Flight distance : 4938 ft
United Kingdom
Mavic Pro 2? What Mavic Pro 2? Nah, fill your boots with a Mavic Pro and enjoy using it now! It is a sophisticated little beastie with great capability.
I, too, acquired a Fly More Combo and my recommendations for accessories would be:
Propellor Guards: In my opinion, invaluable for a beginner, and just as valuable long after you become competent using the machine. The DJI guards are lightweight and sturdy.
Landing Gear Extensions: A worthwhile addition if you don't have a fold-up a landing pad. The Polar Pro variety are good quality, and provide good stabilty as they attach to the motor arms. However, a major drawback for me is that the the Polar Pro rear gear extensions, unfortunately, interfere with the rear fixing point of the DJI Propellor Guards - you can't use both together. Consequently, I subsequently purchased a cheaper set of generic gear extensions, which includes a single-piece rear gear that fits snugly to the Mavic's own rear gear, underneath the body (rather than to the rear motor arms). The combination of the Polar Pro front extensions, with the single rear extension, works well and allows me to retain the prop guards on the machine, at the cost of a slight reduction in lateral stability on the ground.
Extra Propellors: Other than the camera, one of the most vulnerable parts of the machine, so ensure you can keep flying if you damage props. Buy DJI, and avoid the cheap Chinese copies.
Extra Micro SD Cards: They can fill very quickly, and you will regret not having extra cards if you do not have portable download capability in the field.
Extra Battery: The Fly More Combo comes with 3 batteries, but I purchased a fourth - I feel more comfortable with 4.
Tablet Mount: You have mentioned a Phone Mount, so I guess that counts. I prefer a bigger screen - much easier to see, much easier to operate various modes/switches, and I have recently purchased a Polar Pro Tablet mount for use with a Samsung Galaxy Tab S3.
Camera Filters: I accept that a skilled user can perform wonders in post-production, with good software. I use Cyberlink PowerDirector 16, ColorDirector 6 and AudioDirector 8 (good value software - keep an eye out as Cyberlink often have discount weeks etc), but I am still learning the ropes. To expand the boundaries a bit I have just purchased a simple filter set, the DJI Mavic Pro Filter 3-Pack with Circular Polariser, ND8 and ND16 filters - they will probably be enough to begin with, just to whet my appetite without overloading my basic skills! ;-)