Flight distance : 779281 ft
Hello,I flew my MA yesterday in the front yard. During the flight, I wanted to give it a try for quickshot circle mode. All of a sudden, I noticed that it was moving towards a tree while rotating. Surprisingly, the application had not asked me about the distance. In fact, I have used this mode only for a couple of times throughout a total flight time of 13 hours/140.000 meters. I thought that the sensors would prevent any crash so I waited a little. Unfortunately, It crashed to a tree even though I tried to stop the circle mode by moving the pitch upwards.
It was my firsh crash after my purchase. Everyhing was looking normal after the crash except for the props. All the props got damaged slightly. Then, I tried to fly the drone after the crash to check it was still flying. Luckily, it was flying. I have changed all the props the same day, but I did not fly.
What I want to ask is whether obstacle avoidance is disabled during the circle mode or not. Secondly, I am a little worried about my MA in terms of stability or any hidden damage. Is there any practical way to check if there is any permanent damage?
Thank you all for your advice, btw, I have already uploaded the flight log.