Flight distance : 119065 ft
Mavic Air's sensors
(From Mavic Pro user)
First, actually your Air doesn't move too much. But I understand, stability really matters if you want to take a good picture.
This is likely a case of ATTI mode Vision Positioning without GPS lock. Check on your control screen if it flies ATTI mode or GPS mode.
It moves right and left. Your mavic doesn't have a coordinate to stick with. GPS issue? most likely because you are flying indoor.
You are probably in Visual Positioning System (VPS), because it sticks vertically (it sensed the floor) but still wiggled right and left. So let's focus on why it wiggles right and left.
VPS relies on sensors that, for AIR, scan in 3 directions: front, back, and down. Front and Back are vision sensors, down sensor are vision sensors + infrared sensors.
Air's sensing ability has APAS system, it will instruct your drone to move right or left if it senses an obstacle in FRONT of it. You need to make sure that the area in front of your drone is clear from obstacles, else it may activate this obstacle avoidance maneuver.
If it bobbles up and down, you drone probably doesn't recognize the floor under it or your turn off your sensor. Since DJI says that the down sensor of AIR is equipped with 2 infrared sensors, it should be more capable to recognize the surface under it, that thing makes you more stable vertically.
The second element you need to pay attention to is the indoor light, without it the vision positioning wont be reliable, especially the front and back sensor since they are relying on the VISION sensor.
This could be the issue that affected your Air stability.
Lesson learned from that is you need to remember when the sensors are on, Mavic sensors are constantly scanning obstacles around it.
In some cases, it may accidentally catapult itself upward if it's sense something close under it. It may hit the ceiling, because it doesn't have upward sensor. People who do catch-landing know this.
All-in-all when flying indoor, you need to be extra effort to make it stable. There's a tripod mode that will make Mavic fly in slow speed, but I don't believe it can solve your weak GPS hence the stability issue.
I am sorry I only share thoughts on the cause not the solution, perhaps others can share their experience on how to solve this. I am always fly with all sensors and protection on, except when I do catch-landing.
Good luck man. |