Unchained Imagination
Shooting long exposure picture with a drone is different and more complicated compared to shooting from the ground with a tripod. It's under the influence of wind, interferences and other environmental conditions that you can't manage so...one of the most important things is to check accuracy weather situation of the location you want to capture, as you can see below when everything is ok you will be able to take amazing pics and have a lot of fun! The greatest moments to take a long expo picture are at sunrise or sunset because of the soft light, that along with a ND filter allows you to get a nice result. The pics of the natural thermal pool of Saturnia was taken with a Phantom 3 Pro and DJI ND 16 filter, with the shutter speed between 3 and 4 seconds. ND filters let you open the shutter for seconds without overexposing too much the image, it definetely makes the difference for your footage too! Without it, you won't be able to take these kind of pictures... there are different filters with more and less stops of light... we personally own ND4, 8, 16, 32 filters and some of them are polarized to be prepared for every situation! When flying your drone above the water, especially if you want to shoot long exposure, be sure to turn off VPS or downward sensors: patterns like water doesn't let your drone hovering stabilized if they are enabled... Try shooting from different angles around your subject, you may be surprised of what your drone can capture.. Consider to shoot long expo above the sea, its waves create some artistic appearance.. Shooting by night is also amazing because you can play with artificial lights; moving cars become colorful lines and you don't need any filter to get this shot. Let us know your thoughts, hope this will be useful for someone! Thank you and enjoy flights!