Joller79 DK
Flight distance : 26447 ft
Syma is a great, and a REAL. Quadcopter, no stability, no gps. YOU are master over what happens, and YOU have to fight the wind etc.... All our gps based drones, are great abd easy beginner droner, even kids at 6 years old can fly then with no problem... So many people buy dji parrot bebop and other gps drones, and when the buildt in stability fails, they panic and have no clue on what to to, and what happens when moving the controls....hense..alllllll the headlines in forum of crashes and fly aways, which, in 99% of time is user error related... Just my opi....
AND back to topic... Telo is a great selfie drone, takes desent pictures to show friends etc.. But high spec pics, NO,,, spark...better, and stability. But not just high def enough to be pro..
Here in Denmark tello is priced about 90-100 dollars... 2 weeks ago spark was on supersale for 135 dollars... And i bet it will be again.....
But tello, due to light weigh, migt be more rigid, when crashing...the spark brakes easy, and good help if you crash front left rotorarm, then it smashes the wires to camera..(i fixed mine). But. Just saying...