Flight distance : 5922034 ft
Sarperdewd Posted at 2018-8-5 07:51
Those cell deviations were the product of forced landing I think, I grab the spark and turned it sideways to turn it off. Yes I still have a warranty.
Do note however that during the take off of the bad flight records, it frog leaps already. No cell deviations there.
"Yes I still have a warranty. "
That is good!
My experience was that even the workaround wasn't working always.
And in the beginning it was only on one battery, in the end it "bumped" on all, sometimes, I think.
I couldn't find a trigger for it, so had videos and flight logs analysed, but : "All good, Spark follows RC input (rises if left stick pushed to the front). Which it did not really do.
Oh: Look at your flight record, in the app, with stick movements:
Does the record show xx-100% up, perhaps, but no altitude change?
If yes, open a case straight: You could have prove!
Also capture that behavior, best with RC and Spark in the picture.