Flight distance : 34002234 ft
So what your saying is at a total of 2307' above sealevel is an extream hieght. Meaning that anyone flying thier Mavic Pro at a total hieght of 2307' give or take a few feet is in danger of overloading thier motors? Would you be as so kind to explain to me now this is an "extreme hieght". I saw an add DJI ran a few weeks ago showing K2 the 2nd highest mountain in the world ( 28,251' above sea level) being photographed by a Mavic ? Are Mavic's available in Denver ?? If so you should pull them from the market as Denver is the mile high city. (5280'above sea level) and all those people are in danger of overloading thier motors. Furthetmore your saying that 20mph is full speed while in sport mode ? Last week the staff was more concerned with the fact that I was in sport mode and not my hieght. This week its the speed i was going, ok well when. the 1st speed error occured i was going 20mph.
Thats right the 1st speed error occured at 20 mph?? i dont think i ever went above 25( I'll check my log again) If the drone was rolling and pitching it was 1- not at full speed and 2- not of my doing. I was flying it in a straight line as far as i knew. And woul you please exp!ain ti me what exactly that means. Also.could you show me when and where i was going at full speed. Ive loomed at the logs on my phone and i dont think I ever went over 20 mph.. We bohj know that isnt the Mavics top speed. Ma'am I know you most likely reading a report generated for you. However if i might. It seems everytime I speak to so eone from dji about this they have a new and differnt reason for not wanting to cover this. Like your thriwing darts at a board and hoping o e will stick. Ma'am I am a owner of several drones including a Phantom 3, blade Chroma , blade 200qx , Hubsan H501ss and an Eachine 210. This Mavic isnt my first or my last drone however depending on how this situation is handled it may be my final DJI drone. Yes my hieght was 450 meters above me. My homes elevation is approximatel 667'. Thats 667+ 1640' = 2307'. To be continued |