Offline Maps w/ Android Not Working
4009 14 2018-7-29
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Flight distance : 450075 ft
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United States

Is anyone using offline maps successfully with Android?   I had them working, but now nothing.   I can cache all the maps I want, but when I go to fly, I just get either a black map window with the Mapbox logo, or I get a partial map with no Mavic arrow icon.   I'm using a Huawei Ascend XT2 as a dedicated device with no cell service.   When I have to, I tether it to my phone - but I'd rather not have to do this.   I'd really rather load up all the maps at home via wifi and then head out to fly.  Unfortunately, today was a bust.   At first I thought it was because I hadn't put the phone into airplane mode (to force it to use the offline maps), but that didn't help.   I tried deleting all the maps and redownloading them, but ran into the exact same problem after I rebooted everything.

At this point, I'm stuck and very aggravated.  There's no reason why I should have to rely on cell service just to fly my Mavic Pro.  I'm using the latest firmware, and the latest DJI Go 4 (.21).    Other than this, this version of Go has been VERY stable on my XT2 and I'm completely happy with the performance.   Does anyone have any recommendations or tips?

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Flight distance : 214019 ft
United States

Same here. Tried today and black map window.
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DJI Susan

Hi LeafPeeper, we're sorry for the troubles. just to verify, have you tried to reinstall the APP? If yes, please kindly offer the screenshots of the issue and About page, we'd like to check the exact status.
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DJI Susan

Squashpile Posted at 2018-7-29 17:06
Same here. Tried today and black map window.

Hi Squashpile, please refer 2# and try to reinstall the APP to see whether it works.
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Flight distance : 450075 ft
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United States

I just wiped and reinstalled the app.  I won't be able to fly again for a few days, but I'll report back after.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

I've had similar results, using the same phone, current operating system, and current Go4.  Only difference is that it occurred with my other aircraft, a Spark.  

I noticed that if I tapped the three dots, taking me to any settings screen, then "x" back, the map showed up.  However, if I tapped on the map (to bring it full screen) the map disappeared.  The only way I could get the screens to "swap" (between camera view and map) was to set the function button [Fn] to toggle between the two screens.  All this occurs if I "call up" a downloaded map from memory.  If I simply cache the map, don't turn off the XT2, the map will behave as expected.   

Sorry, haven't tried it with my MPro; I use a iPad Mini4 for that one.
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Flight distance : 450075 ft
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United States

Sounds like buggy behavior then, not something I'm doing wrong.   I'll see what happens now that I've cleared all the logs, directories and reinstalled the app.   I should be able to fly again in a few days.

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Sato Zoom 2
Flight distance : 3172890 ft

How are the offline maps for ANDROID "supposed"to work?  Understand there may be some bugs, I can't get the ANDROID offline maps to work but I'm not sure I'm even using them right.  I've downloaded an area to fly in. I can download them with no problem, it's USING them that I can't figure out.  I'm in that area but I have ZERO wi-fi or cell connection, in fact I'm purposely in airplane mode to prevent any interruptions in-flight.  I get only a black box for the map.  Does the offline map have to be manually selected or enabled somehow?

I've searched the forums and You Tube etc......there's lot's of info on caching and downloading maps but I can't find anything on actually using them and making them work......
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Sato Zoom 2
Flight distance : 3172890 ft

WebParrot Posted at 2018-7-29 18:54
I've had similar results, using the same phone, current operating system, and current Go4.  Only difference is that it occurred with my other aircraft, a Spark.  

I noticed that if I tapped the three dots, taking me to any settings screen, then "x" back, the map showed up.  However, if I tapped on the map (to bring it full screen) the map disappeared.  The only way I could get the screens to "swap" (between camera view and map) was to set the function button [Fn] to toggle between the two screens.  All this occurs if I "call up" a downloaded map from memory.  If I simply cache the map, don't turn off the XT2, the map will behave as expected.   

How exactly do you "call up" the downloaded map for use?  This is the part I'm missing unless it's a bug in the program that keeps it from working for me......

I've got a downloaded map but can't use it or just don't know how........
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 664534 ft

Sato Zoom 2 Posted at 2018-10-6 08:40
How exactly do you "call up" the downloaded map for use?  This is the part I'm missing unless it's a bug in the program that keeps it from working for me......

