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I give up (mavic pro)
1327 25 2018-6-3
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

I don't know know what to do

I'm having issue of choppy video feed since Dji Go v4.2.8 and with all the further releases.
I've tried everything: reinstall the app (android) deleting all previous folder, reflashed latest firmware on drone and RC, tried auto and manual channel in a place with zero interferences, tried with side USB and with bottom USB, I close all the application running in the background, put the phone in aircraft mode...
Nothing helps and the problem seems to became even worse with every dji go release.
Everytime I get told the the problem will be forwarded to DJI engeneers but nothing change.
Please fix this issue

P.s. I have a galaxy s6 which is listed among compatible devices
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
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South Africa

I strongly suggest with the S6 that you go to apk mirror and download the previous version of the Dji Go4 app. The new app uses a lot of memory and the S6 ram cannot keep up hence the lag and choppy video issues
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

Thank you very much Suren for your reply! Which previous version do you suggest me to install?
Do you mean a version previous 4.2.8?
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Flight distance : 153268 ft
United States

I've had the same issue with the last few updates . I have always run DJIGo4 on my Droid Turbo without issue since getting one of the first Mavics . I finally upgraded to a Galaxy S9+ and it runs great again . I really wish DJI would allow us to run a version that would still work with the equipment we had when we purchased the unit . You shouldn't be forced to purchase a new device simply to continue flying your drone .
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Suren's advice is sound.
May I suggest that you try a different phone.
I have been using my trusty old Samsung J7 again, to sort out different issues on my Mavic Pro. The point being, it only had 900mb of free ram when all other apps have been killed off and go4 is running.
I didn't realise the latest go 4 was significantly larger. Thanks Suren for mentioning.
Other things that need to be eliminated are storage space and running apps. You have wisely used aircraft mode, though I have never done that. It will stop other processes taking processor cycles away from your feed. Any running app, other than Go4 will also take cycles.
I should have mentioned I also tried the Samsung S4 with wiped memory and killed apps and that had no video issues either. I only ran it for 15 minutes though, so not much of a test.
Hope things get resolved.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
  • >>>
South Africa

Numero 5 Posted at 2018-6-3 05:21
Thank you very much Suren for your reply! Which previous version do you suggest me to install?
Do you mean a version previous 4.2.8?

Version 4.1.15 seemed to work great with the S6 for my friend no issues and no lag
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Bill B
Flight distance : 319245 ft
United States

Suren Posted at 2018-6-3 05:42
Version 4.1.15 seemed to work great with the S6 for my friend no issues and no lag


May I ask the process, in order to roll back my version of DJI go. I am on the latest version with a S5 and it has gone choppy on me. It worked ok with the previous release. I would be looking for the app on playstore and would like to know the steps to find the older version and delete all aspects of the most recent on my device. Thanks for your time.

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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

Thank you Suren I'll try that!!
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
  • >>>
South Africa

Bill B Posted at 2018-6-3 05:51

May I ask the process, in order to roll back my version of DJI go. I am on the latest version with a S5 and it has gone choppy on me. It worked ok with the previous release. I would be looking for the app on playstore and would like to know the steps to find the older version and delete all aspects of the most recent on my device. Thanks for your time.

Download the version from here, save all the photos and videos you want from the Dji app now and then do a complete delete including the folders from My Files, the install this apk, it will give you a warning about installing from unknown sources just accept it and it will install. ... droid-apk-download/
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10731690 ft
United States

Yeah your S6 is really at the low end of the minimum requirements.  The thing to keep in mind is the later versions of DJI GO 4 app seem to be more processing intensive so that means the older devices really struggle.  These DJI Drones seen to run better on IOS compared to android.  Even though the one exception is their CS which has their own version of android.  From what I have seen you seem to need more processing using an android compared to apple.  
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

Ok thank you all for the advices
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First Officer
Flight distance : 10464596 ft

Bill B Posted at 2018-6-3 05:51

May I ask the process, in order to roll back my version of DJI go. I am on the latest version with a S5 and it has gone choppy on me. It worked ok with the previous release. I would be looking for the app on playstore and would like to know the steps to find the older version and delete all aspects of the most recent on my device. Thanks for your time.

Bee sure to sync your flight records to the Dji cloud before deleting the records.
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

Just an update to my issue... I've reinstalled dji go 4.1.15 (clean flash deleting also DJI folder on the phone) but the choppy video feed is still there what am I doing wrong?
Reflashing again latest firmware on the drone could solve the problem or at this point it would be better formatting my phone?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 108805200 ft
  • >>>

I get good video feed with my S7, but not great as compared to seeing others who've posted better video quality from the App on YouTube. I have no idea what device they're using? But it's clearly better and many of the post dates are a year or more ago, therefore the devices shouldn't be too much newer?  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 108805200 ft
  • >>>

SparksBird Posted at 2018-6-3 05:58
Yeah your S6 is really at the low end of the minimum requirements.  The thing to keep in mind is the later versions of DJI GO 4 app seem to be more processing intensive so that means the older devices really struggle.  These DJI Drones seen to run better on IOS compared to android.  Even though the one exception is their CS which has their own version of android.  From what I have seen you seem to need more processing using an android compared to apple.

