FYI, this is just stating that municipalities are not permitted to have their own rules or regulations governing the operation of aircraft. It's not a new regulation/rule/law. It looks like the FAA is just posting since some people and/or municipalities don't understand the law.
msinger Posted at 2018-7-24 12:49
FYI, this is just stating that municipalities are not permitted to have their own rules or regulations governing the operation of aircraft. It's not a new regulation/rule/law. It looks like the FAA is just posting since some people and/or municipalities don't understand the law.
Arizona Drone Laws
Cities and towns in the state of Arizona that contain more than one park must allow drones in at least one of them.
Cities and towns in Arizona are prohibited from creating their own drone laws. The Arizona State Legislature claims pre-emption for the creation of any regulations concerning drones.
UAS cannot interfere with police, firefighters, or manned aircraft.
Flying a drone in “dangerous proximity” to a person or property is defined as Disorderly Conduct.
UAS cannot fly within 500 feet horizontally or 250 feet vertically of any critical facility. These include but are not limited to oil and gas facilities, water treatment facilities, power plants, courthouses, military Instalations or hospitals.
All drone pilots operating commercially in the state of Arizona are subject to the FAA’s Part 107 rules
Translation??? Okay to take off and land in your own yard and fly over the neighborhood for aerial shots? Always mindful of the notifications, not flying over personal property, people, etc..... ???????