 Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
Hi first off sorry about your crash, glad you found it and take dji paladin advice, send in to get checked.
Looking at your log, IMU EXCEPTION HEADING warning came up pretty early in flight log, this is a direct problem with your IMU usually caused by an error with your compass, from your log I can see you took off from a car park, this leads me think that you picked up compass problem on the ground from some interference either rebar on the ground or close to metal objects.
When this occurs what happens is once your aircraft leaves the interference compass will correct itself, but leaves behind errors with IMU causing problems with the attitude of your aircraft, which often lead to aircraft going to Atti mode during your flight.
Yes on first warning you should have landed, later in your flight as Aircraft went into RTH mode, it was trying to reach its RTH altitude but as JB said wind was blowing it backwards it never reached its RTH height likely caused by strong wind. Then loss of gps because of recurring IMU heading problem and aircraft dropping to Atti mode, before it flew away .
The area you take off from should always be clear of any possible magnetic interference, like rebar concrete , buried power lines, large metal objects ie cars, and once you get warning of aircraft going to Atti mode you should always try to land safely immediately .
Also in similar wind conditions, when aircraft goes to RTH mode you can still control aircraft altitude and it’s forward movements, in your case lower RTH altitude if it’s safe and push full forward on your elevator, right hand stick, it will increase the pitch of your aircraft and it will fly faster.
But most important always start your outward journey flight, into the wind, that way at least if you get into trouble aircraft will be returning your way.
Good Luck. |