Got cool shots of some weird weather happening at The Chasms at the south of the island during the weekend. Made for some interesting flying and was great to fly in clouds just sat on the cliff edge. This was the first video i've done where there were no clouds at all in the sky during the mid day sun and i'll be honest, i found trying to colour grade this one quite difficult even after using an ND16 filter, ISO 100, 50 shutter, cinelike (Mavic Air) using 0,0-1. Hope you enjoy!
Looks good. The colour is a little off as it's bright but slightly washed out. Keep practising with colour grading as it's worth it when you get the hang of it!
Drone-Mike Posted at 2018-5-11 00:20
Looks good. The colour is a little off as it's bright but slightly washed out. Keep practising with colour grading as it's worth it when you get the hang of it!
Thank you. It's a tough one as on my display and iphone at home it looks good but at work and on another laptop it looks a little washed. I believe this is all part of the frustration trying to get it right haha.