Sean Doughtie
Flight distance : 36598 ft
United States
ggeorgis Posted at 2018-5-22 03:41
I had high hopes about teaching STEM classes with the Tello drone. But the Scratch programming is obviously an afterthought.
EVERY COMMAND should be padded with delays!!!! So in essence a simple 5 line code becomes burdensome for kids. There is no repeatability in the code. So if you plan a simple mission (eg. take off from one desk to fly around an object and return to the same desk and land or land in another desk), you cannot fine tune your code since every time it will fly a different path. Unless you plan on teaching in a warehouse to have ample space, class teaching is a no no.
For example having the drone fly a hexagon will end up in disaster. It manages to mess up even squares!!! Since a 90 degree turn can be anything between 70-110 degrees.
Thanks for posting your experience. I wonder how the done is able to fly 360's and orbits. Is this routine done on the drone or in the control device?
I'm just guessing, is Scratch just using timing to perform actions rather than telemetry? There has to be some telemetry because it is displayed on the Tello App.
I wonder if you can get a terminal connection with the Tello? (ie: Telnet, SSH or TTY)