Flight distance : 391493 ft
On Saturday I faced almost the same problem. Twelve minutes of flight and then disconnection! No Camera! No view!
RTH started but I was in panic and cancelled it, wanted to try landing it mannually. for that connection seems to come back, so I was holding down left stick to land. But then again lost connection, so RTH (I've set it in the settings) started again.
I was in thi situation for a couple of minutes. Managed to bring it down to about 5 feet, then I grabbe it. Connection loss, RTH started again! Cancelled it. Lost connection, again RTH.
My main worry was that I had in the settings for RTH altitude 120feet from previous flights and I was worried that It may fly away anyway.
Emergency shutdown wasn' possible, or did not work...
So I was grabbing my Mavic with full speed and no possibility to shutdown. Pressing battery didn't work either.
Tried again emergency shut off with both sticks. Nothing!
On display where appearing messages of battery overheating... 
RTH started again due to connection loss. Still holding the Mavic Full Throttle.
Finally I called my wife to hold the remote and asked here to try emergency shutoff, but it says "disconnect"!!
So carefully and concentraded on not going in contact with the propellers, I removed the battery. And so it finished.
App was still saying, disconnected. Closed the app, opened again, worked for 30secs the again disconnected...
Rebooted controller... same thing.
The time the mavic showed connected, Battery overheat was displaying!! so I changed battery.
For a couple of time still disconnected and then after some minutes it was table again. Did not fly again that day.
Thinking on the problem, probably a safe and automatic RTH would have being the best solution. And Safest!
But as said, I was worried that letting the Mavic go I would have more troubles.
Does anyone have some feedback of similar situation happened or suggestions/ideas on how you would have behaved?
What I've learned is that RTH altitude is better to be set before each flight. According to environment and surroundings.
Advise and feedbacks are welcome. |