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How much will the new DJI Mavic Pro 2 retail for upon release?
4240 31 2018-8-13
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Hoping for a "trade up" program as that's the only way I see a new MP in my future.
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Flight distance : 3343 ft

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Paul_IA Posted at 2018-8-13 11:56
Hoping for a "trade up" program as that's the only way I see a new MP in my future.

That would be a great deal, trade in the MP for a MP2
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Flight distance : 1174232 ft
United States

Paul_IA Posted at 2018-8-13 11:56
Hoping for a "trade up" program as that's the only way I see a new MP in my future.

Same with me. There's not enough difference between the Pro and the 2 for me to retire the Pro for the 2. I'd rather put that $ toward an Inspire, etc.
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Flight distance : 1008924 ft

They have to release it first.  That’s going to be a while yet.  Just buy the inspire be done with it.  Then you have the best.
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Flight distance : 355157 ft
United Kingdom

Im hoping it'll be cheaper than the current Mavic Pro, technology has moved on, and cheaper now than nearly 2 years ago.... want to see the full specs & price and if its worth it ….. will probably be putting an order in for the Pro 2 (depending on price) as soon as I can ,,
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Flight distance : 4959019 ft
United States

CAAirborne Posted at 2018-8-13 13:23
Same with me. There's not enough difference between the Pro and the 2 for me to retire the Pro for the 2. I'd rather put that $ toward an Inspire, etc.

Same with me. I think I will be flying my MP until it can fly no more and then move on to the Inspire 2 (or similar performance drone). But the MP has been a blast so far.
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Paul_IA Posted at 2018-8-13 11:56
Hoping for a "trade up" program as that's the only way I see a new MP in my future.

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CA Mavic Pro
Second Officer
Flight distance : 639652 ft

There's probably 2 version of the 2. So 2 prices
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Flight distance : 3343 ft

United States

Thats a true statement..
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Flight distance : 23625 ft
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Better yet... how much will it be discounted when the Pro THREE releases ??? eh ???  Huh!?!
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1995 USD for the Hasselblad version
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el pelo
Flight distance : 236768 ft
United States

No way they will offer a trade in program. It makes no financial sense when they can sell out on the day of launch.

My guess is the MP2 will sell for 1299 usd with the remote and 1 battery. A fly more combo will be around 1499 usd.
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Hugh Jaynus
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Flight distance : 1204754 ft
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Flight distance : 1883940 ft
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just look at demand and desire posts here.  Helps them when determining price.

Hmm, we'll list it as $1199, no wait that is the MPP, uhh lets go $1399 "yeah but users are really excited and will line up to buy this!!"  Ok $1699

I think since there is some competition success, especially since the MP competitor is really doing well in the Android community, MP2 may fall in around $1299 for the less advanced version, but at least $1599 for the better camera version.

If they use teh same Go4 app, it could be a dud in the Android communuity. Android users were jumping to competition of late. Many users of MP's were not happy discovering they are now required to buy different or newer devices to fly a drone they use on occasion.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 267126 ft

miketmtpro Posted at 2018-8-15 08:10
just look at demand and desire posts here.  Helps them when determining price.

Hmm, we'll list it as $1199, no wait that is the MPP, uhh lets go $1399 "yeah but users are really excited and will line up to buy this!!"  Ok $1699

What competition have users been jumping to?

I agree the Go 4 problems can be a deal breaker, but is Autel an alternative? Their launch has been a disaster. How many did they sell?

Or did you mean Parrot? Their Mavic-like drone is clearly inferior.

The Go 4 app can be rolled back to a stable version.
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Flight distance : 84085 ft
United States

Their launch has been a disaster ?? How do you figure that ??  Because it needed a firmware update for the horizon tilt ?  there wasn't a recall and no serious problems with the EVO just fixable minor ones and most drones will have that. Now the Go Pro Karma was a disaster with its recall . The Evo with it's no  NFZ is a  attractive feature and it works good with Android. And you can fly it without a phone or tablet if you want. ... r-the-dji-mavic-pro

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Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States

0Kajuna0 Posted at 2018-8-16 10:19
What competition have users been jumping to?

I agree the Go 4 problems can be a deal breaker, but is Autel an alternative? Their launch has been a disaster. How many did they sell?

Point being, you should not have to roll back an app or fw to fix problems that render a product almost unusable.

Autel has done well so far. Many on Android jumped DJI ship after long term issues with app, disconnects and what not. They were not about to buy new devices.

Anafi will do great as a vacationing drone like the Spark, but that camera tilt of 180 deg is incredible, the drone is incredibly quiet. 2 Guys at the club have them and people are taking notice. Not everyone wants to fly for miles. They just want something fun, portable, not as threatening in the public eye.

DJI needs to also pay attention closer to that market as well. Vacationers that used the Anafi for example loved the fact NO Props in the images ever. That is huge. Flight time and stability isn't too bad either. No NFZ's though that could change. Do a lot of people worry about Obstacle Avoidance? Not as many as you think. A good pilot cares less about it. A learning pilot will be mostly careful. A pilot that tests the waters heavily will learn fast not to test those things.

Many have found on units with OA, it does not always work as expected. Wires, thinner branches are not as easily determined by the craft, so crashes occur. Others flying is sports modes forget OA is disabled.. and boom. So much for OA.

Hopefully DJI will get the app issues resolved finally. I still do not see the competitors losing much in certain markets though. Ones without flight restrictions will have their huge patronage, and vactioning type, or those that need a 180 deg til camera will be buying that craft. Many will buy those and DJI. DJI is still leaning more in the higher end markets, and that can lose a lot of interests. Not as many want to pay over a grand for a drone, and then another $800 for a device to fly it.

