Flight distance : 547641 ft
Did some testing on charging the Spark battery (capacity approximately 17Wh meaning 13,6Wh needs to be charged when battery is at 20% before charging).
First, charging with QC3 enabled charger (Aukey):
Charging at 12,4V with 1,41A meaning a rate of 17,5Wh. Battery full in less then an hour.
Secondly, charged with a high quality charger without QC technology:
Charging at 5,26V with 2,07A meaning a rate of 10,9Wh. Huge difference with previous situation. Minimum 1h30 to charge the battery.
Third situation, charge with MI powerbank with QC technology:
Charging at 11,9V with 1,62A meaning a rate of 19,3Wh. Again, full in less then an hour.
I know this is a theoretical approach as charging current is decreasing when the battery comes to fully charged but at least you can see that battery can be charged in different ways.
Hope this helps.