Inspire-2 POI Mode
2245 12 2018-5-29
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1050577 ft
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United Kingdom

I have tested the POI Mode with the Inspire-2 with mixed results:
While the flight characteristics work well and exactly as expected, the same cant be said about the gimbal control (while in the POI Mode).
In all the tests I set the gimbal to point towards the POI and on some ocasions (about half) it did just that but on other occasions the gimbal direction was random.
On at least one occasion, with the aircraft and gimbal facing the POI, and the camera focused, on starting the orbit the gimbal moved instantly to face the previous POI.
I suspect a bug in there somewhere, has anyone else had this experience?
Kind regards
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13921893 ft
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Also here when I start with POI function the gimbal moves random to other direction.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 13921893 ft
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Also here when I start with POI function the gimbal moves random to other direction.

Inspire 2 with latest firmware
Cendence and CrystalSky with latest firmware.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1050577 ft
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United Kingdom

It seems that I am not alone in experiencing this issue - could DJI look into it for us please?
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Flight distance : 1478842 ft
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I suspect this might be repeated to the gimbal sudden movement bug when switching to ATTI mode
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DJI Tony


Hi, we do apologize for the inconvenience that it may cause, have you tried to calibrate the gimbal? Please upload a short video of your issue if it's possible, you can use google drive or dropbox as well. Thank you.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1983760 ft

DJI Tony Posted at 2018-5-31 13:23
Hi, we do apologize for the inconvenience that it may cause, have you tried to calibrate the gimbal? Please upload a short video of your issue if it's possible, you can use google drive or dropbox as well. Thank you.

I had a chance to try the POI mode this weekend also, and same sort of thing, the Camera in my case turns backwards when it starts and I have to manually  face it forward...  that last firmware really seemed to mess with the camera control.

When will all this random camera actions be fixed - this is really annoying.
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Flight distance : 188750 ft
United States

Same results, upon telling POI mode to activate the gimbal will yaw, sometimes after POI orbit has begun you can use Spotlight Pro to keep the camera focused. Sometimes SP will lock on when used just prior to activate orbit.
Yes on yaw when switch from P to S or A. And just when motors stop spinning the gimbal will yaw when on the ground.
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DJI Tony


FanOfFlight Posted at 2018-6-3 14:48
I had a chance to try the POI mode this weekend also, and same sort of thing, the Camera in my case turns backwards when it starts and I have to manually  face it forward...  that last firmware really seemed to mess with the camera control.

When will all this random camera actions be fixed - this is really annoying.

Hi, I would suggest downloading our DJI Assistant 2 then restore factory defaults and refresh the inspire 2, please reboot your aircraft after doing the troubleshooting and re-calibrate the compass, IMU as well as the gimbal, kindly update us if the issue will persist. Please see the link below for you to download the DJI Assitant 2.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1983760 ft

DJI Tony Posted at 2018-6-4 09:05
Hi, I would suggest downloading our DJI Assistant 2 then restore factory defaults and refresh the inspire 2, please reboot your aircraft after doing the troubleshooting and re-calibrate the compass, IMU as well as the gimbal, kindly update us if the issue will persist. Please see the link below for you to download the DJI Assitant 2.

DJI Tony, I will try it this weekend and see if it fixes the issue, can I ask in the mean time - has this process fixed this issue for anyone else?
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DJI Tony


FanOfFlight Posted at 2018-6-7 11:34
DJI Tony, I will try it this weekend and see if it fixes the issue, can I ask in the mean time - has this process fixed this issue for anyone else?

Please keep us posted in any case that you encountered any problem and if possible upload a short video of the issue so could forward it to our engineers and notified them as well. Have a safe flight.
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Flight distance : 188750 ft
United States

@DJI Tony your suggestions did not work even though DJI assistant has recently been upgraded. This is supposed to be the DJI cinematography flagship aircraft for professional videographers, and many pilots have been requesting POI for over a year. Now that we get DJI to deliver POI for the I2, the camera gimbal becomes erratic. And to add insult to injury DJI releases the broken FW with a cannot roll back limiter for this version. I really do empathize with the complexities associated with DJI's ability to manage the ever expanding number of modules and rev. version control in their SW makes, but it is their responsibility to maintain QC in their software. Unfortunately either the technology march forward is too fast of a pace to keep up or their engineering department has never put forth much effort to buy state of the art SW creation and management tools? After watching DJI release several different versions of FW over the past couple of years, it would be my opinion that their SW engineers never implemented a software creation and management protocol which has been adhered to. There are more sophisticated electronics products on the market with much more complex FirmWare and Software than these aircraft and their systems seem to run fine with far fewer bugs encountered. I have so far had very good support from DJI and I do believe that they try to deliver bug free product. But DJI has a luxury of over several hundred thousand SoftWare BETA testers throughout the world, which they do not seem to hold in high esteem. Actually I do believe that DJI takes advantage of their customers in that upon release of problematic FirmWare the engineering department does not seem to respond favorably to reported problems. POI for the I2 18months late and then broken too. From the outside looking in it seems that DJI does not use any customer feedback to elevate priority schedules to address specific problems, esp. those problems that they create should be held at the highest level of resolution. We shall see if these issues get remedied in a timely manner. For all intent and purposes filming with an Inspire 2 has been dramatically impacted and or derailed by this gimbal problem, so let us hope it does not take 18 months to get a new release that is stable. Oh and it also happens on the M200 with X5S configuration too.   
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 86194 ft
United States

No, POI is not working properly. As everyone has noted, there's no way to get the gimbal to stay focused on the POI. It's vector seems to be rather random.
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