I've got a downloaded map but can't use it or just don't know how........

I've struggled with figuring out the maps, and getting them to work, in the past. I discovered that downloading too many maps can cause the off-line map feature to fail completely. It has something to do with the total size of the maps in MB, but I've never seen any documentation that gives the limit. If off-line maps aren't displaying (you see only a black box), try deleting a few maps you've downloaded (ones you don't need at the moment) and see if that helps.

When the off-line maps are working, you shouldn't have to do anything to get them to display. The drone can find and display the map that applies to the area you're located in. Off-line maps are working for me at the moment; these days, I never have more than two or three maps in the list at any given time.

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Sato Zoom 2
Flight distance : 3172890 ft

larryc43230 Posted at 2018-10-6 10:55
I've struggled with figuring out the maps, and getting them to work, in the past. I discovered that downloading too many maps can cause the off-line map feature to fail completely. It has something to do with the total size of the maps in MB, but I've never seen any documentation that gives the limit. If off-line maps aren't displaying (you see only a black box), try deleting a few maps you've downloaded (ones you don't need at the moment) and see if that helps.

When the off-line maps are working, you shouldn't have to do anything to get them to display. The drone can find and display the map that applies to the area you're located in. Off-line maps are working for me at the moment; these days, I never have more than two or three maps in the list at any given time.

Thank you Larry, that's how I hoped it should work, that the appropriate downloaded map should come up without having to do anything.  I only have 2 maps downloaded both only around 70Mb each but no luck getting them to work.  I read where a possible uninstall/re-install of the Go 4 app may fix it so I'll probably give that a shot next.....
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First Officer
Flight distance : 23625 ft
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United States

Sato Zoom 2 Posted at 2018-10-6 08:40
How exactly do you "call up" the downloaded map for use?  This is the part I'm missing unless it's a bug in the program that keeps it from working for me......

I've got a downloaded map but can't use it or just don't know how........

FWIW, I don't depend on the Go4 App's Map download function.  While still at home I just start the App while connected to my home network, just as though I were flying from home.  When the Map appears on the screen, I tap it (for larger view) and move the map to the area where I will be flying.  I leave the App open, turn off the A/C & remote, then head out to the flying location.  When I re-connect the map is still there.  This is also the way I connect when I fly with my iPad Mini 4 (there's no map downloading option in iOS).  I recognize this may not be optimal for anyone who travels to a remote location to fly, however, a little planning might make it plausible.  ...just works for me.
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Flight distance : 148173 ft

I've experienced the black map-issue on several occasions even when using off-line maps. I could not see if the home point was set, only just a black map. So I allowed mobile data access on the phone and then the map displayed in satellite mode. Accidentally setting the map mode to hybrid or satellite mode will give the black map when offline. So if the problem occurs set the map in "Standard" mode (layer icon top right) in the map view. Unfortunately the app also has to be restarted for changes to take effect.

The GO app should be improved to fall-back to standard map mode when mobile is offline/airplane mode.

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Sato Zoom 2
Flight distance : 3172890 ft
United States

hskoglund Posted at 2018-10-6 23:21
I've experienced the black map-issue on several occasions even when using off-line maps. I could not see if the home point was set, only just a black map. So I allowed mobile data access on the phone and then the map displayed in satellite mode. Accidentally setting the map mode to hybrid or satellite mode will give the black map when offline. So if the problem occurs set the map in "Standard" mode (layer icon top right) in the map view. Unfortunately the app also has to be restarted for changes to take effect.

The GO app should be improved to fall-back to standard map mode when mobile is offline/airplane mode.

Thank you! That was exactly my problem. I was in hybrid mode on the map while off line.....
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Flight distance : 23071 ft

Ok i also figured this out.
But is it the normal behavior?
I mean is the offline map only the standard layout, no hybrid, no satellite view?

I hope it will be enhanced to also download the satellite view.
The problem i have with only standard layout is that you can not check your home point exactly.
Sure when you have streets on the maps you can orientate yourself and check if the homepoint matches, but when you are out in the nature this does not work.
to have an exact homepoint check i need to see the satellite image.

Thanks and best regards,
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