I'm guessing Apple has better video codecs and stronger connectivity with OcuSync? I see a big difference between my Mavic Pro screenshot videos and others who post their screenshots on YouTube? The video quality has more frame rates whereas my S7 is good, but some of the better ones I've seen it looks like the App video is practically the same as video from the  SD card?

My S7 does has 4GB RAM and Snapdragon 820, certainly more than enough to properly run DJI GO 4, but IDK?
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

I saw many many post here on this forum (and also on other forums too) that many people are getting issues with latest release of dji (with various phones and OS). I bought my Mavic one year ago and since then I haven't seen as many users as this latest releases lamenting so many problems with dji go (choppy video or aircraft disconnected issue)
My phone is surely old and this is my fault, but imho latest releases of dji go app have some serious problem
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Flight distance : 1624 ft

We hear this over and over.... the app constantly demands more processor power to run, with every update. (secneo??)
You need to have a more powerful device..
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First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Numero 5 Posted at 2018-6-4 00:26
Just an update to my issue... I've reinstalled dji go 4.1.15 (clean flash deleting also DJI folder on the phone) but the choppy video feed is still there  what am I doing wrong?
Reflashing again latest firmware on the drone could solve the problem or at this point it would be better formatting my phone?

Back up your phone content and settings to google, if you think they are worth keeping.
Wipe the phone and prevent any apps updating (for the moment)
Install Go4 and do a test flight.
If this works, Only install useful apps. The backup on google might be best forgotten, because you will probably bring back issues.
Also, always kill off all running apps before loading GO4 on every flight.
To do that, use the left button, like 2 overlapping squares and press close all.
Use props
Flight distance : 3343 ft

United States

Numero 5 Posted at 2018-6-4 00:26
Just an update to my issue... I've reinstalled dji go 4.1.15 (clean flash deleting also DJI folder on the phone) but the choppy video feed is still there  what am I doing wrong?
Reflashing again latest firmware on the drone could solve the problem or at this point it would be better formatting my phone?

I had the same problem, I could not fly my Mavic with the super choppy video.

I Just installed the Litchi App, and downgraded the My Mavic  back to 1.4.0200 because  the Litchi app had some lag on 1.4.0300. The Litchi App works perfect on on 1.4.0200, very good audio and basically the same functionality.

Just FYI if you rollback to 1.4.0200 the djigo app will not let you take off unless you upgrade back to .0300 (Litchi doesnt care about firmware on MP.  My plan is to stay on Litchi until DJI fixes the issue.  I fly with a Droid MotoZ  Force, that has a 2.2Ghz Quad Core Processor, Iphone 7 also runs a 2.2 QuadProcessor.  Buying a new phone is not a option
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

Thank you dbparti024 for the info
It's really frustrating that we spent a lot of money buying a DJI drone and then we need a third party app to fly because it works better than the official one... Also for me buying a new phone is not an option.
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

post deleted
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

post deleted
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 872572 ft

Everyone please be careful with this defect!  You may lose your Mavic as I did because of this and it appears that DJI is unwilling to address this and the problem goes back to v 4.1.15 of the Android app 'update'.  I have not flown since I lost my Mavic to this issue.  I am still hoping that DJI will do the right thing and replace my Mavic and I am in the process (still) of collecting info to show them that this is not the fault of the user (as unfortunately the loss of video, Aircraft Disconnect and command lag will NOT show up in your app flight data and this goes against you when you reach out to DJI for service/support!).  Please refer to older posts on this exact matter (e.g. .  I highly recommend returning your Mavic with tons of juice b/c if the app fails and puts you in a sticky situation (like me) it will go critical low level on you as you try to regain full operational control (app/RC) and you may not be able to return or land properly!!  I am still working on my case with DJI and have returned to the forums after a long hiatus and am shocked and upset that it seams like this problem still persists!  
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Flight distance : 2730026 ft
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United States

"Rolling back" to me seems like they are improving in the wrong direction. Why do we have to "unimprove" their improvements?
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Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Numero 5 Posted at 2018-6-5 08:15
Thank you dbparti024 for the info
It's really frustrating that we spent a lot of money buying a DJI drone and then we need a third party app to fly because it works better than the official one... Also for me buying a new phone is not an option.

Did you try AlansDronePics's suggestions?
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Numero 5
Flight distance : 1385702 ft

Sure I've tried! I've killed all apps running in the background but in my case it hasn't helped, same issue...
Anyway as I said in op I give up and keep on flying with video lag, hoping that DJI will fix the issue or (more realistically) until I'll change my phone
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