Flight distance : 38058 ft
Costa Rica
GBT62 Posted at 2018-12-20 16:40
I had this exact IMU error 71 issue on my new, unflown Spark this week. I spent all day reading, downgrading, upgrading, constantly trying the IMU calibration, but never getting past step 1 of 6 before it failed with the error 71.
For the benefit of others finding this issue later - this old 2016 post was the AHA moment and fixed it .... Accelerometer failed
Hi. I had the same issue with my brand new Spark last July 2018. The failed sensors showed the IMU error 71. I read a lot about these sensors and I found a video in YouTube regarding disassembly the Spark. What I did in my case was disconnect and reconnect the sensors wires. That was the cure for my bird. It's flying pretty fine after this process. |