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Quick release prop balancer adapter
1866 4 2015-5-20
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United States

Hello everyone. New guy to the forum but not to building and flying multi-rotors.  Ive been reading posts on here since ordering my i1 and have learned a lot about it and STILL ordered one!  ;) Is anyone making an adapter for balancing the quick release props?
What is everyone doing to Balance these props?
Severely out of balance props can have some pretty adverse effects on a flight controller and cause a lot of erratic behaviors on the quadcopter. Time balancing props to get them nearly perfectly balanced is very well spent! I have spent hundreds of hours trying to isolate flight controllers from vibrations back when flybarless units on rc helicopters was in its infancy and know all to well the consequences of failing to do so!
I'm not trying to say this is causing the fly aways but I have watched a lot of videos of the i1 on youtube and have spotted many that look to be running out of balance props just by the way it flies. Little twitches in pitch and roll and little yaw movements are all a sign vibrations are getting to the fc. Most everyone with multi-rotor experience knows all this already but how many newbies are flying these supposedly RTF machines with little regard to a properly balanced machine.
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United States

Changed my nickname....checking to see if it worked
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United States

I guess nobody is balancing props on the i1!  hmm
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United States

Ibflyen Posted at 2015-5-21 06:47
I guess nobody is balancing props on the i1!  hmm

The original self-tightening props for the Inspire were often out of balance, and there was at least one balancing rod produced for them (which I still have kicking around here somewhere), from this source: ... pellers-p-9782.html

The NEW quick-release props are manufactured to a much higher tolerance.  While I don't have an adapter, I did discover that my threaded balancing rod for the self-tightening props was a light press-fit into the sleeve on the QR props.  It doesn't thread into place, but it's a good enough fit that the prop spins true on the rod.  Testing ten sets of new QR props this way, I didn't find a single prop that wasn't in perfect balance.  As distinguished from the original self-tightening props, where only about one in four props was in balance and the rest needed adjustment.

I agree that Testing Is Good, and I imagine sooner or later there will be a balance rod for the QR props.  But I haven't seen one yet.
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United States

I have a Dubro  unit to balance my props.  I had purchased a self tightening balancing rod not knowing that DJI was going to switch to the 1345S "QR" props.  And yes, the threads on the self-tightening balance rod are smaller than the diameter of the hole in QR hub but that can easily be remedied with a small amount of tape wrapped around the threads of the balance rod.

Or you can (like I did) order this - HK 450 Pro Flybarless DFC Main Unit which fits like a snug glove and is precision balanced (since its a heli-flybar) and use it as your QR balance rod.  
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