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Abnormal Gimbal Behavior
740 6 2018-8-9
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Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States

I have been flying Sparky ever since I got it since last December. I have over a 100+ flights with a total flight time of more than 24hrs. I use an iPhone 6s+ with the controller and no OTG cable and always run the current and latest software and firmware update. So far I have never experienced any serious hardware or software issues besides getting disconnections on a few ocasions but have had the drone RTH successfully everytime.

I recently updated to the lastest firmware which was released a few weeks ago. This update mainly benefitted android users with OTG support but i decided to update anyways to run the latest firmware. Before I began the update I read that a lot of people were having trouble updating on th fourms and I was a bit concerned if I would have the same issues. I finally did the update and everything went perfectly.

After I updated to the latest firmware I didn't fly for a week due to my busy schedule. I finally had the time to go out and fly last weekend. The first flight went well. However, on the second flight after I put a new battery right after the first flight I experienced an issue with the gimbal mid flight at about 300ft. I was taking photos of the sunset when all of the sudden the my live feed to the phone began to tilt to one side. It was not windy that day but I thought there might have been some gusts at that altitude. I continued to take pictures but every second my live view began to tilt at a more aggressive angle.

I looked at the bottom left of my screen which showed me if the drone was level or not and it was level. I still didnt know why the live feed was so tilted. This whole time I was watching the drone for abnormal behavior but it was hovering stable and showed no signs of abnormal flight dynamics. However, due to the live feed getting titled to the point where it looked like the drone would flip I panicked and used sport mode and brought it towards me to land ASAP.

When I brought it down to face level the live feed was still tilted and kep on tilting. When I saw the gimbal I noticed that it was rolling and pitching by itself. The gimbal had a mind of its own. I immediatly shut down the drone and restarted it to see if the problem would e fixed. The abnomal gimbal behavior stopped but now when I tried to pitch the camera down it would not fully point straight down at 90 degrees. It would stop at a 75 degree angle.

I resarted the drone and everything seemd to be ok. I did not know why this happend or what to make of it. I took off and leveld at my face height and just let it hover for a few minutes to test the gimbal inputs and movements and all the other flight controlls before I took it to a higher altitiude. Every thing was working as normal and I resumed to fly till used all 3 of my batteries.

After a 100+ flights I have never experienced anything of this sort. I have never crashed Sparky maintain it very well. To my understanding I am guessing that it might have been a software bug that caused the abnormal gimbal behavior. I dont know if the lastest firmware update has anything to do with this. I will be flying again this weekend and hopefully the gimbal doesnt act up again.

Has anyone else experienced anything similar to this? Should I be concerned?
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Flight distance : 67841 ft


I have also experienced the camera being tilted after the first flught after the update. I calibratet the imu which helped a lot. But there was another thing that worried me... sparky flew sideway instead of forwords. And it was yawing... a compass calibration didnt fix that problem. Did you experience that too?

Use props
Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States

I will do a full calibration of the IMU, compass, and RC before I fly tomorrow. I did not experience any sideways motion when flying straight. Although, I have noticed that Sparky tends to yaw towards the right when i'm going forward and just pressing the forward stick.

I think you should try doing an RC calibration to fix the sideways motion when flying forwards. I will let you know how things go after the flight. Let me know how your flight goes after the RC calibration.
Use props
Flight distance : 67841 ft

Yes, i will

Good luck!

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Flight distance : 67841 ft

Well, i think there is no need for a stick calibration , because  i managed to have a look at the flight data and there i could see that the stick only was pushed forward.  So i decided that there is no need for a calibration.

Btw i did another flight and i was very afraid after i preesed return to home at maybe 300 m distance. It turned and speeded towards the HP. But during that process it rotated more than 30 degrees.

Did you also experience this extrem behavior during rth?

Use props
Flight distance : 968002 ft
United States

Just got in a quick flight before the rain and everything went well. Didn't experience any problems. I did not do an RTH but when I do I notice that sometimes Sparky yaws to one side but still flies a straight path towards the home point. Is this what you experienced?
Use props
Flight distance : 67841 ft

Yeah, that ist the point. It yaws but although flys straight Back... I did not experience that before the new firmware

Hopefully this will be fixt :-)

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