Mark The Droner
 First Officer
Flight distance : 2917 ft
United States
If the FW was the problem, others would be complaining too. Alabama's suggestion above is worth a try.
The left right seems to be within specs. Specs is about 5 feet left an 5 feet right. You seem to be there.
The up down specs is about a foot and a half up and a foot and a half down. Can't tell if you're within specs there.
Personally, I don't see any super major problems in the vid. You've had it two years. My '99 Corolla doesn't run like new either, but it still gets me to where I need to be and it costs me almost nothing.
If you really think there is a problem, you might consider degauzing the compass and then recalibrating it.
If that doesn't work, you might try one more IMU calibration before considering replacing the FC/MC. I did that recently with my P2V and it solved my problem.
Good luck. |