade again ? I actually have 01.05.0600 version.
When you say a little crash can you clarify.
The p4p is a high precision piece of equipment and does not take kindly to being crashed.
How long have you had this fault for?
Have you noticed any vibration in the gimbal or the drone when sitting on a table?
Have you done a gimbal calibration?
g1rek Posted at 2018-4-17 21:48
Thanks for reply. Gimbal locked ofcourse has been removed before flight. I had a litlle crash about 6 months ago, but everything seems okay. What you mean refresh latest firmware ? Reinstall ? Downgrade and upgrade again ? I actually have 01.05.0600 version.
Yes, refreshing the latest firmware via DJI Assistant 2. If the issue persists, you might need to send the drone back for diagnose. Please contact our support for a further help:
Hellsgate Posted at 2018-4-17 22:53
When you say a little crash can you clarify.
The p4p is a high precision piece of equipment and does not take kindly to being crashed.
How long have you had this fault for?
1) Dron fell from 5 meters. I did gimbal&sensors&imu calibration and drone have seemed to be ok.
2) I have feeling, that this problem does not always occur, it seems to me that would be after updating the software, but Im not sure.
3) I didnt noticed any bibration in gimbal when its sitting stable on a table, but I heard some noices when Im was doing calibration of sensors, but only in second stage, first and third was good.
4) Ofcourse, I did.
I tried to refresh latest firmware, but DJI Assistant 2 doesnt show me any current or older firmwares. I clicked refresh, restart DJI assistant 2, drone and everything but still nothing
g1rek Posted at 2018-5-7 04:28
1) Dron fell from 5 meters. I did gimbal&sensors&imu calibration and drone have seemed to be ok.
2) I have feeling, that this problem does not always occur, it seems to me that would be after updating the software, but Im not sure.
Try logout then into Assistant2, if not that help then make sure you have the latest version installed, v 1.2.3 last i looked. If even that don't work better do a reply on latest post from Thor, he might not notice you replied another user.
This is a problem because the torque/power of the gimbal motors on the P4P are vastly inadequate for the camera's weight. They aren't capable of maintaining the camera at a stable angle if there's a slight to moderate amount of G force. I'm on my 2nd P4P which is exhibiting the same issue and 'GIMBAL MOTOR OVERLOADED' error messages. I'm sending it back for the 3'rd replacement which will undoubtedly exhibit the same issue as well. DJI needs to replace the roll motor with one that has more torque. FYI, I'm not flying in Sports mode, this is in P-GPS with little to no wind but trying to do panning shots or any shots which require panning is almost impossible.
I am experiencing the same gimbal wobble and I haven’t crashed my P4P at all. I have the latest firmware, I have new props, use NDs, calibrated the IMU, calibrated the gimbal too. It’s so frustrating. I’m trying to run a professional aerial video business and I just can’t hand footage over to the client with this slight wobble to it. There’s things I can do in post to try and fix but it’s just papering over the cracks here DJI. My P4P is not even a year old and is well looked after and maintained. Please please help.
My aircraft is weird Sometimes it seems that everything is okay, sometimes its not.
I had new problem with gimbal... , suddenly gimbal gets crazy. I made video once again, and seems okay, but in next 3 days when I was making a video, this error have repeat..... and today my drone just flew into a traffic sign... and broke propellers, get scratches etc, and dont know what more, becouse I didnt have more propellers with me.
Aircraft its still on warranty, and also I have dji care refresh.
If this issue will be [software/hardware/DJI error] (not user error), is there any option that I could get new drone via warranty ? or only via dji care refresh ?
I have exactly the same problem: ((
DJI Phantom 4 pro is scrap ..
I do not know why dji does not do anything about it .. Motor current protection is too sensitive for quickly cuts off by what ill-balanced gimbal is swinging to the right.
I have absolutely the same issue as in OP's post. If he would say that he took my drone and shot this video I wouldn't doubt it at all)) By the way before this gimbal vibration I had just a "Jello" effect
So any info on how to solve it? Only returning and replacing it helps (sometimes lol)?
Did anyone ever figure out how to fix this gimbal issue? My Pro does it in the slightest of breezes. It is like the gimbal kicks out at the slightest bump in the road. Driving me crazy and costing me a lot time and money in the field. Did DJI come out with a fix yet?
If you get a message on your screen, it probably says "gimbal motor overload"
Seven years after I bought the P4P+ my camera started shaking. I called tech support and they took me through the firmware updates, recalibrated the gimbal, and so forth. Checking the forums I found that the problem was typically from a crash, but mine never crashed, so I thought. There are several videos on youtube showing how to replace the YAW motor which is the problem. Once you buy a motor say on ebay, you need to remove the old motor and install the new one, but it's not quite that simple. Search youbube for "Ted Keyser." He has made several videos on the procedure. I just purchased a motor on ebay, was cheap and only had to wait a few days. For me, it took a few hours. Ted says he can do it in an hour, but he has changed out about 1000 motors. I know this is a late response but it is probably the answer you are looking for. Jim