Flight distance : 39606 ft
United States
Well, it was only a few hours past the 48 hour mark when I tried to register and I haven't even had the thing in the air yet. Whatever the reason, I got a very prompt and courteous response from customer service and after providing the requested info, they let me register. I'm very impressed with the level of customer service so far.
Not to beat a now-dead horse, but there probably ought to be a bit more notification that you only have 48 hours; an email at least once you activated the device. I only activated the device so that everything would be updated and ready to fly as soon as I had the opportunity, which I knew wouldn't be for several days at least.
As for the video, one of the requirements is that you have to video the drone flying 200m away and 120m high. That's extremely close to the 400ft ceiling you're supposed to stay under. As a complete newbie, I don't want to fly anywhere near that distance or altitude until I have at least a little experience under my belt. But I want the Care Refresh plan in case I made a stupid newbie mistake, so having to do the video in order to get protection is a catch-22 situation.
In any case, all is well. Hopefully I won't make any stupid mistakes.