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"DroneViewer" - new software for DJI drone video playback
10227 30 2018-6-12
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United States

Hi Everyone,

I am trying to gauge interest in a new product I developed, tentatively called “DJI Viewer”. This software allows you to view your drone videos in a whole new way!

While your movie is playing you can see your drone's position update on a Google Map. You can geotag key positions in the video and jump back to them instantly. You can click on your route in the Map View to jump immediately to that point in the movie. You can export portions of your videos to separate clips, or export just a single geotagged frame. DJI Viewer has multiple views including graphs of your drone's speed, altitude, distance, and bearing. Imperial and metric units are supported. The software has been localized for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese. And, importantly, DJI Viewer runs on both macOS and Windows computers. It is compatible with the SRT data files produced by the Mavic Pro, Phantom 3, Phantom 4 and possibly other DJI drones. Applications include surveying, oil and gas research, search and rescue, archeology, geography, and just plain fun.

I believe it would make a useful companion-application to the family of DJI drones. I'm hoping that DJI will endorse, support, or best of all, license the software for all DJI customers. If you think it would be useful please let me (and DJI) know. I haven't released it yet.

Here are the main features:
  • Zoomable, translatable, resizable movie view
  • “Real time” display of drone's location on a Map
  • Automatically center map on vehicle, or keep map fixed
  • Drone route color-coded by speed
  • Click on drone's map route to jump to that position in movie
  • Heads-up display of current date, time, speed, distance, position, and bearing
  • Heads-up display of altitude and Satellites-in-View
  • Speedometer display of speed
  • Compass display of direction
  • Weather widget for retrieving weather conditions at the location and time of movie
  • Graphs of speed, distance, altitude, bearing, and satellites-in-View
  • Click on vehicle’s Graph trace to jump to that position in movie
  • Autoscale Graph views
  • Geotag points of interest and instant jump to those points in the movie sequence
  • Import and export Geotags to a file
  • “Real time” display of drone's line-of-sight distance from geotagged points
  • Movie List view shows drone's top speed in each movie
  • Remove uninteresting movies from the various views
  • Export sections of movies to separate movie files
  • Combine multiple movies into a single large movie
  • Variable playback speed control
  • Jump to fastest part of route instantly
  • Jump to any loaded movie instantly
  • Slider controls for switching between movies
  • Info display of movie file name, file size, and frame rate
  • Drag and drop loading of movies
  • Drag and drop loading of movie directories
  • GPS data export to CSV, KML, and GPX file formats
  • GPS data import of GPX file format
  • Export current movie window to JPG or PNG file
  • Auto-load movie directory upon start-up
  • Click to reveal currently-playing movie in Finder/Explorer
  • Support for kph or mph units
  • Support for timezone biasing
  • Documented keyboard and mouse shortcuts
  • Support for internet proxy server connection
  • User-selectable language support: English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Hungarian, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Vietnamese
  • Users Manual


- jflyer3

Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 10731690 ft
United States

Looks very nice.  May have to give a look.  Free??
Use props
First Officer
  • >>>
United States

Second that. Is it free? if not, how much?
Use props
Flight distance : 13528625 ft
  • >>>
South Africa

Good Software, lets us know when it is available
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Optimus Prime-Mavic Air
Second Officer
Flight distance : 568704 ft

great software and must have. can you share?
Use props
Flight distance : 13560 ft
United States

That’s pretty darn nice.  Looking forward to availability.  
Use props
Flight distance : 2745732 ft
  • >>>

Looks good.
2 questions : can it export the video with the location part added? (not jpeg, but as a new video)
What are the costs?
Use props
Ken Storm
Second Officer
Flight distance : 178583 ft
United Kingdom

Looks good. Would like to know your pricing model. i.e. Micro Transaction based, Advertisement based, outright purchase, or ..... just free.
That or sell it to DJI... looks like a worthwhile addition to their Assistant software.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 745180 ft

Wow, this looks very great. can I beta test?
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 538596 ft
United Kingdom

