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Paid Trolls in the Forums
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3503 51 2018-7-21
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

After a few days here I'm starting to belive there are paid trolls in the forums with the objective of making this interational community arguee with one another and dislike the other persons country.

I'm guessing the first few people to tell me I'm dilusional and crazy are going to be said Trolls (aka Hallmark and his pals)

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1272723 ft
United States

More likely to be paid whiners here, crying when they don't get their way!  
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InvisibleName 7
Second Officer
Flight distance : 795653 ft

I guess by your own definition that makes you a troll!
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 230827 ft
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FrequentC you are absolutely right and exposed the biggest plot in the history of forums...jesus what is with you peeps!
A statement such as yours serves only one purpose -  to stir up some drama...hmmm wait isnt that what you are complaining about?
Listen up pal, I had nothing but good experience here and got a ton of help and support and I suppose its partially due to the way I carry my self. When peeps come in here with guns blazing,
big opinions and or yelling at other members or products, guess what, you wont get a box of pralines and a bunch of roses.
Its easy for keyboard warriors to hide behind their screens and to forget you are actually talking to other human beings and to behave them self's as such.
Last I remembered its free to join, free to be here and no one makes you come here, so take it or leave it.
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

InvisibleName 7 Posted at 2018-7-21 11:23
I guess by your own definition that makes you a troll!

You're one of the Trolls I'm talking about.
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

Rawsome Posted at 2018-7-21 11:30
FrequentC you are absolutely right and exposed the biggest plot in the history of forums...jesus what is with you peeps!
A statement such as yours serves only one purpose -  to stir up some drama...hmmm wait isnt that what you are complaining about?
Listen up pal, I had nothing but good experience here and got a ton of help and support and I suppose its partially due to the way I carry my self. When peeps come in here with guns blazing,

Another troll
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First Officer
United States

Trolls implementing old Divide et impera and divide ut regnes; using Fac et excusa and Si fecisti, nega.

Not saying DJI pays them.  But they do have ''something'' motivating them.  Perhaps working on the side for a PR firm, and getting freebies or hefty discounts?  

Find it interesting that couple of them will spout off information that is not pubic knowledge, and can't provide links to backup what they have spouted.  Along with spouting things that such a claimed expert and experienced drone / RC pilot would know was nonsense or wrong.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 230827 ft
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you caught me! good on youso basically everyone that disagrees with your paranoied statement is a troll, well i guess you got this all figured out.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

The whiner didn't like his/her cheese in the other thread?

I sure wish i was paid to come here. ya the reviews are kinda bleek i guess. So many people that don't know how to use a DJI drone will do that to a company. I guess they should have just made it go up and down and that's it. Then people might be able to handle them.

So then they trickle in this forum only to find they don't get what they want and meet US! hehe

I wish they would never combined the Pro and Air forums together. Was better before the Air came out.
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First Officer
United States

rolling56 Posted at 2018-7-21 12:50
The whiner didn't like his/her cheese in the other thread?

I sure wish i was paid to come here. ya the  reviews are kinda bleek i guess. So many people that don't know how to use a DJI drone will do that to a company. I guess they should have just made it go up and down and that's it. Then people might be able to handle them.

I guess they should have just made it go up and down and that's it. Then people might be able to handle them.

Using same thinking... They should have made drones to where drones are either flying or not.  

Thus never needing FW updates, testing, refreshing, rolling back, and testing (again).  Then people might be able to handle them and enjoy them.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
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If you don't like the forum, there is an alternative FB is just woderfull, be a good lad and trott off.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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There is at least two on here that should go to that forum.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-7-21 13:01
I guess they should have just made it go up and down and that's it. Then people might be able to handle them.

Using same thinking... They should have made drones to where drones are either flying or not.  

ya i guess people are eager to buy junk drones from DJI because the world thinks they are crappy.

