Ive seen tons of these youtube videos about hacking your spark firmware blah blah blah I dont want to do this to my drone I just wanna know if any of these other shooting mode will be brought to the spark since they work fine anyone have any info?
munchausen Posted at 2018-6-18 21:37
That'd be really nice, I just don't see DJI to be bothered. They are mostly busy packing their mugs so they can move to their new HQ
Yeah it would be awesome I saw some really cool features that the spark could easily do and I think they should bring them onto the spark otherwise people are just gonna keep risking hacking their spark. I'll just try to recreate them the best I can myself!
I know this feeling, but only DJI knows if they will do that.
They have not been very clear about this, only that they will NOT have plans to add certain features (25pfs shooting, RAW etc.)
I believe the absence of rear OA will most likely mean DJI will not officially add it to the Spark. It's been nearly half a year now and still nothing. Not even the MP has asteroid and boomerang for probably the same reason.
eYeSkYeYe Posted at 2018-6-19 01:35
Just a slight clarification:
To get Mavic modes on Spark (POI, course/home lock etc..) you do NOT hack the birds firmware but DJI Go 4 app.
POI is very interesting, wish that the Spark had these features....
Haggi Posted at 2018-6-19 01:47
Mavic modes is magic
Spark over water..
see i wanna do this and i found out from the post above that it’s not the drone you hack but the app and i have a iphone so that sadly isn’t a option. awesome video though!