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18507 152 2014-11-2
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United Kingdom

I have a simple suggestion regarding how you go about launching firmware and software updates in moving forward. I would imagine you have the email address of the majority of the end users that purchase your products. Rather then simply post new versions of Software as well as Firmware updates how about keeping us as customers clued up in regards what to expect in performing updates via email? Not to mention the proper procedure to do so. Sadly many of us as customers are having unpleasant experiences. This has caused in many cases being the owner of one of your products to no longer have it function or perform as expected due to lack of information being provided from your end. The thought of operating one of your products that fails catastrophically due to lack of information is outrageous. I happen to be a member of the Phantom Vision+ OwnersGroup on Facebook. The website address for our group is as follows: If you are not monitoring our group that consists of over 4,489 members. I suggest your team joins our group at a minimum for monitoring purposes. Ideally for you to formally address our concerns and questions. You are more then welcome to join our group. In doing so I assure you it will help you build loyalty for your customer base. Please do not ignore this post without a response. I posted my concerns on this forum regarding issues I was having with my GPS. With no response or assistance from your end. I now own a Phantom 2 Vision Plus that I can honestly say I am not having any issues with due to modifications I performed myself. I for one want to remain a loyal customer. Please give me and my fellow owners a reason to do so. I am going to share this post with the members of the Facebook group I mentioned previously. Patiently awaiting your response.
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I do not know if you know the pronunciation but here in Belgium there is a saying: "you hit the nail on the head " No doubt ... I would say.... "Joseph for president"!
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Flight distance : 2856060 ft
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United States

+1, I think they need to respond to our requests and face these issues head on. I, too, have an up to dat, working P2V+. But overtime I fly I am worried that I may become another one of these stories we read about in the FB page. I am always scared to update firmware. I am hesitant to do the things in the manual, as many have different opinions about them. DJI is not the only one in this market. We are their most precious resource.

Oh, and Jo for Prez!
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United States

I totally agree with Joseph, This firmware update was the worse release ever. Very unplanned and untested. When you came out with the first 3.4 update you admitted that it was not functioning and took it out of the update with out telling anyone that you did that. I can tell you  that, very first update trashed the main board in my vision + camera. Brand new camera I might add. I fixed my self because I did not want to wait 3 months for you to fix and return it. Thank goodness I had spare board on hand.  
Then you released a new 3.4 and added it back in after you fixed the problems. And Again you told nobody about the second 3.4 update. Should have been 3.4.1. Now were siting on 3.6 and there are many issues out there. Peoples new battery's wont charge or have become completely useless due to bad updates. The list of problems goes on and on. You must give the user instructions on how to step by step do the upgrade process. If your having issues, please post it, and let us users know what the problems are so that we can avoid damaging our equipment. We all work our asses off to be able to afford your devices.

Communication is very key to prevent a lot of problems caused by DJI. Some of the problems are caused by the user as well. We all know that. Also why do you have this forum if your not going to address the concerns of your customers. It seems that we are doing the work here that your team should be doing on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong I love helping people and I do it on a daily basis. Once in a great while I might see someone from DJI Pop in and just give a retarded suggestion. Some of the users in this forum seem to know more about your product than some of you moderators.

So with this said DJI, you need to communicate to your customers. Use our feed back. Give detailed instructions for users that are less knowledgeable. Beta test your software, make sure it's good before releasing it to the public.

If you keep on this path, people will be forced to go with another vendor. Your competition is on your heals. And there are some very mad customers out there right now. Lets work together and make this great product work for everyone.


I can tell you that you have a great product. But you have to stay in touch with your customers and address their concerns.

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I agree 100% with Joseph, I've seen so many people loosing their Phantom since your last update.
So I am not updating until you fix your problems.
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United States

Filiep Posted at 2014-11-3 03:55
I do not know if you know the pronunciation but here in Belgium there is a saying: "you hit the nail ...