Looks like a lot of thought and work has gone into making your DJI Viewer - great job! I'd definitely buy a license - either directly (click bank/paypal) or via DJI app store. As a developer getting DJI to endorse your app would probably be a good route - it very much depends on what kind of deal you can make or want with them. I think products like Autopilot & Litchi are good examples of independent developer products that have gained a market without any direct DJI marketing as far as I know. You could do a quick pricing survey on the forum to get an idea of what a snap shot of drone flyers would be willing to pay - probably as it would be useful to commercial pilots and videographers you could price accordingly - so not 'free' unless this is something you don't want to maintain and is just an interesting project. Just my 2 cents.
Use props
Flight distance : 252172 ft

agree, good idea.
beta test is possible?
Use props
Flight distance : 605466 ft
United Kingdom

Sounds v interesting.

Put me down for a beta tester as well.

As to price point,  I have bought many 5 to 10 dollar apps, or programs as they were called, but above 20, theyhad to be really useful or special etc.
Use props
Second Officer
Flight distance : 852854 ft
  • >>>

Pretty cool!
Use props
Ex Machina
First Officer
Flight distance : 1806362 ft
United States

Very cool, good luck with that and hope to be able to play with it soon!
Use props
Flight distance : 4463455 ft
  • >>>

Looks cool.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 927927 ft
United States

Excellent looking APP.
I can see you put a lot of time and thought into it.
I wish you well with it and I hope DJI considers it.

Use props
United States

Wow, thanks for the positive feedback and advice! The app is not quite ready for release because I can't stop adding features. Currently adding slo-motion and fast-motion clip export and merging. :-)

My goal is to partner with DJI in some way so that you guys can download it for free or at a minimal cost. Although I've been buying and flying DJI drones since 2014, I don't have any key contacts at the company. Anyone know a business partnership rep at DJI? I have no clue how to approach the mothership!

Use props
Flight distance : 1228780 ft
United States

Excellent app jflyer3. Would definitely use it and willing to pay for the app.
Use props
Ken Storm
Second Officer
Flight distance : 178583 ft
United Kingdom

jflyer3 decide on a feature set. Basically by the looks of it, what you already have. Call it version 1.0 and stick to it. Stop tinkering.
The rest can be done as incremental updates or new versions.
Remember you may think its pretty bug free, but once in the wild you will probably find that users find a whole lot more.
Use props
Flight distance : 1315823 ft

Hi, I can translate it to Lithuanian language
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 477008 ft

Hi it seems a interesting app. Is it available for iPhone? where can I try it?
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 477008 ft

sorry I see is form Mac and windows
Use props
Flight distance : 7425909 ft
United States

Looks very cool.  I hope it will work with the Mavic Air as well.
Use props
United States

BKahuna Posted at 2018-6-18 09:13
Looks very cool.  I hope it will work with the Mavic Air as well.

Unfortunately the Mavic Air's SRT files do not include geopositioning data. I have no idea why DJI did not include it!
Use props
Flight distance : 395072 ft
United States

How does the video pair up with the data and what data can it import (Litchi, DJI txt, AirData, Mavic raw csv)?
Use props
United States

Currently the software works with the SRT files produced when you enable the Video Caption option in the GO App. The SRT files are ideal (or almost ideal) because they are paired and synced with specific movies. They are saved alongside the movie files on the SD card so they require no gyrations to extract.  DJI could improve the SRT files by increasing the precision of the latitude and longitude data within (that's why you see the speed varying and compass moving erratically sometimes). The software is also compatible with the data files produced by the Flytrex Core 2.  As the product evolves I will support additional formats.

So for now, I recommend that folks turn on the Video Caption option to start producing their SRT files. Note that not all SRT files are created equal. The SRT files from the Air do not have lat/lon information and are useless in this application. Also, I have discovered that the SRT file format is constantly evolving. DJI seems to change it from time to time, which keeps me on my toes.
Use props
United States

I've got some good news for folks interested in the software:  I've officially released the software under the name "DroneViewer v1.0.0". Both Mac and Windows versions are available for download now. Please take it for a spin.

