Gimble problem non functional
2057 18 2018-6-15
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

Hello, it looks like I really need help.  I have had a Mavic Pro for over a year.  I just brought out the drone and set it up for a flight, but the gimble is not setting itself up properly.  It cycles through its movements in multiple directions, but settles with the camera pointed downward and reports that the gimble might still have the lock on, which it does not..   it has been flying and performing great, until today.  The only thing I can think of is two days ago, with the phone and app NOT connected to the Mavic I went into the app and adjusted gimble response rates in order to get smoother video clips.  Could that have caused this, or is that just a chance occurrence?  I have reset the gimble settings, but that didn’t help.  If I leave the Mavic on, every 20 seconds or so, it attempts to cycle and reset the gimble, but same error is reported.  I tried turning everything off and on a couple of times, no change.  I now have a completely non functional camera drone, from the camera perspective.  All other parameters seem fine.  Please help!j
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

I do have video of this, both on my phone and from the Mavic side, of it would be helpful to see I could post to YouTube
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DJI Natalia

Sorry for this trouble. Has the drone been involved in the crash or hard landing before? Please try to install the DJI Assistant 2 to your computer so that you can update/refresh the firmware of your aircraft. Let us know the result.

For Windows: ... sistant+2+1.2.4.exe

For Mac: ... sistant+2+1.2.4.pkg
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-6-15 07:46
Sorry for this trouble. Has the drone been involved in the crash or hard landing before? Please try to install the DJI Assistant 2 to your computer so that you can update/refresh the firmware of your aircraft. Let us know the result.

For Windows:

Hi,  and thank you for responding.  I did get an email that you responded, hours ago, and I hit reply, but I guess you didnt get my response.     The drone has not been in a crash, nor has it had a hard landing or any kind of bang or knock at all.  The last flight was June 5th, which was normal.  Our son was visiting from England, and he was heading back that day (I am in Ontario, Canada), and he has 5 batteries for his Mavic Pro, so to help him reduce the charge of his batteries, I did a flight near my home to burn off some of the power in one of his batteries.  Since that flight, my Mavic Pro has been in it’s case, in my home office, untouched.  Today, I took he Mavic out of it’s case, took off the camera cover and gimbal lock in my office, carried the Mavic downstairs and outside, and when I turned it on, the problem was there.  Today I tried resetting gimbal parameters, didn’t change anything.  I connected the Mavic with my Macintosh laptop, and using dji assistant I made sure firmware was up to date (it was) and I did a reset of the drone(dji support chat helped me to do these things), and nothing changed.  The error code indicated that the gimbal may still be locked, but in fact it moves completely while the Mavic is starting up.  I tried recalibration the gimbal, but recalibration failed.  
Please help me.  This ,ales no sense.  His drone has been performing fantastically and all of a sudden, this error.  The gimbal will not respond to either the rotating wheel on the left nor the five way button on the right.
  My previous flight to June 5 was my making the video for submission to dji in order to take advantage of the May 2018 option of renewing djicare refresh and extend the warrantee.  That video was submitted, approved and the djicare refresh plus was purchased and confirmed.

Here are two videos from today, one is of the Mavic so you can see what the gimbal is doing, the second is video taken from the Mavic during this process.  You will note that in the first video the Mavic was in take off position on a concrete patio, when it became clear that I wasn’t going flying today, I moved into the shade, put the Mavic on a glass topped patio furniture table, and recorded video from the Mavic’s camera.  It is hard to hear the sounds well in the recording of the Mavic, but to my ear, when the camera gimbal is cycling through it’s movements, it seems to make a louder “click”sound than normal as it swings through its range of motion.

  Please help me.  Lorie
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-6-15 07:46
Sorry for this trouble. Has the drone been involved in the crash or hard landing before? Please try to install the DJI Assistant 2 to your computer so that you can update/refresh the firmware of your aircraft. Let us know the result.

