Hi Dji,
Yesterday I had a my first random flyaway on my p3a which lead to a bad crash. have not had a single issue with it previously. always maintained and pre flights done, compass cal, i had 12 sats for gps where i was flying minimum wind, clear skys and nothing out of the ordainairy. abit about the flight, i took off on an oval had for about 15 seconds i had control. flying at aprox 30m it became speratic and i lost all control of the aircraft. it flew in line of sight still incressing speed very quickly banking hard to one side, to my eyes it look to lift up high and invert over itself, and include a few rotations before it decended crashing into trees and into a off road. upon getting to the crash site i noted extreme damage to the top shell, bottom shell, camera gimble have all broken. camera and battery was completely removed from phantom. flying where i was on an oval i did not record the flight as my flight area would only have included the oval with direct line of sight, I have retrieved the flight data from the p3a, i dont believe that i was incontrol of the dji flight software/hardware at all after the initial 15seconds and look forward to how to proceed from here.