Well I am in the process of wanting to purchase more than just a few of these, however given that there seems to be so little customer support in the community as a whole...I have been put off from making my purchase at this time. DJI...when I read about people loosing their 1,200.00 dollar investment after only 2 or 6 flights....I am really apprehensive as to making any kind of a purchase. At the very least you need a kill main power kill switch to the quad copter end, that can be activated at the transmitter end so you don't have all of these fly a ways never to be seen again incidents. Seriously with what I've read on 4 different FB walls about DJI and the up dates of firmware + software updates and the many numerous fly a ways all with out logical explanation outside of realm of twilight zone stuff...I dunno if I want to invest 10 to 20K into a business venture that has no accountability on the product end of life.
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Flight distance : 63461 ft
United States

Same here, I've reported 4 problems with no resolution from DJI technical support. The after sales return process seemed to work, maybe we should all just return our Phantoms. Come on DJI, either get your act together and communicate with us or close this misleading forum. It's very apparent reporting anything here is a waste of our time.
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I did the 3.4 update but not the 3.6 ... everything is working well so far ... so no futher updates for me after reading the many problems      I enjoy flying but honestly... I am scared to loose it one day... I am sorry that I have bought one... hard to admit I keep wondering why DJI does not come with a official forum moderator, they spend millions on ads? I am sure they read this forum but... do they care? Anyway, I try to make the best out of it. Or ... do I have to look to myself and saying... "Filiep, you are a idiot and you better listen to your wife"  
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Agree, respond on issues, even tips, and feature request give customers and users of DJI products trust and feeling they been part of a nice and wonderful product. And make it even better, only because the community is talking, thinking and share all kind of information. But if DJI not involve there self then loyalty will fall apart... !!
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United States

Due to issues I had heard others have with this update, I opted to delete all DJI software from my computer and do a fresh install. I completed all my updates properly and took it out to test. I put in a freshly charged battery that has 97 % life left according to the DJI GUI, AND I performed all preflight steps including calibration and started it up. I let it warm up a minute as I ensured I had enough satellites and all data looked correct. I took off in a field with no obstructions that would cause interference staying at around 20-25 feet altitude and keeping a distance of no more than 150 feet from the LZ. It flew for about 3 minutes, but as I was coming around and heading back towards the LZ it just SHUT OFF! No audible or visual warnings whatsoever. It just powered down, turned upside down and crashed on its top.

As you will see from the attached photo there is no damage to the propellers or body of the craft, as it crashed in high grass from 23 feet, and yet the camera snapped off. Yes I know the exact measurement, because when it shut off I was looking at the screen.
After speaking with other phantom owners on FB, I learned I wasn't the only one that this has happened to. So up until this recent update I have had no issues with it. I just filmed a race this past Saturday and had no issues whatsoever. So what does DGI plan to do about this?? Your total disregard for communicating to current and future customers is unprofessional and unwarranted. All it does is cause dissent within our community as to the causes of crashes and flyaways, most often boiled down to pilot error. I seriously do not mind paying for a product, but in the end I am ultimately paying for customer service and support. Quite frankly many are NOT getting their monies worth. I would prefer to pay a lot less for a paper weight.

Obviously there is some sort of glitch either known or unknown that needs to be addressed while I shell out hobby money to fix something that in all honesty was not due to pilot error.
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United Kingdom

And also use words that we are familiar with, for example Switch on & switch off ... Not power cycle

a clear order of what software and firmware we need and a clear enough method of instruction

you've had our money now roll out the customer service
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Flight distance : 1361844 ft
United Kingdom

Official step by step DJI Tutorials with the updates should become standard practise please.  
A e-mail with the release is also a great suggestion.