....and to these continuation threads are the most!
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Flight distance : 401706 ft

Where's the ban hammer?
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Flight distance : 819098 ft

Where can I sign up to get paid?  I've been trolling for free.  But with the way things are going in America I'm going have to start using "What if" and "What about".  Example, FrequentC is talking about trolls but "What if" he's the real troll??  And "What about" Buyufo.  He trolls for free "what if" he were to get paid.  Would he be a better troll??  Am I doing it right with the new fake news administration?  <=== oooh I just made a deflection from the real subject.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1736982 ft

It's just the nature of the beast. I can't say how many times I've spat out a few lines just to backspace out and move on.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 635764 ft
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United States

@FrequentC  I'm not saying I agree or disagree with your point.  Because i'm not sure what your point is?  Did you post this just to get some isht off your chest?   Or were you looking for some sort of resolution?
If you just need to vent, then cool.  ignore the rest of this.  If you're looking for resolution to something, what is that something?  If you just want to start some isht, then please read on.

The forum is just like society.  It's full of people with all different views.  Some are a$$holes. Some think they know more than they really do.  Some take a point and beat the hell out of it and won't let up.
This is no different anywhere in life.  We all have one thing in common and that's that we fly these particular quads.  That's where it stops.  Some people like it, and some people don't.  Some have problems and others don't.  Some give a F@*& and some don't.    RIght now, i'm fresh out of F@*&s, and am not planning to grow any more.

Here in America we have the freedom of speech.  That means that you are free to say whatever you would like.  It also means that others are free to disagree with you.  If you are not happy with this forum, there are plenty of other places you can spend your time.  If you are happy, you are welcome to stay.

I guess what i'm saying is this:  If this was intended to make a point, please enlighten me as to what it was.  If it was intended to get a rise out of those who you are talking about, then my question is why?  Doesn't that put you on the same level?
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First Officer
United States

3-D Posted at 2018-7-21 16:15
@FrequentC  I'm not saying I agree or disagree with your point.  Because i'm not sure what your point is?  Did you post this just to get some isht off your chest?   Or were you looking for some sort of resolution?
If you just need to vent, then cool.  ignore the rest of this.  If you're looking for resolution to something, what is that something?  If you just want to start some isht, then please read on.

I think his post was meant to be a community service.  Sometime back I would have disagreed with him.  When someone on forum warned me (and others) about two people here being paid Trolls; I disagreed with one of two being a Troll.  Even somewhat defending that person.   No longer, would I make that mistake.
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-7-21 16:33
I think his post was meant to be a community service.  Sometime back I would have disagreed with him.  When someone on forum warned me (and others) about two people here being paid Trolls; I disagreed with one of two being a Troll.  Even somewhat defending that person.   No longer, would I make that mistake.

Bingo. I don't know why all the others have such a hard time figuring this out ... or ... maybe .. they did figure it out and their just Trolling like they always do.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 230827 ft
  • >>>

Buddy if you think you're on to breaking news - let me get this straight for you - every forum in existence has the same archtype of users. You have active members willing to help, you have sh$t disturbers and you have peeps with attitude and opinions larger then life. Some even have those trolls you are refering too, trust me pal this isn't a major discovery. Are they paid? Who cares. Are they real? Who cares. Do they make this forum a terrible place? I don't think so.
If this is too hard for you to burden, just log off, in fact disconnect your modem and maybe try to do something with real peeps in the real world. Maybe take a hike, just don't go in to the woods because I hear there are trolls too.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2768694 ft
Hong Kong

I also believe someone pay you to post all negative feedbacks here and without providing the flight data for reference.
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Flight distance : 13728120 ft
  • >>>
South Africa

Buddy if you dont like the forum, Get the F**K off it you WHINNER
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InvisibleName 7
Second Officer
Flight distance : 795653 ft

Rawsome Posted at 2018-7-21 19:04
Buddy if you think you're on to breaking news - let me get this straight for you - every forum in existence has the same archtype of users. You have active members willing to help, you have sh$t disturbers and you have peeps with attitude and opinions larger then life. Some even have those trolls you are refering too, trust me pal this isn't a major discovery. Are they paid? Who cares. Are they real? Who cares. Do they make this forum a terrible place? I don't think so.
If this is too hard for you to burden, just log off, in fact disconnect your modem and maybe try to do something with real peeps in the real world. Maybe take a hike, just don't go in to the woods because I hear there are trolls too.