Once the tech catches up and more drones are doing 4K with Spark size... that market will take off more and more over the higher end commercial side or even MP arena. Hubsan and others are looking into Anafi type designs at lesser price points. Maybe not as long as flight time, but enough. More of those designers know they need to compete more heavily in the Spark market. Toy drones are not going to pique the interests as much other than for little kids. Even those examples have parents leading more into Spark territory or Anafi when it comes to gifts. H501's are not as premiere as they once were.

Biggest question from noobs in my drone club is "what is the best drone for vacations or backyard flights?"  and not as many ask "what is the better drone for cinema or commercial use", because those guys already know.
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Flight distance : 1778045 ft
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I hope I am wrong and it ends up being less.
But, I think the M2 Zoom will be $1500 and the Pro $1899.
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Flight distance : 108805200 ft
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I think DJI will try and keep one of the Mavic Pro 2 releases at the requisite $999 level, it will likely be the Mavic Pro 2 Zoom version that will sell at that price point. The other versions it could be selling for a higher price, maybe $1,199?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2768694 ft

MP2 price = MPP + MA
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 267126 ft

miketmtpro Posted at 2018-8-16 11:31
Point being, you should not have to roll back an app or fw to fix problems that render a product almost unusable.

Autel has done well so far. Many on Android jumped DJI ship after long term issues with app, disconnects and what not. They were not about to buy new devices.

You've made some good points there. And again I agree that the Android app situation with DJI is unacceptable.

Regarding Hubsan, which I have owned small quads of, they've been promising higher end ones forever (not sure what their current lineup is). Walkera seemed like an alternative too, but their drones are incredibly unreliable (owned them too). Karma showed us again that drone engineering is way way harder than it looks on paper and in ads. Not to speak about the dozens of failed kickstarter projects. But you have a point, especially about the Analfi.

@Kingram Autel announced the Evo in January if am not wrong, for an estimated "very soon" release date, which they pushed for months. In July some reviewers still thought the firmware was not ready for mainstream use (I don't know now). Horizon tilt was not the only problem (although it would be a deal breaker until fixed): gimbal issues, lack of an IOS app (we were discussing Android users, but not a good sign), instability, the 1inch sensor version is nowhere to be seen... Disaster was probably an overstatement, ok. Not a very smooth release. I believe DJI was able push back the Mavic 2 announcement and focus on production because they don't see it as the competitor it was supposed to be. But that's just intuition.
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Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States

0Kajuna0 Posted at 2018-8-16 19:50
You've made some good points there. And again I agree that the Android app situation with DJI is unacceptable.

Regarding Hubsan, which I have owned small quads of, they've been promising higher end ones forever (not sure what their current lineup is). Walkera seemed like an alternative too, but their drones are incredibly unreliable (owned them too). Karma showed us again that drone engineering is way way harder than it looks on paper and in ads. Not to speak about the dozens of failed kickstarter projects. But you have a point, especially about the Analfi.

True, but DJI has seen more legit competitor products, and given the amount of a quick move from Android users to competitors, DJI seems to have made an attempt to limit the damage.

MP2's are going to breach the current pricing schemes, so only the Air and Spark will cover the smaller budget markets. Air is just too noisy and many still choose the MP over it even with its higher bitrate. Many prefer the MP and given the MP is now sitting nearly as direct competition to the Air, that explains the bump in MP sales.  MP is a damn good drone.

Going back to vacationer markets, it will be interesting to see if DJI makes more moves in the sub $500 markets. It was a good move, because even I jumped on a MP after having a Spark for several months.

Yuneec and others will still hang around. They too have a fairly loyal user group. I see a ton of Typhoons used at weddings and some commercial uses. Not really a hobby drone, but the price is really good.

My next move if MP2 is too costly, is an Inspire. It is the cream of the crop for semi pro work.
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First Officer
United States

miketmtpro Posted at 2018-8-16 11:31
Point being, you should not have to roll back an app or fw to fix problems that render a product almost unusable.

Autel has done well so far. Many on Android jumped DJI ship after long term issues with app, disconnects and what not. They were not about to buy new devices.

Speaking of vacationing drones, I can see ones like AirSelfie2 becoming popular.
Easily carried, does enough for most, cheap, and most importantly designed for SmartPhone / FaceBook generation of Selfies.  
Did I mention cheap as in $200?  
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Flight distance : 15283773 ft
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United Kingdom

The Mavic Zoom as a fly more combo will probably exceed $1500.
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Flight distance : 84085 ft
United States

This NY Drone store has a estimated cost.
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trica de
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1062090 ft
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Kingram Posted at 2018-8-19 15:44
This NY Drone store has a estimated cost.

Pro can not be cheaper as the Zoom....
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Flight distance : 3343 ft

United States

Kingram Posted at 2018-8-19 15:44
This NY Drone store has a estimated cost.

Those Prices look reasonable, we'll have to see how they match-up on DJIs site after the launch.
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Flight distance : 84085 ft
United States

trica de Posted at 2018-8-19 23:04
Pro can not be cheaper as the Zoom....

I wouldn't think so either ....but you never know.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 50642090 ft
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United States

It's been a while since the last time DJI released a "good" consumer drone.
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trica de
Second Officer
Flight distance : 1062090 ft
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my ues is still... the Pro around 1500€ and with fly more 1800€
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Flight distance : 478757 ft

Kingram Posted at 2018-8-19 15:44
This NY Drone store has a estimated cost.

Whoever did the photoshop on that box didn't even try.
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