Flight distance : 1883940 ft
United States
0Kajuna0 Posted at 2018-8-16 10:19
What competition have users been jumping to?
I agree the Go 4 problems can be a deal breaker, but is Autel an alternative? Their launch has been a disaster. How many did they sell?
Point being, you should not have to roll back an app or fw to fix problems that render a product almost unusable.
Autel has done well so far. Many on Android jumped DJI ship after long term issues with app, disconnects and what not. They were not about to buy new devices.
Anafi will do great as a vacationing drone like the Spark, but that camera tilt of 180 deg is incredible, the drone is incredibly quiet. 2 Guys at the club have them and people are taking notice. Not everyone wants to fly for miles. They just want something fun, portable, not as threatening in the public eye.
DJI needs to also pay attention closer to that market as well. Vacationers that used the Anafi for example loved the fact NO Props in the images ever. That is huge. Flight time and stability isn't too bad either. No NFZ's though that could change. Do a lot of people worry about Obstacle Avoidance? Not as many as you think. A good pilot cares less about it. A learning pilot will be mostly careful. A pilot that tests the waters heavily will learn fast not to test those things.
Many have found on units with OA, it does not always work as expected. Wires, thinner branches are not as easily determined by the craft, so crashes occur. Others flying is sports modes forget OA is disabled.. and boom. So much for OA.
Hopefully DJI will get the app issues resolved finally. I still do not see the competitors losing much in certain markets though. Ones without flight restrictions will have their huge patronage, and vactioning type, or those that need a 180 deg til camera will be buying that craft. Many will buy those and DJI. DJI is still leaning more in the higher end markets, and that can lose a lot of interests. Not as many want to pay over a grand for a drone, and then another $800 for a device to fly it.
Once the tech catches up and more drones are doing 4K with Spark size... that market will take off more and more over the higher end commercial side or even MP arena. Hubsan and others are looking into Anafi type designs at lesser price points. Maybe not as long as flight time, but enough. More of those designers know they need to compete more heavily in the Spark market. Toy drones are not going to pique the interests as much other than for little kids. Even those examples have parents leading more into Spark territory or Anafi when it comes to gifts. H501's are not as premiere as they once were.
Biggest question from noobs in my drone club is "what is the best drone for vacations or backyard flights?" and not as many ask "what is the better drone for cinema or commercial use", because those guys already know. |