What files need to be backed up before formatting.
1138 28 2018-7-2
Uploading and Loding Picture ...(0/1)
Flight distance : 286870 ft

What files need to be backed up before formatting the SD Card? I am currently using DroneLogbook to keep the Log of flights. I'm not really sure which files I should keep as I need to use the SD Cards again. Any suggestions on Work flow would be greatly apprieated. I also use two devices for the screen (Samsung phone or Samsung Tablet-E). Are the flight logs on those devices?
Thank you

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Actually, nothing needs to be backed up. The prime copy of the flight log is on an internal SD card glued inside the aircraft and another copy has already been sent to your phone/tablet. Other than copying off your photos and/or movies, you don't need to keep anything else. Some people will tell you that you need to keep update files on the card, but it is not necessary at all.

My workflow, for what it is worth, is after a flying session, I remove the micro SD card from the aircraft, place it in an adapter, and copy the photo/movie files onto my editing computer, to a work disc and a separate archive disc. I then place the card back in the aircraft, fire it up on the bench, along with the RC unit, go into camera settings and immediately format the card.
DJI create a whole swag of directories and files on the SD card, plus a bunch of hidden directories, all of which take up card space. You don't need these clogging up your card, and the easiest way to get rid of all these files is by formatting the card.
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Flight distance : 182913 ft

Now I have a question for  geebax.
I do just as you do. Except I just reinstall sd card and that's it.
When I go fly again I just turn everything on and go.  I shoot photos and vids on same card.
Then I come home and do the same thing as you but never format or reformat sd card....Am I at risk for trouble with drone or recording ?
You got me worried now about my sd card.   
Am I ok ?
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

You lose recording space, on it, not formatting your sd card.

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Flight distance : 182913 ft

every time ?
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Yes, each and subsequent.

When you arrive home, download the keepers and format the rest. ;-)


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Second Officer
United Kingdom

I do a similar thing, I have a 128gb memory card.
I might use it for a few flights (video and pictures), but every so often format it using the Plus controller - GoApp.

Sometimes I even just manually delete the remaining files on the card, once copied off on my computer, but reformatting is probably best practice.

Even with my GoPro's I do a similar thing, I believe it is good practice to format after each flight especially for people with smaller capacity cards.

Similar I suppose if you are travelling probably pays to carry many smaller memory cards, especially if you are unable to backup/copy off until you get home, so that you are not putting all of your eggs in one basket.
And finally always sticking with genuine branded memory cards for an approved supplier.
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Flight distance : 182913 ft

I just download everything and delete photos and vid while on the computer.   That gives me a blank sd.  does that make a difference ???  I've never had any problems with space on sd.
I think smoke is getting in my eyes
So now I am confused. ( thought it was going to be a quiet night )
What say ye ?
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Flight distance : 286870 ft

Odan Posted at 2018-7-9 20:54
I just download everything and delete photos and vid while on the computer.   That gives me a blank sd.  does that make a difference ???  I've never had any problems with space on sd.
I think smoke is getting in my eyes
So now I am confused. ( thought it was going to be a quiet night )

One other thing. Normally for most devices it is better to format them in the device that writes them. Another words format the SD Card in the drone with the DJI program,not on the computers. The computer sometimes can mess up the card.
If any DJI expert is out there - please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Second Officer
United Kingdom

Odan Posted at 2018-7-9 20:54
I just download everything and delete photos and vid while on the computer.   That gives me a blank sd.  does that make a difference ???  I've never had any problems with space on sd.
I think smoke is getting in my eyes
So now I am confused. ( thought it was going to be a quiet night )

Well that frees up space, but by reformatting you are potentially avoiding any potential problems, belt and braces approach.

To be honest I do similar to you, but every so often I might format.

I have never had any issues apart from once, many, many years ago, purchased a dodgy memory card off eBay, it would take pictures, but no video.  Pretty much turned out it was a low spec card, branded as a higher spec one, I managed to get a refund etc, but one days surfing didn't get filmed(big deal - no real loss), but its all about avoiding hassle.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

I only format the sd card in the drone, after removing it from the computer card drive...

