Phipps33 Posted at 2018-7-16 12:16
That makes perfect sense. Never even thought of one being “overall” account and the other individual drones. I bought my drone used so I’m guessing that must be the name given by the previous owner. I’ve found no place in the app to change the name.
It is not clear to me what model you have but in regard to the name, the setting is in my app (P4P+) found at the bottom of the main settings, see the green frame here.
Aircraft name in settings
After a few replacements i know has four dots/pages, first is my "Pilot" page and then three for the different P4P's even i have given them the same name. That is why i said it is based on the serial of the aircraft.
Here is a screenshot of my overall and previous replacement (name edited out).
Pilot pane
Aircraft pane, one of three