Atti mode practice
1515 9 2018-4-19
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Flight distance : 63225 ft
United States

How would you suggest practicing in atti mode? Because, Not every place has gps and I just hate p-atti mode so much. I do not have a vps system or an anti-collision system. I own the p3standard. Another resaon I would like to practice atti mode is to just try something new. Also, how do you land if your drone is stuck in f-atti/p-atti mode? It is impossible to land in those modes.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 3617244 ft
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if you learn to fly in atti mode ... you ll be an expert pilot soon Enjoy and fly safe
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Flight distance : 655932 ft
United States

Find a large OPEN field with little to no obstacles, interference,, etc.   WIDE OPEN.

Start in P mode and fly around a bit.   Notice the winds; direction.speed.

Locate the bird upwind of you and hover about 20 ft off the ground.   Switch to ATTI.   Notice the drift.   Glance down at your display and notice the speed the bird is drifting.  Compare to your wind speed you found during preflight.  Slowly try to maintain your hover in location.   Once you can do that, begin small rectangular patterns in front of you.   Expand to circular patterns.  Fly as much/as far/close as you’re comfortable.   When things get screwy, switch back to P to stop and hover.   Bring the bird back to your position and begin again, switching to ATTI.  My landings are in P mode.  I don’t practice this in Atti, and feel if I have to land it, I can.  May not be pretty, but I can get it down.
Good Luck.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

I would suggest getting a non GPS cheaper drone and practice with that ......... it MAKES you learn !

There are plenty of outdoor capable moderate sized drones that can do the job for budget price ......... check out Banggood and similar ...

The thing is .... if you are in GPS coverage and no compass errors ... switching to ATTI mode is not quite same as when AC drops to ATTI due to problems ....

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Amateur Droner
Flight distance : 6411 ft

United States

Rvrrat14 Posted at 2018-4-19 09:04
Find a large OPEN field with little to no obstacles, interference,, etc.   WIDE OPEN.

Start in P mode and fly around a bit.   Notice the winds; direction.speed.

I have to agree with Rvrrat, I have years of RC airplane under my belt (as do many in this forum) so I had a problem trusting all the tech in my Phantom.
I also had no experience with quad flying, so I took the advice of some pilots on here and took of and hovered in P mode then switched to atti mode (keeping my finger on the switch to return to P mode).
Just as mentioned, I did rectangles, circles, then figure eights...until I felt comfortable that I could control the drone!
I would suggest looking into some prop guards to save your props...should you get to close to a solid object (I got too close to a small branch and nicked a prop).
Happy and safe flying!
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S.D. Pilot
Flight distance : 10400463 ft
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United States

Good idea to practice in atti-mode. Stay in a wide open space.
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DJI Susan

All things are difficult before they are easy. Do more practices in the open location, you may learn faster.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 961 ft
United States

All good advice above
One additional consideration, fly at least 10 feet high and keep an eye out for an insidious drop in altitude when flying.  This can result in ground impact if you are not careful and paying attention.  
Check out this thread for some additional info and considerations:
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I suggest you buy a cheap $20 Syma and learn how to fly that. It will truly teach you how to fly a drone, because it teaches you how to regulate many things at once. Once you can keep one of those stable, flying a DJI in atti mode is cake. People may say that's not true, but that's because they have never tried it, otherwise they would know it's true. I learned on non-GPS and non-stabilized drones, which was quite tedious, but I am now a better quadcopter pilot than most people that own a DJI.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

djiuser_iGJqCoTNTQSa Posted at 2018-4-19 19:37
I suggest you buy a cheap $20 Syma and learn how to fly that. It will truly teach you how to fly a drone, because it teaches you how to regulate many things at once. Once you can keep one of those stable, flying a DJI in atti mode is cake. People may say that's not true, but that's because they have never tried it, otherwise they would know it's true. I learned on non-GPS and non-stabilized drones, which was quite tedious, but I am now a better quadcopter pilot than most people that own a DJI.

Agreed ... see my post above.

I'll repeat : ATTI mode when switched by user is not same as ATTI mode when compass / GPS fails and drone switches ....

If USER switches to ATTI and GPS is still available - RTH still works ...

If Drone switches itself to ATTI because of an error condition ... you lose RTH as well ...

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