I had a horrible experience once, after driving all the way to my flight area, only to get an error message on screen when tapping the record button.

My card was still full from the previous outing, I had forgotten to download my videos and format...

I packed up and drove to the nearest McBain Camera, buying a 64gb micro sd card...

Now my 16gb is only used for update, if there are ever any more...  ;-)
Been awhile, it Seems as though DJI had abandoned Phantom 3 Pro firmware improvements.

We are on our own..


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Flight distance : 182913 ft

Me....I only use what DJi prefers as far as sd cards etc.  It seems I can format sd once drone is warmed up.  I know in camera settings it has a push for " format sd "  if I recall correctly.
Is that the same thing we're talking about ?

I'm not aware of too many things
I know what I know,  If you know what I mean
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Second Officer
United Kingdom

Migman Posted at 2018-7-9 21:00
One other thing. Normally for most devices it is better to format them in the device that writes them. Another words format the SD Card in the drone with the DJI program,not on the computers. The computer sometimes can mess up the card.
If any DJI expert is out there - please correct me if I'm wrong.

You are right, I am a Mac user, so if I picked the wrong format, it might not be compatible with the DJI app or drone.

So I agree to save confusion use the app, but to be brutally honest you don't need to format each time.
To be honest I have never looked, but for example if you know its FAT 32 or XYZ and you format using that config, job done.  But as you say and as I do, when in doubt use the app.

Also if you pick the wrong format, no big deal, just reformat to the compatible one - no need to buy new cards (unless you are away from home and on a film shoot of a lifetime).

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Flight distance : 182913 ft

cool    Thanks
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Second Officer
United Kingdom

No problem.

I think its FAT 32, we could search and find out easily.
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Flight distance : 165105 ft

Odan Posted at 2018-7-9 21:09
Me....I only use what DJi prefers as far as sd cards etc.  It seems I can format sd once drone is warmed up.  I know in camera settings it has a push for " format sd "  if I recall correctly.
Is that the same thing we're talking about ?

Yes, the very same procedure.

The Go app actually has two places to format your micro sd cards..

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Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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New Zealand

Migman Posted at 2018-7-9 21:00
One other thing. Normally for most devices it is better to format them in the device that writes them. Another words format the SD Card in the drone with the DJI program,not on the computers. The computer sometimes can mess up the card.
If any DJI expert is out there - please correct me if I'm wrong.

That's one of those things that sounds like a good idea ... but in fact it makes no difference.
Ever since my first digital camera, I've been formatting cards in my computer after copying images across.
I do it with the Phantom too and have never had any problem as a result of it.
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Odan Posted at 2018-7-9 20:54
I just download everything and delete photos and vid while on the computer.   That gives me a blank sd.  does that make a difference ???  I've never had any problems with space on sd.
I think smoke is getting in my eyes
So now I am confused. ( thought it was going to be a quiet night )

'I just download everything and delete photos and vid while on the computer.   That gives me a blank sd.  does that make a difference ???  I've never had any problems with space on sd.'

The reason for formatting quite frequently is really just establishing a habit, but the main reason to format is because DJI create a lot of files in hidden folders on the cards, which you noramally cannot see. If you just delete the files you can see, the hidden ones continue to build up, potentially choking the card. Formatting removes all those hidden files.
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Migman Posted at 2018-7-9 21:00
One other thing. Normally for most devices it is better to format them in the device that writes them. Another words format the SD Card in the drone with the DJI program,not on the computers. The computer sometimes can mess up the card.
If any DJI expert is out there - please correct me if I'm wrong.