For Windows:

Hi,  and thank you for responding.  I did get an email that you responded, hours ago, and I hit reply, but I guess you didnt get my response.     The drone has not been in a crash, nor has it had a hard landing or any kind of bang or knock at all.  The last flight was June 5th, which was normal.  Our son was visiting from England, and he was heading back that day (I am in Ontario, Canada), and he has 5 batteries for his Mavic Pro, so to help him reduce the charge of his batteries, I did a flight near my home to burn off some of the power in one of his batteries.  Since that flight, my Mavic Pro has been in it’s case, in my home office, untouched.  Today, I took he Mavic out of it’s case, took off the camera cover and gimbal lock in my office, carried the Mavic downstairs and outside, and when I turned it on, the problem was there.  Today I tried resetting gimbal parameters, didn’t change anything.  I connected the Mavic with my Macintosh laptop, and using dji assistant I made sure firmware was up to date (it was) and I did a reset of the drone(dji support chat helped me to do these things), and nothing changed.  The error code indicated that the gimbal may still be locked, but in fact it moves completely while the Mavic is starting up.  I tried recalibration the gimbal, but recalibration failed.  
Please help me.  This ,ales no sense.  His drone has been performing fantastically and all of a sudden, this error.  The gimbal will not respond to either the rotating wheel on the left nor the five way button on the right.
  My previous flight to June 5 was my making the video for submission to dji in order to take advantage of the May 2018 option of renewing djicare refresh and extend the warrantee.  That video was submitted, approved and the djicare refresh plus was purchased and confirmed.

Here are two videos from today, one is of the Mavic so you can see what the gimbal is doing, the second is video taken from the Mavic during this process.  You will note that in the first video the Mavic was in take off position on a concrete patio, when it became clear that I wasn’t going flying today, I moved into the shade, put the Mavic on a glass topped patio furniture table, and recorded video from the Mavic’s camera.  It is hard to hear the sounds well in the recording of the Mavic, but to my ear, when the camera gimbal is cycling through it’s movements, it seems to make a louder “click”sound than normal as it swings through its range of motion.

  Please help me.  Lorie
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

This is the correct link
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DJI Natalia

loriedvm Posted at 2018-6-15 17:49

This is the correct link

Thank you for your response. I highly recommend sending in the unit to our facility for diagnosis and repair. Please click on this link to start the request:
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Dr. Afro
Flight distance : 28117 ft
United States

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-6-15 07:46
Sorry for this trouble. Has the drone been involved in the crash or hard landing before? Please try to install the DJI Assistant 2 to your computer so that you can update/refresh the firmware of your aircraft. Let us know the result.

For Windows:

Hi Natalia, I have tried this for my Mavic and it has been stuck at 61% for about an hour. This is the second time I have had this issue with a Mavic pro and seems to be regular occurrence. I am sure your response will be to send it in for repair but here are the issues I have seen with that based on other experiences.
1) it will take forever to get me drone back I see reports of weeks and months.
2) I will not get own drone back. This bothers me as I have purchased and applied custom skins on my Mavic.
3) it will cost me money to repair this out of warranty machine that has a chronic problem across many users.
Can you respond to these issues ? before I submit it for repair?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3579409 ft
United States


gimbalPronunciation Noungimbal (plural gimbals)
  • A device for suspending something, such as a ship's compass, so that it will remain level when its support is tipped.

gimbleVerbgimble (third-person singular simple present gimbles, present participle gimbling, simple past and past participle gimbled)
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

Hi Dr. Afro and second officer.  Any thoughts or ideas on what is going on with my Mavic and it’s Gimbal?
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Dr. Afro
Flight distance : 28117 ft
United States

I contacted Support, they told me to reset to factory settings, refresh the firmware (the latest I assume), then calibrate the "GIMBAL" (My bad). I have done all of this and it still has not been resolved. Still get the overload error and the picture on the phone screen is tilted.  When I look at the lens the notch underneath it is not centered and it will not center on its own. I am assuming this is causing the overload error but have no idea how to resolve it. I have photos below

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Flight distance : 610758 ft

Hi Dr. Afro,  you seem to have the same problem that I have.  I did all those same steps, didn’t correct a thing.   Gimbal recalibration failed for me as well, couldn’t get past 5%, just like in your photo.
I’m out of options, and see no choice but to send it in.  Should be a warranty problem, since I have not crashed, hard landed or any other user caused event....
Just all of a sudden it doesn’t work.  Rest of parameters seem normal on the app and the controller readouts.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3579409 ft
United States

Did you see these videos ?

