Flight distance : 340620 ft
Bashy Posted at 2018-7-20 20:52
I too have the K1 as well as 2 Tab S2's, whilst the K1 is old hat now, it still gets the job done, i think where it only has 2gb ram and only a quad core CPU, i think 192-core Kepler GPU makes up for that with regards to the dji app. Any reason you want to downgrade from the Tab S3 to the Nvidia though? The only benefit i see would be the K1's HDMI output, unless youe S3 is the 10" and you want to go smaller?
my S3 scrambles the display sometimes in flight it seems to be lag related as it happens when I make abrupt movements in yaw or flying in sport mode. I dumped everything off the S3 except the Go App and essential stuff to make the tablet run I have at most 2.2GB of ram with everything force stopped. The tablet works great for My P3pro, but not for the Mavic Id prefer one tablet for both drones so I'm looking for something a bit faster with more ram I bought the Huawei M5 to try out, will be here tomorrow, but we have rain in the forecast for the next 5 days. Ill report back on how it does when I can get the Mavic in the air Both Birds fly on my Galaxy S9+, but its small and my old eyes strain to see what's going on |