First Officer
Flight distance : 20145135 ft
United States
RichJ53 Posted at 2018-7-27 07:03
Nice job.
Based on your comments about the P4P battery, this is a strange finding. Is this a new P4P (or the cashed P4P) that was repaired?
It is a new one. The crashed one is a total. When I put the battery in he one that crashed that day it blinked on and off and then the quad went dead. I figured that the battery was not seated right and reinserted it and it flew 7 laps and fell from the sky at 70 %. I checked the flight records using every service out there and there was no indication of a failure beforehand. It just shut off. While using the new one a couple of weeks ago I inserted a battery that had 57 cycles on it and noticed the same on and off episodes and discovered that when I pushed in on the battery front cover it would go on and off each time I pushed it. Obviously it was not going into the air. I had three other batteries and tried each one to determine if it was the quad or the battery. All three worked fine, I could push all I wanted and no on and off issues at all. That pointed in a faulty battery and not the P4P. I have flown it more than a dozen times without incident. I feel that something is cracked at the connector/circuit board end and will let go at any time with the right amount of force. I sent an email with all of the data and what happened previously to DJI. I was going to give them the battery to see what the defect is so they can resolve the issue in the future. I received a reply stating to discharge the battery to 18% and recharge it. Obviously they never red it and just noticed the 70% and sent an automated reply. What does charging it have to do with it turning on and off when you push on it! I ordered a new battery and it did the same thing so that one went back. I have not tried the replacement for that one yet. It only arrived yesterday. |