Flight distance : 5922034 ft
I suggest that first the AC update is done. direct Device AC connected or with Assistant 2
I am on android, so I prefer assistant 2 anyway, but that is not the main reason:
Even connecting the device wia wifi direct to the AC will probably get you a safer process.
Because after the AC is updated, only the RC needs to be done, AC-RC-Device connected.
I updated today, Bird with assistant 2, but had massive trouble to get the RC updated.
In the end and after a couple of "AC disconnected", LED double blinking and failed, failed, ...,
I decided to use the OTG cable.
Restarted all DJI components and got it connected like in the past 6 month.
And Go4 updated very easily the RC.
Now I need to check how that works out, midair.