I have a Phantom 3 Professional. I haven't flown it a whole lot, but when I shoot video it is choppy/jittery and not smooth. I have even taken some video inside my house while just holding the drone to rule out any sort of wind issue while flying. Is there anything I need to look at/change to get smooth video? Is there a specific micro SD card I should use? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
This is a common issue when playing back 4K video. Here are some things to try:
1) If you're attempting to play the video directly from the Phantom's memory card, then copy the video files from the memory card to your computer first.
2) If your video player of choice is not updated, then try installing the current version.
Hi there, I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused. May I know if you're having the same issue when saving the video to your device? Also, please make sure to use a compatible SD card to your drone. For reference, please see the attached image below. Thank you.
Interesting..... i don't think this is a software issue but more an out of balance prop / props .
have you tried a different set ? if you were having an sd card problem or your pc was slow the film would appear to freeze but this is more fuzzy like a high frequency vibration ?
I have 2 videos not with me that look the same way and I wasn't even flying. No props were even installed. I was filing in my house as a test, so I don't think it would be a prop out of balance.
buddy_c Posted at 2018-8-2 12:21
I have 2 videos not with me that look the same way and I wasn't even flying. No props were even installed. I was filing in my house as a test, so I don't think it would be a prop out of balance.
Sounds mores like something going on with the camera itself.
Could be - but motors alone create high freq resonance that can lead to vibration ... ever held a model and rev'd up a propless motor .. surprising amount ....
Given that we ALL are trying to eliminate items to get possibly to a reason ...
solentlife Posted at 2018-8-3 02:35
Could be - but motors alone create high freq resonance that can lead to vibration ... ever held a model and rev'd up a propless motor .. surprising amount ....
Given that we ALL are trying to eliminate items to get possibly to a reason ...
Yes a vibrator. Haha
But I wasn’t sure if the flight motors were running, without the props or not.
buddy_c Posted at 2018-8-3 06:05
the indoor video the motors were not on. I'll upload the indoor video tonight after I get home.
Well that really puts the mokkers on most theories then ....
What would cause jittery movie if no movement ? unless the gimbal motors were playing up ... but surely that would not be such small and fast movements ?
This is strange for sure. If it is inside with no motors running and you see this, something is going on with the camera or gimbal I think. Can you look at it while you're taking video and it sitting on the table, or whatever, and notice any twitching in the gimbal? I don't believe it is the SD card either. As far as the rubber mounts or the anti drop pins, don't think they play are part here since the aircraft is sitting still. I think you should look closely at the camera to see if you can notice any movement. May a loose screw or something and it is trying to stabilize itself...……...don't really know for sure. Maybe even lightly grab the gimbal to see if you can detect and vibrations. I've never experienced anything like this myself. Flying yes, with maybe strong winds or yes bad rubber mounts. Best of luck to you.
I couldn't find my original indoor video, so I recorded this one friday. The Phantom 3 Pro is sitting on the counter, no rotors attached, notice how it keeps pulling left. After I recorded this I went out and did a short test flight in my back yard. Some of the still shots I took, the color is normal and some seem whitewashed, like it is looking into the sun. It did this no matter which direction I had the camera facing while in the air, it was the same way even when I had it pointed straight down.
It seems to me, that the gimball needs to be calibrated!
I had something like that; a very unstable picture. But when I recalibrated the gimball, it was cured completely!