Decided this morning to do a range test with my standard Mavic pro and were surprised with the results details is
Location ATKV Resort Northern Drakensberg KZN South Africa
Take off Battery 100%
Landing Battery 29%
Distance from Home point 4543 m
Flight Distance 9144 m
Flight time 20 minutes
Max height 107 m
This was with original props and battery
That is amazing results. Are you on stock RC? I am also from SA and the max I could get was 4070 before losing signal. That is really amazing giving me more hope that I can go further. Well Done
Hi Suren thanks and to answer your question I am on stock standard RC so no additions to my flymore combo. Would have been able to go further but the heartrate could not keep up since it were the first Looong distance flight I attempted.
NeliuSpies Posted at 2018-4-19 00:43
Hi Suren thanks and to answer your question I am on stock standard RC so no additions to my flymore combo. Would have been able to go further but the heartrate could not keep up since it were the first Looong distance flight I attempted.