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lost it today
1342 22 2018-5-22
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Flight distance : 1105213 ft

flight log

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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How about a little detail to help out?
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft
Offline ... 4-28-04_v2.csv?dl=0

Flight log - thought I attached the link in the first post, sorry.
Use props
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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You probably won't find anyone else here that's going to work out anything from a CSV file.
Can you make it easier for me please?
It looks like you flew a Litchi mission?
Can you go to
Follow the instructions there to upload your flight data and come back and post a link to the report it shows you.
I'll also need something that shows the waypoint mission so I have an idea of where the Phantom was programmed to go.

And a story about the incident ... what did you observe, weather details, what happened etc.

Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Hope that works.  Not much to tell, lost connection with scrambled video about 1 minute into mission., it showed it's last position to be at about waypoint 13 of maybe 42 waypoints.  No obstructions, walked as close to path as possible searching for drone or anything that it might have hit, found nothing.  Searched within 5 minutes of expected return time.
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Working on a link to the mission, but basically along the same line up to the apron at the end and then back the same way.  Will upload a link to the mission asap.
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Mission link.  Thanks in advance for any insight as to what went wrong here.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Pretty close to that cell tower, wasn't it?
Use props
Flight distance : 28107 ft
United States

Did you try the "find my aircraft" function in your settings?
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Yes it was- I've flown near it previously without any problems,  but in regular GPS manual flight mode.  Its also right about where the last position is shown, so it could be the cause.
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Spappy- yes I did.  That is where the flight log shows it ended, very near waypoint 13 close to the tower (which may have scrambled up the drone).
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 10442687 ft
United States

Labroides will figure it out for ya.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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BR86 Posted at 2018-5-22 16:37
Working on a link to the mission, but basically along the same line up to the apron at the end and then back the same way.  Will upload a link to the mission asap.

Sorry ... had to go away but back on the case now.
I can't get the mission to display.
Where was the Phantom trying to go from where the record ends?
Was it continuing further toward the NW following the road or going somewhere else?

I'm concerned about the height.
The ground was rising but the altitude was quite low?
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

No problem.  I actually drove back there to look around some more after noticing how far to the right the flight path was in relation to where it was plotted using litchi, but found nothing again.
As far as the altitude goes, I was rather meticulous with maintaining at least 26 ft AGL,,  I plotted the waypoints close together and compared the ground level at each waypoint to the elevation at the starting point.
The flight log is showing the altitudes to be right where I would expect, but the path should be between the two dark grey areas on either side of the concrete drainage channel I was attempting to follow up hill.
The drainage ditch is about  4 meters deep and clear of debris (including the phantom) and I walked the path along where the fence and trees are in the park, looking up in the trees and down in the groundcover for any signs of the bird with no luck.  Also looked inside the enclosure around the cell tower.  Google earth should show the drainage ditch on the kmz file.  It's alongside Mc Vicker park in lake elsinore california.
Use props
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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BR86 Posted at 2018-5-22 18:44
No problem.  I actually drove back there to look around some more after noticing how far to the right the flight path was in relation to where it was plotted using litchi, but found nothing again.
As far as the altitude goes, I was rather meticulous with maintaining at least 26 ft AGL,,  I plotted the waypoints close together and compared the ground level at each waypoint to the elevation at the starting point.
The flight log is showing the altitudes to be right where I would expect, but the path should be between the two dark grey areas on either side of the concrete drainage channel I was attempting to follow up hill.

I can't pick any particular spot to search but I'm concerned that you were flying quite low to the ground without leaving a good safety margin to allow for trees etc.
Also you were trying to follow a narrow corridor with trees close by on the side and GPS is approximate.
You really need a safety margin (horizontal and vertical that seems to be absent.
Use props
DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

BR86 Posted at 2018-5-22 18:44
No problem.  I actually drove back there to look around some more after noticing how far to the right the flight path was in relation to where it was plotted using litchi, but found nothing again.
As far as the altitude goes, I was rather meticulous with maintaining at least 26 ft AGL,,  I plotted the waypoints close together and compared the ground level at each waypoint to the elevation at the starting point.
The flight log is showing the altitudes to be right where I would expect, but the path should be between the two dark grey areas on either side of the concrete drainage channel I was attempting to follow up hill.

