Flight distance : 2355823 ft
DJI Mindy Posted at 2018-7-20 04:21
We will keep providing support to our product, but its warranty period is limited, please refer to the following screenshot of the warranty period of each part, which means the paid warranty will be provided when the warranty period is expired. Please note in EU, all spare parts enjoy 2 years' warranty. Battery enjoys a warranty period of 1 year. Consumables such as props and frame do not have the warranty. Thanks for your understanding.[view_image]
Dear Mindy,
I already know the warranty is limited. I am asking for how long(years) will DJI sell consumables(batteries, propellers) and will offer customer paid service for repairs and parts replacement.
I hope it will be at least 5 years. Most of us make an effort to buy a product like the Mavic Air and we want to have the peace of mind that after 4-5 years we will still be able to buy replacement parts and consumables for our devices, and have official repair support. |