The waste of space is just an attention seeker, I’m guessing he lives at home with his mum, never goes out, and the only human contact is in forums like this!
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Suren Posted at 2018-7-22 01:15
Buddy if you dont like the forum, Get the F**K off it you WHINNER

agree with you
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Rawsome Posted at 2018-7-21 19:04
Buddy if you think you're on to breaking news - let me get this straight for you - every forum in existence has the same archtype of users. You have active members willing to help, you have sh$t disturbers and you have peeps with attitude and opinions larger then life. Some even have those trolls you are refering too, trust me pal this isn't a major discovery. Are they paid? Who cares. Are they real? Who cares. Do they make this forum a terrible place? I don't think so.
If this is too hard for you to burden, just log off, in fact disconnect your modem and maybe try to do something with real peeps in the real world. Maybe take a hike, just don't go in to the woods because I hear there are trolls too.

agree with you
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if you don't like here just get out you the one who troll
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Flight distance : 38606 ft
United Kingdom

So whose paying these trolls ???..... how much do they pay..... how do you apply for troll job ???..... oh and why on earth would someone pay trolls on an open forum when there's always someone willing to argue for fun...???
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First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

He is like a fisherman casting out some stinky bait, pity that he has so many fish taking the him exactly what he wants, attention.
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Flight distance : 38048 ft

I Paid for my DJI Drone and get no Money for my Posts.

But im sad what DJI makes whit the Customers.

Since the 400 my Drone is not flyable and the 500 is not in sight so i can not post positive About DJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think my next Drone comes from Yuneec…….
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

Alas we ALL get paid with points to spend at the DJI store. I stand corrected hehe
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

If you're just joining us; Read my first post and then read the bulk of the replies ... see my point?
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InvisibleName 7
Second Officer
Flight distance : 795653 ft
United Kingdom

The point being that he’s a complete loser!!
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First Officer
Flight distance : 138310 ft
United States

FrequentC Posted at 2018-7-22 09:28
If you're just joining us; Read my first post and then read the bulk of the replies ... see my point?

ok i read the 1st post again and don't see an edit. We've seen this type of behavior many times before is all we are saying "is give peace a chance" oops sorry having an acid flashback right now. UUUuuuuAAAaaaa a little more UUUuuuAAAaaaa ok i'm fine now i think.
So basically i'm here to help people when i can. Like i said in one of my other posts a lot of the others have been here longer than i have and notice a trend when people come here that are overwhelmed with the drone and crash it. They got a warning and it disappeared and then something else happens and if flew away. Some want to sue DJI and some want a new drone and not a refurb etc. BUT what gets me is they read the manual AFTER this all happens to their drone. ok i'm done rambling ..... NEXT!

Please don't take this personal hehe
I'm hoping you're going to understand soon?
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

InvisibleName 7 Posted at 2018-7-22 09:50
The point being that he’s a complete loser!!

Obviously InvisibleName 7 is a Troll that new users should be warned to just not read comments from. But he's very blatant about it so it's not difficult to spot.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

FrequentC Posted at 2018-7-22 09:28
If you're just joining us; Read my first post and then read the bulk of the replies ... see my point?

The point seems to be this:
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1192231 ft
  • >>>

Ha ha ha my buddy Wachtberger gets the prize for best reply..... class, made my night
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Flight distance : 158770 ft
United States

M2Wair Posted at 2018-7-22 12:20
Ha ha ha my buddy Wachtberger gets the prize for best reply..... class, made my night

Again .. another Troll  (or a 10 year old because nobody should be that impressed by something so lame smh)
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11876106 ft

Rawsome Posted at 2018-7-21 11:30
FrequentC you are absolutely right and exposed the biggest plot in the history of forums...jesus what is with you peeps!
A statement such as yours serves only one purpose -  to stir up some drama...hmmm wait isnt that what you are complaining about?
Listen up pal, I had nothing but good experience here and got a ton of help and support and I suppose its partially due to the way I carry my self. When peeps come in here with guns blazing,

well said Rawsome!
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Picanoc Jack
First Officer
Flight distance : 11876106 ft

M2Wair Posted at 2018-7-21 13:03
If you don't like the forum, there is an alternative FB is just woderfull, be a good lad and trott off.

totally in agreement with you John.
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