Hit the support button if you agree.
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United States

Sad to hear so many update failures. I did it through 3.2, but the batteries didn't upgrade properly. Almost immediately the next day, 3.4 came out.. updated with that. Didn't fly yet. Then 3.6 was released. Still haven't flown. Got the new remote in the mail, paired it no problem. Still haven't flown. I then noticed that the LEDs aren't working anymore on my remote. Just the power LED is working, but the battery status indicators are not. I decided to re-do the process all over again, reflashing everything.. they still don't show up. Disappointing as this is one of the main reasons I bought the new remote. I've posted in numerous forums, phantompilots, facebook, and have yet to find a fix. I would really appreciate any help anyone from this forum or DJI themselves can supply. I took a flight around my yard, only about 10 feet off the ground in the event it went haywire (I've seen this happen to a few people). It seemed to operate fine. Only flew for about 5-10 minutes.   
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United States

I just did the 3.6 updates... and now im worried...
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I agree with Joseph, I read all manuals and follow all requirements but still had an issue with my phantom that required me to send it in for repairs that took 12 weeks to get back. Little to no interaction on what was going on while it was away and now I have it back and I fear to update it. I think the Phantom 2v+ is amazing but the poor customer service and lack of information from DJI makes me question if I want to purchase anymore product from DJI.  
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United Kingdom

jaywoodz@gmail. Posted at 2014-11-3 08:08
Sad to hear so many update failures. I did it through 3.2, but the batteries didn't upgrade properly ...

Not to sound repetitive, but DJI really need to address current issues and serious product deficiencies before jumping ahead to produce upgrades to the current equipment.

I understand that the product updated (RC) had no known issues on a mass scale.

Even your most loyal customers are modifying their units to rectify issues, designing their own guards, fixing misaligned gimbals (due to poor design or materials) and completely removing the stock gimbal unit. They do all this and still sing your praises about how you are a great company with a great product.  Its true.....
These people have an impact on your sales, more than you want to believe.

There are many people that have issues and there are many who don't know how to, or choose not to contact your servicing department due to the requirements you set in such instances.

This is the new DJI customer service and you obviously want to be top and stay top of the game.....  take that step.
Sometimes you have to step back in order to progress.....

I admire that your company has been at the leading edge of this type of RTF technology, but the competition is relying and ready for you to push your customers away.

I sincerely hope you have the clarity and foresight to acknowledge any issues, without the need for some kind of forced resolution, so many voices will not be ignored.

Now , any chance I can buy a ribbon cable......   please........  its a spare part that is easily susceptible to damage and has been documented as such in droves, (See servicing dept)
-Without requiring my footage to prove I'm not lying!!! -  my dealers name, his parents details and the dogs DOB.

You have my serial number, Check its registration / authenticity or whatever else you need it for.
I would like the "Flying camera" I bought.....

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United States

Thank you Joseph I'm a new owner and I have updated to 3.6 now I wish I had not.....
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United States

I recently updated the firmware for the Phantom 2, batteries and the H3-3D. The gimbal is useless and I have tried everything in this forum to get it back working. I have not tried to fly my P2 yet and now after hearing all of these horror stories I am afraid to even try. I do not have $$$ to throw away. Please DJI make it right as soon as possible.
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Flight distance : 7 ft
United Kingdom

tommyrogers Posted at 2014-11-3 22:52
I recently updated the firmware for the Phantom 2, batteries and the H3-3D. The gimbal is useless an ...

Tommy try this for your gimbal
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United States

Flew drone and took off from street at end of driveway. Flew drone one hour later and went through same pre-flight process, drone got in the air, color of rear light changes to yellow, and drone took off, about 500' ft to south and landed in lake. The drone was at 95% battery life and was in the air less than five minutes. It also flew to an area where I have never flown it. That was my third flight from home. There are no power lines in our neighborhood. The reason I haven't flown it where it landed is because I have read to keep it away from water.
I know it landed in lake because when I lost sight of it, I ran in the direction it traveled (through neighbors yard, across street, and to park where lake is located) s gentleman and his wife told me it landed in the lake. I spent two hours last night and the better  part of today on boats looking for it to no avail.
I don't understand why the unit would just take off.
Best regards,
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United States

tmccarthy5@nc.r Posted at 2014-11-4 05:39
Flew drone and took off from street at end of driveway. Flew drone one hour later and went through s ...