   ( the first part of the video is very noisy. )

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DJI Natalia

Dr. Afro Posted at 2018-6-18 07:24
Hi Natalia, I have tried this for my Mavic and it has been stuck at 61% for about an hour. This is the second time I have had this issue with a Mavic pro and seems to be regular occurrence. I am sure your response will be to send it in for repair but here are the issues I have seen with that based on other experiences.
1) it will take forever to get me drone back I see reports of weeks and months.
2) I will not get own drone back. This bothers me as I have purchased and applied custom skins on my Mavic.

Sorry for this trouble. May we know what operating system of your computer? Kindly uninstall and reinstall the DJI Assistant 2 on your computer and re-do the update? Also, do you have another computer that you can use to update or refresh the firmware via DJI assistant 2?

For Windows: ... sistant+2+1.2.4.exe
For Mac: ... sistant+2+1.2.4.pkg
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

PS013 Posted at 2018-6-19 06:08
Did you see these videos ? ( the first part of the video is very noisy. )

No, I had not seen those videos!  I wish I had, because those drones are doing exactly what mine has been doing!  Well.....I packed up my drone three days ago, it is 1/2way to the Canadian dji repair facility in British Columbia, it will arrive there Monday.....I’ll just have to see what they say.  I sure wish I had seen these videos first to try that correction.    Obviously his is a dji problem, that they should take ownership of.  Thank you for sharing these two videos.  I’ll post updates as my drone is examined and hopefully repaired.
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-6-19 08:55
Sorry for this trouble. May we know what operating system of your computer? Kindly uninstall and reinstall the DJI Assistant 2 on your computer and re-do the update? Also, do you have another computer that you can use to update or refresh the firmware via DJI assistant 2?

For Windows:

My MacBook operates on 10.11.6.  I was   On line with dji chat support, who helped me to download and install dji Assistant, and he “talked “me  through The  entire   Procedure,  so  we. Know. It. Was Done   Properly.    It is moot now, as I have sent the drone in to dji for examination and repairs, as it seemed clear on Monday that I was not going to repair this at home, just with on line chat support.    Having seen those two videos of drones showing the same symptoms as mine,   What are your thoughts on this gimbal problem a number have had, and what is dji’s attitude toward, and thoughts about this problem?  Obviously I am not alone.
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DJI Natalia

loriedvm Posted at 2018-6-21 20:45
My MacBook operates on 10.11.6.  I was   On line with dji chat support, who helped me to download and install dji Assistant, and he “talked “me  through The  entire   Procedure,  so  we. Know. It. Was Done   Properly.    It is moot now, as I have sent the drone in to dji for examination and repairs, as it seemed clear on Monday that I was not going to repair this at home, just with on line chat support.    Having seen those two videos of drones showing the same symptoms as mine,   What are your thoughts on this gimbal problem a number have had, and what is dji’s attitude toward, and thoughts about this problem?  Obviously I am not alone.

Thank you for letting us know about the status of the aircraft and apologize for this inconvenience. Once the unit receives from our facility, they will do the diagnosis. You will receive an email with the result of the damage assessment and the resolution.
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Flight distance : 610758 ft

DJI Natalia Posted at 2018-6-22 07:17
Thank you for letting us know about the status of the aircraft and apologize for this inconvenience. Once the unit receives from our facility, they will do the diagnosis. You will receive an email with the result of the damage assessment and the resolution.

Hi Natalie, yes, of course I will hear from them once they have examined my Mavic Pro. But you did not answer my questions about this problem.  Looking  at the other two posted videos, it is obvious that I am not alone and that there is a dji problem.  Could you please tell me what you and dji know about this problem, and how common it is?  What do you know of as the cause, and what is typically needed to be done to repair it?  Thank you,
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DJI Natalia

loriedvm Posted at 2018-6-23 19:09
Hi Natalie, yes, of course I will hear from them once they have examined my Mavic Pro. But you did not answer my questions about this problem.  Looking  at the other two posted videos, it is obvious that I am not alone and that there is a dji problem.  Could you please tell me what you and dji know about this problem, and how common it is?  What do you know of as the cause, and what is typically needed to be done to repair it?  Thank you,

Thank you for your response. I apologize as I could not answer your question. Only our Analyst Team can provide you with the right details behind the issue. Thank you for your understanding.
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