Yes and no. It is not really a case of the computer messing up the card, is is more about people not knowing which format style to use, that's why doing it in the aircraft is recommended, because the camera knows which format scheme to use.
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Odan Posted at 2018-7-9 21:09
Me....I only use what DJi prefers as far as sd cards etc.  It seems I can format sd once drone is warmed up.  I know in camera settings it has a push for " format sd "  if I recall correctly.
Is that the same thing we're talking about ?

'I know in camera settings it has a push for " format sd "  if I recall correctly. Is that the same thing we're talking about ?'

Yes, that's the one.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Each to their own ...

The amount of space taken up by DJI dat and info files is tiny ... REALLY tiny .... and IMHO not even worth worrying about unless you use a small sized card. Most people up to 32 / 64 or bigger cards ... so formatting is only really needed if at all once in a blue moon.

As I say - its a personal preference thing and no-one has the perfect answer.

My system ?

I fly and record my videos / photos.
Card is then placed in reader in PC.
I transfer the Vids / photos to dedicated folder for editing.
Card is now empty of the vids and photos, but DAT and info files still there.

The one file that I have a personal preference to maintain on the card - is the FW file that I have current on the AC / RC. If I change card - I will transfer that FW bin file to the new card. If I get a new battery - it will auto update the battery FW if needed.

Some people say its not necessary ... agreed - but given that its a very small file, saves me downloading it again if needed ... I don't see the problem to have it on the card.

Just as an exercise I have played with my 64Gb Samsung EVO Plus card ...

Free space of total : 59.6Gb of 59.6Gb formatted.

View ALL items including hidden :

THM files ... 8 x 32kb
IDX files ... 2 x 602kbUpdate Txt file .... just a few kb
FW Bin file ... 66mb

Lets be simple and keep this easy to work and say the total files on the card are 67.5Mb

I then quick formatted (which only changes first letter of file name and rewrites FAT) ... but anyway ... empty card returns ............. 59.6Gb free space for 59.6GB total

I then FULL formatted which actually then scrambles all files and rewrites FAT ..... 59.6Gb free for 59.6Gb total ...

The biggest loss was as usual due to formatting and allocation of FATs ...

All formatting was exFAT with 128kb units .... (default Win 10)

So in all honesty ... having seen this discussion so often and with the differing opinions .. I can only say that the evidence of files left on vs deleted has little bearing really on the use of the card.

I reckon its a sure bet that very few people actually get anywhere near filling their cards before transfer to PC / MAC for editing. I know I rarely exceed about 16 - 20Gb usage of my 64gb card.

I do agree that periodic formatting to 'clean up fragmentation of file allocation units is not so bad ... but because of the way we use the cards - for anything other than a high precision professional camera / other unit - it really doesn't make much odds.

My card after the above experiments .. had the FW Bin file put back. Rest ? was discarded.

AGAIN ... Personal preference ... and I see no real reason to alter it ... as no doubt others with different preferences ...


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Second Officer
United Kingdom

solentlife Posted at 2018-7-10 01:39
Each to their own ...

The amount of space taken up by DJI dat and info files is tiny ... REALLY tiny .... and IMHO not even worth worrying about unless you use a small sized card. Most people up to 32 / 64 or bigger cards ... so formatting is only really needed if at all once in a blue moon.

Well summed up
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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New Zealand

solentlife Posted at 2018-7-10 01:39
Each to their own ...

The amount of space taken up by DJI dat and info files is tiny ... REALLY tiny .... and IMHO not even worth worrying about unless you use a small sized card. Most people up to 32 / 64 or bigger cards ... so formatting is only really needed if at all once in a blue moon.

My card after the above experiments .. had the FW Bin file put back
Whatever for?
Once you have installed firmware on your Phantom, there is no need to keep the .bin file at all.
It's job is done.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

Labroides Posted at 2018-7-10 02:11
My card after the above experiments .. had the FW Bin file put back
Whatever for?
Once you have installed firmware on your Phantom, there is no need to keep the .bin file at all.

Except when putting a new battery in that may have an old FW on ... it is immediately updated quicker than extracting from AC FW ... or downloading as it can ask.