Under the Help menu you'll find a 60-page User's Manual that comes with the download. Also, the website has a "Getting Started" section which shows how to prepare GPS data for use with DroneViewer. I plan to add support for additional GPS data formats as the software evolves. Thanks for your patience!

Website :

Use props
United States

DroneViewer 1.1.0 is now available on our website. Versions 1.0.1, 1.0.2 and 1.1.0 have the following new additions and improvements:

New Features:

• New user-configurable speedometer!
• Now compatible with GPS-enabled GoPro HERO5 and HERO6 cameras!
• Added new Line-Of-Sight (LOS) graph. This graph shows the distance of the drone from the start point.
• LOS is now exported in the CSV file.
• Added new speed unit: meters/sec. You can switch units via the Preferences or by clicking the units tag in the speedometer.
• Improvements in auto-scaling of graphs
• Improvements to graphs when changing speed units
• Added compatibility with Phantom 4 Pro v2, which embeds its GPS data inside the movie file itself. Note that Video Caption must be enabled in the Go App for this to occur. Earlier Phantom 4 Pro drones (and possibly Inspire2 drones), which also store their SRT data in the movies, may work as well although I haven't tested them.
• Updated Users Manual

Bug Fixes:

• Fixed bug in distance readout
• Fixed artifact on main window after startup
• Fixed bug in that would prevent default settings file from being deleted
• Fixed bug in which geotags could have incorrect timestamps
• Fixed bug related to preserving windows sizes between runs
• Fixed bug in which altitude values in GPX files could be ignored
• Fixed bug in which consecutive movies recorded at significantly different times would not update the cursor correctly.
• Fixed bug in which SRT data points stored at greater than 1 Hz were not loaded properly.

Website :

Use props
United States

Just wanted to let folks know we just released DroneViewer v1.1.3 today! If you're not familiar with DroneViewer, here is a short description:

DroneViewer is a Mac and Windows application that lets you play your videos on the main screen while watching your drone's speed, distance, position, and bearing update on graphs, data displays, and maps. You can geotag key points in your route and jump back to them instantly. You can export portions of your videos to separate clips, or export just a single geotagged frame. You can save your route to common file formats such as comma-separated value (CSV), GPS-exchange (GPX), or Google Earth (KML), for further data analysis.

Works with MavicPro, MavicPro2 (tested with fw v01.00.0200), Phantom 3, Phantom 4, and Phantom 4 Pro.

And here are the recent changes:

Version 1.1.3March 9, 2019
New Features:
  • Alt-Return, F11, and Cmd-F (Mac) or Ctrl-F (Win) will all toggle fullscreen mode
  • The spacebar-to-pause/resume feature now works even if the main window is not in the forefront.

General Improvements:
  • The Time Preferences have been simplified. The Auto-Fix Time Offsetbutton, the Always Auto-Fix Time Offsetbutton, and the Time Offsetfield have all been removed. These have been replaced with a Time Biasfield. The Time Bias allows you to fine-tune the synchronization of the video with the drone’s map position. In most cases this can be left at '0' seconds.

Bug Fixes:
  • Fixed crash that could occur if all graph y values were identical.

Version 1.1.2December 16, 2018
New Features:
  • Added compatibility with the SRT files produced by the DJI Mavic 2 Pro using firmware version 01.00.0200. Note that altitude data is missing from the SRT file.
  • The Registered version will now display up to 66 minutes of GoPro lat/lon/alt data. Previously, the Registered version would only show 1 minute of GoPro data.
Bug Fixes:
  • Improved synchronization between video and data.

Version 1.1.1December 2, 2018
New Features:
  • Users can now switch latitude/longitude formats in the Dashboard, Geotags, and CSV file export. The options are Decimal degrees (DD.DDDDDD), integer degrees+decimal minutes (DD MM.MMMM), or integer degrees+integer minutes+decimal seconds (DD MM SS.SS). Single-click in the lat/lon Dashboard display to toggle between formats, or access the setting in the Preferences.
  • Tap the 'f' key to swap compass icons between quadcopter and arrow
  • Improved data graph draw speeds
  • Improved responsiveness of Dashcam Viewer when clicking in the map or in a graph to jump to a point in a video.