By the way, I have tried corporate phone number, get voice mail message asking me select an option which directs me to third-party company which in turn requests I leave a message.
I also put in a service request message yesterday, got an auto-reply saying the problem is being evaluated, but no response to my problem. I have sent second request to have someone actually contact me.  I'm assuming this company isn't know for stellar customer service.
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Nice topic guys, we need the help. Mine crashed after the latest updates, but another guy from holland lost his phantom as it flew into a canal.. I was lucky (well lucky I have a damaged phantom now) so I can have it repaired. P2V+
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United States

Seems to me that among other suggestions,  DJI should include the IOSD Mark II (or some other black box equivalent) with each drone so that when the drone crashes there MAY be some data available as to why the crash occured.      Otherwise every guy that crashes his drone due to his own mistakes will want to claim that it was a firmware problem and that DJI needs to fix it for free.
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United Kingdom

michael.haws@ya Posted at 2014-11-4 07:04
Seems to me that among other suggestions,  DJI should include the IOSD Mark II (or some other black  ...

Very true, but that black box can also be the evidence they don't want to acknowledge.......
Plausible deniability seems to work well.
They can pick and choose who's warranty to honour... as long as you meet the set criteria for claiming on said warranty.

Warranty isn't worth much in reality (IMO) - until some court or media process makes an example out of them that is...
For those that do claim there's postage costs, lack of equipment for super long periods and the possibility of further charges depending on DJI's interpretation of what is covered and the full intricate circumstances surrounding such a claim. You have to prove your claim basically......
Settling out of court fix's your issue but not the rest of the worlds.... that's reality...

I have never tried to claim on my warranty and don't intend to do so, all I've ever wanted was a spare part to be sold to me, even this is asking to much...

But we live and learn...
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United States

mixstreme Posted at 2014-11-4 07:29
Very true, but that black box can also be the evidence they don't want to acknowledge.......
Plaus ...

In the long run,  both the consumer and the manufacturer would benefit from black box technology.   I suspect that my employer (Boeing) would still put black boxes on all their aircraft even if it wasn't mandated :-)
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United States

jpatterson1967@ Posted at 2014-11-3 06:08
Due to issues I had heard others have with this update, I opted to delete all DJI software from my c ...

This is a serious concern IMO. If the drone was over a building or traffic or a person this could cause the scenario that I believe will inevitably get drones completely outlawed in the U.S.
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Flight distance : 16083 ft
United States

I read this thread to the bottom and no response from DJI on their own forum, Very sad and concerning. I have had my P2V+ for a month and am not at all confident in flying it. I am a experienced Fixed wing and single rotor R/C pilot and have experienced failures both pilot and equipment error. In most instances, i was able to get my aircraft back and salvage/repair most of the important stuff thus minimizing the loss, never a flyaway. The P2V+ was a substantial purchase and the fear of having it fly away with the biggest fear, "Where did it go down and who did it hurt or what did it damage" makes it not fun anymore. The fact that DJI does not park here and assure us that they are here to listen and genuinely going to bat for us to make this the very best product it could be. the recent fiasco with updates is both unprofessional and unacceptable. Throughout this whole forum the common theme is that the the response from DJI is to "Contact Your Dealer" Come on DJI, you need to monitor this forum on YOUR WEBSITE 24/7 and give your customers the respect and attention they deserve. Quite frankly, had I come across this forum prior to my purchase, I would have probably passed on the purchase. I know there are many who have had no problems, Here there are many WITH issues/losses and not much help from DJI. Hard to swallow after plunking a large portion of our hard earned $$$$$$. STEP IT UP DJI.
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United States

Wow!  So I just received my P2V+ today.  I did not do any kind of updating with the thought that it should be up to date already.  Did not try to fly but I did go through the pre flight and got familiar with the equipment.  So the question is, should I be expecting any issues when I go flying tomorrow?
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United States

Sorry I am coming late to this topic.  This is my second Phantom.  Unlike the first one I immediately downloaded and updated the latest firmware (3.6).  The drone has never been able to lock onto or maintain GPS signal.  I tried everything but no avail.  Sounds like from the above posts that some of the downloads from DJI may mess up the drone.  I getting to believe that.  How can I know for sure if it is the software or a hardware problem.  This is an expensive toy for it not to work. Any suggestions?
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Flight distance : 1870 ft
United States

Just read this tread and am trying to figure out how wide spread these issues are. I updated all the firmware last week and the assist software to 3.6. Flown it a couple times without any issues but now I'm a little worried.
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United Kingdom

mfashraf@hotmai Posted at 2014-11-4 10:31
Sorry I am coming late to this topic.  This is my second Phantom.  Unlike the first one I immediatel ...

