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This might help Android users on Go4 App
1778 4 2018-8-6
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Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States

These are some optimization tips for Android users. Not sure if they will do much for Go4. It seemed to help several devices we tried this with.

1. Set up Developer Options- Settings> About> Build Number> tap 5-7x and Dev Options enabling should come on. Enable them
2. From Devel Options menus, select Apps and App Limit Processes
Android by default has unlimited amount of apps that can run, with this feature you can limit the processes from no limits to 4. I use 3
3. Next are the Animations. Window, Transition, and Animation. Default is x1. I set mine to 0.5x and the device runs faster opening or closing apps.
4. Some had suggested enabling Force GPU Rendering 2d. I didn't notice any difference in that setting
5.Check Device Optimization. Many Android products have this option under Settings> Device Maint> Memory
This allows the user to optimize the device in use. This will show memory usage and optimization options if you decide you need them.
6. Some have said to change Buffer Settings in the Devel Options tab. Settings>Devel Options> Buffer Settings
Default for most is 256K. I found lowering this seemed to have more lag. I would have thought there would be less.. I'm not a programmer, so anyone with better information regarding that setting or even the GPU rendering might want to chime in.

When I did this, I also reinstalled 4.2.21 on several devices. It brought the cpu load down to about 34% with Go4 which was better, but Go4 is still a ram hog and was pushing 500M on it's own. With these settings and latest app, I was able to fly much longer without the annoying video transmission bug (greatly reduced, but not eliminated), and best yet was NO aircraft disconnects. Switching to another club member's totally clean S3 Tab (same as mine), and on 4.2.12, the video feed was perfect. No lag issues at all, no pixelations. Testing the memory and cpu with that app, adn it came in around 290M for Go4 4.2.12, and only 24% cpu.

Flights in both app versions with these optimizations were also improved flying with tablets/ phones in Airplane mode. This also included video being cached to the devices. On tests without video caching, there wasn't a ton of difference. Not as much as we expected. No cache-mem 280M and 22% cpu.

Something in Go4 is just really eating resources from these devices. Is it the extra tools? Flight modes? Or is it all the data logging that is happening?

If nothing else, the above, plus a few other tweaks can improve the speed of your Android devices.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 689334 ft
South Africa

Thanks for advise, will give it a whirl.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 823163 ft

Most interesting. Will see what happens.
Use props

Thanks!I'll definitely be playing around with that.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 5712575 ft
United Kingdom

Its more likely they release the things so quickly now they don't optimise the builds before compiling and throwing out there.  Aggressive release schedule leaves no times to optimise code any more.
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