This is my very first attempt at actually editing together footage into a video like this. This is all still very new to me so any pointers any of you have for any aspect of the video please share them with me. Things like color balancing, exposures and the like. I have never set a digital camera manually before the spark so I have been learning new things everytime I fly. Hope you all enjoy.
This was taken at the American River confluence in Auburn, CA.
Nice that there was a cloudless sky for some consistent afternoon lighting.
Hey thanks man! Yeah the weather was pretty lucky. Not very much wind either until I got up to the bridge. Then there was some gusty nonsense going on XD
Steve Powell Posted at 2018-6-24 14:42
Nice job. What editing software did you use?
Thanks! I used adobe premiere pro. It is a little expensive though so I may try out elements and see if it will be sufficient for what I'm doing. Pro has quite a few bells and whistles I'm not really using.
Really great job! Editing is a lot to take in at first. I am working on that myself right now. You have done a first rate job of editing and of flying. Keep it up. I will be looking forward to your next project