Hi, I would verify your satellite reception with an independent device to ensure its not the area.
I would also look at the GPS fix on youtube.....  it works well.

If you can still not get a signal then time to look at a new gps receiver, they can become damaged in crashes etc...
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United States

I'm pretty sure they lost a customer here. It would be one thing if they responded to this thread, but this forum is on their own website and you barely ever get a response from them, and then when they do, all they ever say is "Send it in for repair".........

I have done tons of research and what really bothers me is when a company hides it's head when there are known problems.. ummm like GPS... How hard would it be to put a dan shield on instead of making us do it...
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Flight distance : 146020 ft

jpatterson1967@ Posted at 2014-11-3 06:08
Due to issues I had heard others have with this update, I opted to delete all DJI software from my c ...

I've had my Phantom Vision Plus for two months now, the day after the update I took it out for a short flight, hovering at 17 metres it just lost power and fell out of the sky, bounced off the roof and then onto the ground. I'm either very lucky that the camera and gimbal is OK, I however have lost my propellers and the body of the Phantom is scuffed.

The battery history in the DJI app actually shows that I have a "Warning, Cell Short Circuit", don't know if it's a coincidence but I've used this battery for the longest time without any such problems.
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Flight distance : 18652 ft
  • >>>

1. First when a new firmware is come out do not run to update it. First try to understand what are the changes and if  you need them. It is best to stay with stable release.
2. Wait and see if other people installed it and what are the problems.
3. In the release note please read the open issues and make a risk assesments.
4. The problem is that most of the people trust on the company, FYI companies published firmware with bugs and expect the users to be the test bad and find the problems.
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I have put a lot of faith in DJI, since I flew a Walkera before but that was too complicated. So since I don't want to have too much tweaks/updates/settings that need to be fixed I bought a DJI. The software is great, just plug and play (update) but now it totally screwed  up my drone, it crashed as it was uncontrollable after the update so now I'm very dissapointed. OBV they will do their best to fix the damage I have (well I hope) but my trust in the drone and DJI is broken.
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United Kingdom

NO Responses from DJI to any of these posts?
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United Kingdom

josephbobowicz@ Posted at 2014-11-5 05:49
NO Responses from DJI to any of the above posts?

Its coming up to Xmas and there are plenty of new customers to confuse and ignore....
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United Kingdom

mixstreme Posted at 2014-11-5 07:26
Its coming up to Xmas and there are plenty of new customers to confuse and ignore....

Considering the subject line of my initial post starts out with: ATTENTION: DJI MANAGEMENT . . . That is pretty sad to say the least. Especially if you factor in this thread has had well over 1,200 views at this point! ZERO responses to any of the posts within this thread from DJI? Come on DJI Management this is completely unacceptable!
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United Kingdom

rnrnikkel@hotma Posted at 2014-11-3 10:51
I agree with Joseph, I read all manuals and follow all requirements but still had an issue with my p ...

12 weeks to get it back! Little to not interaction on what was going on while it was away! I can appreciate your concerns. You would think your post on there Corporate Forum would be recognised in a timely manner. At a minimum an explanation would be offered in an effort to maintain and build brand loyalty. On a personal note, sorry to hear what you experienced.
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Flight distance : 55128 ft
United States

I'm new here, but in my experience most companies, except for small start ups,  don't reply in the forums.  Not saying I'm against it, but it doesn't really bother me.  I think they figure that once they respond to one person, they will be expected to respond to everyone.
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