I feel sorry for the accident. How old is the drone? If it is under warranty, I suggest that you also contact our support to start a case for data analysis. If it is out of warranty, you can also contact our support and see if there is anything we can help. You can contact us at
Use props
Flight distance : 2354357 ft
  • >>>
United Kingdom

I am sure that i have read and was told that during a litchi mission that if downlink is lost that it will carry on the mission till the end???
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Bashy Posted at 2018-5-22 20:12
I am sure that i have read and was told that during a litchi mission that if downlink is lost that it will carry on the mission till the end???

Yes.  It actually happens quite frequently without incident.  You can turn the controller off and the drone will complete the mission.  The only thing that it will not do is change speed when it doesn't have a signal.
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

DJI Thor Posted at 2018-5-22 20:01
I feel sorry for the accident. How old is the drone? If it is under warranty, I suggest that you also contact our support to start a case for data analysis. If it is out of warranty, you can also contact our support and see if there is anything we can help. You can contact us at

Thank you.  As Labroides mentioned above, I did run this without much room for GPS error and normally
do a "calibration run" prior to fly a mission in a new area- which I did not do this time.  I have flown similarly tight missions before, but I usually start with a wider margin for error and then modify the mission after reviewing the video.  I am at a loss as to where it went if it did crash though,  I spent quite a bit of time looking around the area without seeing any debris or the drone.  I've had this one just under a year- I believe I bought it in July 2017- not sure how long it's in warranty.  I sent an email to DJI support asking how to attach a flight log, since the form would not accept the csv file type I pulled from the log.
Thanks again for your time.
Use props
Flight distance : 1105213 ft

Labroides Posted at 2018-5-22 19:40
I can't pick any particular spot to search but I'm concerned that you were flying quite low to the ground without leaving a good safety margin to allow for trees etc.
Also you were trying to follow a narrow corridor with trees close by on the side and GPS is approximate.
You really need a safety margin (horizontal and vertical that seems to be absent.

You are absolutely right.  Got a little too comfortable threading the needle and should have left a larger margin for error on the first run.  Thank you for your efforts.
Use props
DJI Thor
Flight distance : 13602 ft

BR86 Posted at 2018-5-22 20:28
Thank you.  As Labroides mentioned above, I did run this without much room for GPS error and normally
do a "calibration run" prior to fly a mission in a new area- which I did not do this time.  I have flown similarly tight missions before, but I usually start with a wider margin for error and then modify the mission after reviewing the video.  I am at a loss as to where it went if it did crash though,  I spent quite a bit of time looking around the area without seeing any debris or the drone.  I've had this one just under a year- I believe I bought it in July 2017- not sure how long it's in warranty.  I sent an email to DJI support asking how to attach a flight log, since the form would not accept the csv file type I pulled from the log.
Thanks again for your time.

It has 12 months warranty period. Since you had sent an email to our support, please kindly wait for the update. If there is any help needed, you can also let me know, I am glad to help.
Use props

BR86 Posted at 2018-5-22 20:28
Thank you.  As Labroides mentioned above, I did run this without much room for GPS error and normally
do a "calibration run" prior to fly a mission in a new area- which I did not do this time.  I have flown similarly tight missions before, but I usually start with a wider margin for error and then modify the mission after reviewing the video.  I am at a loss as to where it went if it did crash though,  I spent quite a bit of time looking around the area without seeing any debris or the drone.  I've had this one just under a year- I believe I bought it in July 2017- not sure how long it's in warranty.  I sent an email to DJI support asking how to attach a flight log, since the form would not accept the csv file type I pulled from the log.
Thanks again for your time.

If you were flying a Litchi mission, then DJI will not accept a log file from Litchi.
Use props
Flight distance : 165105 ft

Sorry to hear about a lost or wayward drone.

Please go back and spend more precious moments searching for your baby... ;-)
Before the hungry dingos and squirrels snack or snatch it.

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