Use props
United States

We're happy to announce that DroneViewer 1.2.4 is now available on our website and has the following new enhancements:

v1.2.4 Improvements and Bug Fixes:

  • The mouse can now be in the main viewer window to perform a zoom using the mouse wheel. Previously, the mouse had to be on top of the main video for mouse wheel zoom to take effect.
  • Improved layout of Map Window controls
  • [Mac] Improved font rendering in GUI panels
  • [Mac] Improved zoom behavior for users of Apple MagicMouse or trackpads.
  • [Mac] Improved support for Dark Mode
  • [Mac] Fixed ‘blank tab’ GUI issue when run under macOS Big Sur
  • [Windows] DroneViewer will no longer remind you to install K-Lite Codec Pack if you’ve installed it already.

Screenshot from macOS verion demonstrating Dark Mode

And here is a list of recently-added features:

v1.2.3 New Features:
  • Added support for DJI Mavic Air 2. Note: Be sure to turn on Video Captioning in the DJI Fly app to ensure the trajectory data is written into the video files.
  • Added support for the Autel EVO 2. Be sure to turn on Subtitle .ass File Option in the AutelExplorer app.
Bug Fixes:
  • Embedded SRT format: No longer require the videos to have uppercase .MOV or .MP4 extensions.

v1.2.2 New Features:
  • Added support for DJI Mavic Mini. Note: Be sure to turn on Video Captioning in the DJI Fly app to ensure the trajectory data is written into the video files.
  • GPX importer now supports <time> stamps with fractional seconds.
  • GPX export now produces GPX v1.1 namespace
Bug Fixes:
  • Prevent crash that could happen if GPX datarate is at too high a frequency.

v1.2.1 New Features:
  • Improved compatibility with Mavic Pro 2 by supporting altitude metric (firmware v01.00.0510 required). DJI added altitude into the SRT format and DroneViewer takes advantage of it! The altitude is now shown in the Altitude Graph and numerically in the Dashboard Display. Use the DroneViewer settings to optionally change the altitude from native WGS84 values, to Mean Sea Level or AGL. Plus, DJI improved the geospatial data resolution in the latest SRT file format and Now the Mavic Pro 2 trajectory shown on the map is much smoother and more accurate than before.
  • Added support for the Autel X-Star Premium drone via the .ass file. Now both the Autel EVO and X-Star Premium are supported.

v1.2.0 New Features:
  • Added support for the Autel EVO drone via the .ass file (v1.4.9 FW)
  • Compatible with DJI Mavic Pro 2 Zoom (no altitude)
  • Added user-selectable altitude correction modes:
  • None, Geoid, and Relative to 1st point
  • Switched to instead of for historical weather.
  • Black background for Graph widget

DroneViewer displays your GPS-enabled GoPro and drone videos in a whole new way! With DroneViewer you can play your videos on the main screen while watching your drone’s speed, distance, position, and bearing update on graphs, data displays, and maps. You can geotag key points in your route and jump back to them instantly. You can export portions of your videos to separate clips, or export just a single geotagged frame. You can save your route to common file formats such as comma-separated value (CSV), GPS-exchange (GPX), or Google Earth (KML), for further data analysis. There are many other features in the software which are detailed on our website ( The free version is fully-functional and allows the loading of up to 1 video at a time.
Use props
Flight distance : 1611 ft
United Kingdom

I’ve down loaded the trial version of 1.2.4, and I’m afraid to say that I think no-one should buy this software until they can get a working copy.
I installed it in windows 10, and it will not play my videos from MAVIC MINI, nor indeed does it load any videos from any source.
There is a similar app called DASHCAM VIEWER, which produced the same result when I tried that.
If there is a MINIMUM spec for using this software, I would be grateful of the details.
Use props
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