Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States
I strongly suggest you read all the reviews and noted app problems here so you can decide based on the mobile device you will be using. For many on Android of late the app experience has been unpleasant. Even some on iOS devices like Iphone 6 and Mini4's are now starting to have some complaints about serious video transmission problems.
I use these for occasional work. Also work for our local drone club. Many were satisified with DJI on their devices up until the latest months of app updates. Many users quite disgusted with the support related to these issues. Some with so many "aircraft disconnects" they are afraid to take it up.
If those issues were not in the forefront for me and many others, then you have various things to consider on the Mavic you choose to have. I have had them both, and I sold the MA after the first flight.
Noise differences- Mavic Air is a noisy bird. Annoyingly enough that is distracting enough that people know that it is nearby. Mavic Pro is much much quieter
Flight Time- I got about 16.5 min on a windless day on Mavic Air flying at 100'. Same day MP did about 23 min.
Cameras- much debate about them. Top one debated is the (up to) 100M Bitrate of Mavic Air. Pro has 60M. Cameras are really the same thing, though the Air is more Spark Like in its settings. I have that one too. Pro is more adaptive in its focusing and ability to customize sort of like a dslr. I prefer the ability to focus on the preferred subject in frame. Pro offers that, and Air does not. Air uses a software stretching to accommodate lens edge distortion. Mavic Pro does not have any edge distortion. Noise levels for low light can vary. Air has a more automated processing like the Spark, Pro you need to work the settings like any pro-sumer camera. Mavic Pro has about a 1 step faster lens at 2.2 aperture vs the 2.8 of the Air. Many advantages of the camera are lost there imo. Mavic Air has a "cooler" default color appearance, and Mavic Pro is warmer overall. HDR is an option, but not much to brag about in either when you have such tiny sensors.
Compactness- Air is a bit more compact, and less weight than MP. MP imo handles winds better, especially on a beach, lake, ocean.
Obstacle Avoidance- Air wins here, but for me or most avid flyers most of use modes that disable OA anyhow. I crashed and learned my lessons years ago on sub $100 drones. Spending $500 or more makes the user a bit more aware of their surroundings. Users with OA active still manage to crash their drones. It's a wonder, but yes it is very possible. Some things can throw the sensors off. Flying at dusk, or earlier hours, water reflections, user operating drone near water, under bridges, etc.
Connectivity- For a while the MP could not be beat in its connectivity. Still hard to beat Ocusync technology. Air is Wifi. Pro wins hands down here.
Durability- biggest fallback for Pro is the Gimbal assy mount. Some have problems with it, but cable replacement, or securing bands that hold the Ginbal plate are easy fixes and not that costly. Wrecks with either unit can trash the Gimbals on either unit. Air is housed more securely though that means far more costs to service it.
Both are great! Weight your options based on your own needs. For me the cameras are practically the same, with more function going to the Pro, especially for photos and customizations. For handling and durabiliy of the craft itself, I like the Pro. The added weight comes in handy sometimes. Flight time, Ocusync, Pro all the way. Used to be a big price differential, but now Pro's are cheaper or as cheap as the Air.