I am having an issue where if I remove the SD card and place it into a card reader and plug into my computer I can asses my photos and videos. The problem is when try and get it direct from the mavic air. This is the process I do.
1. USB connector into the PC and the micro USB connected to the Mavic BEFORE turning on the Mavic. Have read on this site
that this is the correct way to connect. But I have tryed it all diffrent ways.
2. Mavic air is tuned on and I hear the sound that you get when you have placed a device into the USB port into the computer.
3. I get my connection/Loading circle spinning just for a secound or two then nothing. Cant even see it on the computer.
If I go to Device Manager and plug in the card reader and under Portable Devices you can see it come up. But when I go through the mavic air as mentioned above nothing.
How can I get this working as removing the card each time is annoying. I am running Windows 10 and DJI Assistant 2 works fine.I have formatted card and it is running in exfat. The only other system I can run it in is NTFS, and out of interest tired that but also dose not work.
Installing this driver package provided by DJI might help: https://drive.google.com/file/d/ ... FE/view?usp=sharing
It used to work very well on my old Win10 64bit PC on a USB 2.0 port, but on my new PC I experience problems on a USB 3.0 port. Both the internal and the SD card drives of MA are well recognised, but file transfer most of the time fails. Working on that...
A CW Posted at 2018-6-1 10:43
Place type C cable in the drone
Turn on the drone (leave RC off)
When the LED light flashes yellow - connect the USB to your Mac
Most likely your PC is not installing all the unsigned DJI Drivers. Do this.
Your PC might be blocking the installation of the unsigned USB drivers needed. on the PC it is not working first completely uninstall DJI Assistant. Then do the following.
1. Press Windows Key + X to open Power User Menu. Select Command Prompt (Admin) from the menu.
2. Once the Command Prompt open, enter bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks on and press Enter.
3. Run as Administrator and install DJI Assistant. Make sure to right click and install as administrator.
4. Optional: To enable driver signature enforcement back again, open the Command Prompt as administrator and enter bcdedit.exe /set nointegritychecks off.
Wachtberger Posted at 2018-6-1 09:45
Installing this driver package provided by DJI might help: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4jKLmmRYhQaX3pYOXJRWkpzSFE/view?usp=sharing
It used to work very well on my old Win10 64bit PC on a USB 2.0 port, but on my new PC I experience problems on a USB 3.0 port. Both the internal and the SD card drives of MA are well recognised, but file transfer most of the time fails. Working on that...
Very sorry that it didn't work for you. As mentioned, I am experiencing problems on my new machine as well. I shall let you know as soon as I have found a solution.
Wachtberger Posted at 2018-6-5 14:07
Very sorry that it didn't work for you. As mentioned, I am experiencing problems on my new machine as well. I shall let you know as soon as I have found a solution.
The problem is the DJI drivers are unsigned so many times PC's will block the installation of these unsigned drivers unless you turn that off like I showed above. Even if it may show the device in device manager it still may be missing a driver that was blocked during installation skipping installing the unsigned driver.
SparksBird Posted at 2018-6-5 14:02
Most likely your PC is not installing all the unsigned DJI Drivers. Do this.
Your PC might be blocking the installation of the unsigned USB drivers needed. on the PC it is not working first completely uninstall DJI Assistant. Then do the following.
Thanks SparksBird.
I tried both and still no luck picking up USB connection. Connects ok in DJI Assistant 2. In the Command Prompt I am getting this message
The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access is denied
A CW Posted at 2018-6-5 13:58
Not good! Make sure you are on the latest version of Assistant 2. If all of that continues to fail you may need to contact DJI support
DJI Assistant 2 works fine its when I am trying to get a USB connection to get the photos/Video off the SD card.
BigRoyBoy Posted at 2018-6-5 14:44
Thanks SparksBird.
I tried both and still no luck picking up USB connection. Connects ok in DJI Assistant 2. In the Command Prompt I am getting this message
The boot configuration data store could not be opened. Access is denied
I know but the same concept applies as far as the installation of the drivers. That means you are not running the command with elevated administrator privileges and possibly why not all of the drivers are installing. Try the second method in the video I posted.
SparksBird Posted at 2018-6-5 14:58
I know but the same concept applies as far as the installation of the drivers. That means you are not running the command with elevated administrator privileges and possibly why not all of the drivers are installing. Try the second method in the video I posted.
I tried the video and also did not work. I have just plugged it into my sons computer and it worked.