Flight distance : 158845 ft
hallmark007 Posted at 2018-7-1 04:24
A couple of things, how did you know if it was at 20%, RTH is the responsibility of the pilot to set in his app , and what it does is determined by him, you don’t say how far you were from homepoint, also if for instance you are flying under cover of trees then it’s likely it will be to dark for gesture mode to work correctly for obvious reasons.
Gesture mode works with two modes opti and gps so RTH will be the same as normal flying conditions. In the event of loosing subject it will fly to last lock location and if it still can not locate subject it will just land.
I wasnt confident to let Mavic fly totally on its own, i had it connected to my mobile for safety, when it engaged RTH i flew it back to me with an app.
Regarding Home point, i had to update it like every 30 meters cause Aircraft just stops and cant go any further cause of the limit (maybe theres an option to keep Home Point always updated on RC/mobile?).
Anyway, i wonder how it works if you dont use any control at all (No RC or Mobile), does Home Point sets upon lifting up and stays on one place all the time?
Please consider updating features regarding Gesture Control / Tracking, its funniest thing i ever seen and one of the best things about Mavic Air =). |