This has been hashed over again and again and its getting boring to be honest to keep repeating the use for Battery updating.

I agree that 99% of the time it is not doing anything ... but for Pete's sake ... 66Mb file on a 64Gb card ???? Takes about 2 sec's to put back before removing card ... get real please ...
AND I repeat for those hard of eye ... Its PERSONAL PREFERENCE ... all can do as they please .. which includes me !!

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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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New Zealand

solentlife Posted at 2018-7-10 03:30
Except when putting a new battery in that may have an old FW on ... it is immediately updated quicker than extracting from AC FW ... or downloading as it can ask.

This has been hashed over again and again and its getting boring to be honest to keep repeating the use for Battery updating.

Except when putting a new battery in that may have an old FW on ... it is immediately updated quicker than extracting from AC FW ... or downloading as it can ask.
Perhaps you use new batteries all the time?
How often does DJI release updates to battery firmware anyway?
A lot less frequently than they release firmware for the Phantom.

I agree that 99% of the time it is not doing anything ... but for Pete's  sake ... 66Mb file on a 64Gb card ???? Takes about 2 sec's to put back  before removing card ... get real please ...

Here's real ... everytime you start up with that bin file in, the Phantom has to read the bin file and compare it against the firmware in your Phantom.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1087530 ft

"Perhaps you use new batteries all the time?
How often does DJI release updates to battery firmware anyway?
A lot less frequently than they release firmware for the Phantom."

True ... so what ? Once in a blue moon or every day ... so what ? But you in fact have it wrong way round ...

DJI rarely release battery FW on its own ... in fact I cannot remember last time they did. But they include Battery FW in the overall FW for the whole machine. Accepted that most times it will not change ... but it did a while back when DJI tried to program out certain batterys ... was not a Battery FW on its own .. it was included in the General FW update.

"Here's real ... everytime you start up with that bin file in, the Phantom has to read the bin file and compare it against the firmware in your Phantom."

Point taken and tested ... start up time was no different.

Next please ....

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Flight distance : 286870 ft

Thank you for all the input.
The only thing I was truly concerned about was the flight logs when formatting the SD card.
As far as FW or no FW, I agree it doesn't take that much room. But, I have completely filled my 64GB cards a couple of times though.
The comments of formatting the card in the device that uses it is from the old days. Removable media could have differences with the head placement. We don't have that problem on SD Cards, but with my professional cameras a few folks have had problems formatting/deleting images with the computer, and then trying to use the card again in the camera. So if I do it in the device that uses it, I feel safer. No surprises when I go onsite. It seems I get enough of those went I fire up the drone (Compass, firmware, sensors, etc..). Even when I checked it just before leaving the office to go onsite.
Again thank you for the inputs.

What flight logging software do you use/why? I have dronelogbook now.
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Flight distance : 182913 ft

You guy's make me feel really dumb
I learn more every day here @ the FORUM
gr8 information....THANKS
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1133038 ft

Migman Posted at 2018-7-10 06:14
Thank you for all the input.
The only thing I was truly concerned about was the flight logs when formatting the SD card.
As far as FW or no FW, I agree it doesn't take that much room. But, I have completely filled my 64GB cards a couple of times though.

Make it a habit to be part of your pre-flight check to format the SD, there' plenty of time to do it from the bottom of the status screen while waiting for satellite lock and home point recording.
Doing it that way you ensure that first of all you did not forget to mount a card, that the card is working and is empty ready for the task.
If anything is wrong it might as well get attention before taking off.

It is recommended to buy several smaller cards compared to less larger and then change the card at battery changes, 32GB is plenty for ~30min flight. That does that sshould something go terrible wrong the most work you can loose is the work done in current flight. Further is smaller cards less expensive than the larger ones so you get more storage for the money.

"What flight logging software do you use/why?"
None, i sync my flights now and then and hope DJI can manage to find the records that disappear now and then in mysterious ways.
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