Flight distance : 179829 ft
Since updating to the latest firmware in May 2018, on my very first flight after the update, I'm starting to get Motor Current Error. It tells me to fly with caution and check the propellors, which I have done.
I landed right away, turned of the Air, and removed and re-seated all the propellors (New propellors as of about 2-3 weeks ago, with no crashes/incidets (and only a handful of flights). The first flight after checking the propellors... no warnings.
Today, (NO WIND AT ALL, mind you) the first flight is giving the warning... I land and re-seat all the props again... next flight STILL getting error. I keep it low and close (for safety) and the error stays constant... I run until low -battery warning. 'm not noticing any unusual flight behavior on any flight. I even had it hover nearby when the warning was active and didn't notice anything off (sound or behavior seemed normal.)
I swap to my second battery (without checking propellors) and the entire flight with the second battery gets no warnings at all, even though I'm flying higher and further than the other flights. I
Is anybody else seeing this since the new firmware?
What does the warning mean, and should I be concerned?
This is my first drone and I've had it since late February - only about 9 hours toal flight time according to my logs - and this is the first real issue I'm having with the device. The only incident I've had was hitting a twig (early March) - but the drone never fell - in fact it flew just fine - it wasn't unitl it landed that I realized a propellor had cracked. (And I immediately replaced at the time.)