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RC won't connect to spark after latest update
2254 11 2018-7-24
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Flight distance : 123944 ft
United Kingdom

ok so i've been reading this forum for the past few days wondering if i should install the latest firmware update and went ahead and installed it today via dji assistant 2..huge mistake! now the remote controller wont connect to the spark.i will downgrade the firmware and see where that gets me.oh and nether a/c or r/c were turned off during the process.
IOS user.UK
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Iron Maiden Fan
Flight distance : 23642 ft

I am having the same problem. I update and restart and still asks to update latest firmware...over and over.
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Flight distance : 123944 ft
United Kingdom

Iron Maiden Fan Posted at 2018-7-24 10:46
I am having the same problem. I update and restart and still asks to update latest firmware...over and over.

so...i down graded back to the previous firmware..and all is now fine again.
i thought i may have to figure someway of down grading the firmware on the remote but i did th A?C only and all appears good.gave it a few quick flights and i'm happy with it again.
there is definitely a bug in that new firmware alright.
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DJI Wanda

Jeetley Posted at 2018-7-24 11:27
so...i down graded back to the previous firmware..and all is now fine again.
i thought i may have to figure someway of down grading the firmware on the remote but i did th A?C only and all appears good.gave it a few quick flights and i'm happy with it again.
there is definitely a bug in that new firmware alright.

Hello there. We apologize for the inconvenience. Can you elaborate the errors or malfunctions happened after the update?
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Flight distance : 123944 ft
United Kingdom

DJI Wanda Posted at 2018-7-25 09:09
Hello there. We apologize for the inconvenience. Can you elaborate the errors or malfunctions happened after the update?

yes of course..i ran the update with both a/c and r/c switched on and the update on the screen said 100% etc.
restarted both a/c and r/c and held the power button on the spark for 3 sec till it did a single beep.then held the pause +Fn+custom button on the r/c to start the linking joy.
repeated this process around 6-7 times and decided there was an issue.
so i downgraded the firmware to the previous release and did the same connection process...worked first time.
took the spark out for a few test flights and all was good.
hope this helps.
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Flight distance : 123944 ft
United Kingdom

Jeetley Posted at 2018-7-25 09:26
yes of course..i ran the update with both a/c and r/c switched on and the update on the screen said 100% etc.
restarted both a/c and r/c and held the power button on the spark for 3 sec till it did a single beep.then held the pause +Fn+custom button on the r/c to start the linking joy.
repeated this process around 6-7 times and decided there was an issue.

no errors at all appeared on screen/s at any time.
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First Officer

Jeetley Posted at 2018-7-24 11:27
so...i down graded back to the previous firmware..and all is now fine again.
i thought i may have to figure someway of down grading the firmware on the remote but i did th A?C only and all appears good.gave it a few quick flights and i'm happy with it again.
there is definitely a bug in that new firmware alright.

Thanks for the Update Jeetley so you suggest to avoid the Remote Controller Update ?

Ok to do the Spark Firmware Update ?

Thanks Mate ! Hope Wolverhampton Win the Premier League Mate !
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Flight distance : 123944 ft
United Kingdom

DMX_MT Posted at 2018-7-25 10:17
Thanks for the Update Jeetley so you suggest to avoid the Remote Controller Update ?

Ok to do the Spark Firmware Update ?

wolves lol..cheers
no avoid the update if you are an iOS user, thats my opinion
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First Officer

Jeetley Posted at 2018-7-26 00:14
wolves lol..cheers
no avoid the update if you are an iOS user, thats my opinion

Thanks Jeetley, for your reply.

I avoid even the Spark Firware Update too ?

I am an IOS User.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 3307 ft

That really sucks. I would have thought that DJI should try to update within DJI in using IOS and Android devices (possibly the most popular device, though I understand it is much easier to test in IOS with limited device compared to android)

I respect users that become the first adopters of firmware updates being very very brave souls indeed. Hats off to you guys.

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Flight distance : 5922034 ft
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I suggest that first the AC update is done. direct Device AC connected or with Assistant 2
I am on android, so I prefer assistant 2 anyway, but that is not the main reason:
Even connecting the device wia wifi direct to the AC will probably get you a safer process.
Because after the AC is updated, only the RC needs to be done, AC-RC-Device connected.
I updated today, Bird with assistant 2, but had massive trouble to get the RC updated.
In the end and after a couple of "AC disconnected", LED double blinking and failed, failed, ...,
I decided to use the OTG cable.
Restarted all DJI components and got it connected like in the past 6 month.
And Go4 updated very easily the RC.
Now I need  to check how that works out, midair.
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First Officer

S-e-ven Posted at 2018-7-26 05:42
I suggest that first the AC update is done. direct Device AC connected or with Assistant 2
I am on android, so I prefer assistant 2 anyway, but that is not the main reason:
Even connecting the device wia wifi direct to the AC will probably get you a safer process.

So you suggest to update the RC via DJI GO4 App instead of the DJI Assistant 2.0 ?

I think Antipaxi update his Remote via DJI Go4 App too in his last post ? Or am I wrong ?

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