Actually, nothing needs to be backed up. The prime copy of the flight log is on an internal SD card glued inside the aircraft and another copy has already been sent to your phone/tablet. Other than copying off your photos and/or movies, you don't need to keep anything else. Some people will tell you that you need to keep update files on the card, but it is not necessary at all.
My workflow, for what it is worth, is after a flying session, I remove the micro SD card from the aircraft, place it in an adapter, and copy the photo/movie files onto my editing computer, to a work disc and a separate archive disc. I then place the card back in the aircraft, fire it up on the bench, along with the RC unit, go into camera settings and immediately format the card.
DJI create a whole swag of directories and files on the SD card, plus a bunch of hidden directories, all of which take up card space. You don't need these clogging up your card, and the easiest way to get rid of all these files is by formatting the card.