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MA: what's going on with firmware.
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3122 44 2018-8-15
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Oracle Miata
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Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

I was just curious what users think about the firmware situation with the Mavic Air. To my knowledge, only a handful of firmware upgrades have been released for this quad.  I've read a lot of posts of people with issues with the latest firmware version.  I've actually had no issues to report, but find it odd that this particular product has had so few fw updates when compared to the early days of the Spark and the MP.  So, what does everyone think?  Do you think the MA is performing at peak level and DJI just got it right sooner this time?  Or maybe they're just to busy working on the MP2?  Or perhaps something else?  Just curious on the communities thoughts?  It would be nice to see things like waypoints and dynamic homepoint implemented.
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DJI Stephen

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. regarding with your question the reason why there's a lot of firmware update some of them is enhancing the  capability of the Aircraft, added support to our Crystalsky and Goggles and others would be fixed as well. you  can just always check the Release note on the download section of the product for you to know what they do or what they add.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2018-8-15 09:50
Hi there, thank you for reaching out. regarding with your question the reason why there's a lot of firmware update some of them is enhancing the  capability of the Aircraft, added support to our Crystalsky and Goggles and others would be fixed as well. you  can just always check the Release note on the download section of the product for you to know what they do or what they add.

Thank you for the reply Stephen but I was looking for more of a discussion from the community.
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DJI Stephen

Oracle Miata Posted at 2018-8-15 11:34
Thank you for the reply Stephen but I was looking for more of a discussion from the community.

Yes I understand you and thanks for being understanding. Let just wait as well for the feedback of other users and that will be much appreciated since we can gather some information like reports,feedback from other user if they facing something so that we can forward it as well to our developer.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2018-8-15 11:37
Yes I understand you and thanks for being understanding. Let just wait as well for the feedback of other users and that will be much appreciated since we can gather some information like reports,feedback from other user if they facing something so that we can forward it as well to our developer.

I completely agree.  Thank you.
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First Officer
United States

DJI Stephen Posted at 2018-8-15 09:50
Hi there, thank you for reaching out. regarding with your question the reason why there's a lot of firmware update some of them is enhancing the  capability of the Aircraft, added support to our Crystalsky and Goggles and others would be fixed as well. you  can just always check the Release note on the download section of the product for you to know what they do or what they add.

the Release note on the download section of the product for you to know what they do or what they add

You can check, but I have to disagree on ''you to know''.  The Release notes are far to brief, vauge at best, and to Rubber-Stamped.

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First Officer
United States

It would be nice to see things like waypoints and dynamic homepoint implemented.

Nice to see, sure.  But DJI's focus needs to be on fixing all software (Firmware, App, and Program) issues that have been reported.  Setting aside FW issues to avoid arguments...

We can't even get a full working version of Assistant-2 for ''OS X''; let alone Microsoft and Apple ''Blessed'' versions with signed drivers!
Then there are issues with GO-4 mostly working under iOS, but all sorts of problems under Android OS.
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Like you I’ve had no problems with Mavic Air on current FW, there have been 3 as opposed to 5 on spark within 6 month period, but with spark there were new Firmwares which added new stuff with Mavic Air nothing new really added so far, only enhancements, thing about FW while we see a few with problems with some, and so far dji has only admitted to one problem with FW .400, and that’s current motor, and while their are some problems with Android users very few with iOS , maybe updates in apps are causing the problems for the ever expanding Android market users.

As soon as we see new features in M2 we will see many calling for new FW to include the same new features as M2, although New FW always seems to cause problems, secretly I believe that most users love to see new FW.

It has been normal for dji to release new FW shortly after new releases .
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Although some people will not like my feedback, I want to stress that it is true and honest from my perspective. For my personal flying experience (and this is not referring to other pilots less positive experiences, whatever their cause might be) the latest firmware update for Mavic Air was of high quality with only one minor issue that was quickly acknowledged by DJI and promised to be fixed in the next version, which is the false ''Motor current error'' message. When flying I experienced it only twice but by now I know when it occurs and can easily reproduce it. Nevertheless it has no impact on flight behaviour or safety.
In summary it is my firm opinion that DJI was wise to take the time for verifying all other reported issues that are not so easy to reproduce and to identify their root cause before rushing out a premature firmware update that most likely would have been again or even more frustrating for those, whose issues would not yet have been addressed in case they turn out to be firmware related. Better take the time to do a proper release with as many fixes as possible and maybe for the first time also some new features for Mavic Air.
And here my hint to DJI: Waypoints are hoped for by many (not particularly by me, but there seems to be high demand)!

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 1535679 ft

Oh look, the two biggest trolls on the site come to proclaim that the firmware is more or less fine, with only one main issue, which is actually a non-issue, and that all is A-OK...

These two come into EVERY thread and do this every time a user comes and asks your question @Oracle Miata.

Have a look at this thread, which compiles a LOT of other threads here detailing the many SIGNIFICANT issues the MA has experienced after FW 0400:

Threads detailing SERIOUS issue with Mavic Air FW v01.00.0400

I am glad to hear your bird is flying properly, but sadly this isn't the case for many of us, even on multiple versions of the same drone.

Review, get educated and informed, and avoid the trolls!

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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Lets please not make this a pi$$ing contest.  Views will vary, and so be it.  
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Apologies OM, it seems like honest opinions and open discussions or those trying to keep on topic will end up causing to much friction and non topical discussions , so might be time to bow out.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-15 13:52
Apologies OM, it seems like honest opinions and open discussions or those trying to keep on topic will end up causing to much friction and non topical discussions , so might be time to bow out.

No need hallmark, you didn’t start this.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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You just made me do a count on the Mavic Pro, seventeen releases of firmware since October 2016. So it would seem that barring a couple of snags they seem to have more or less gotten it fairly good with the Air.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Aardvark Posted at 2018-8-15 15:58
You just made me do a count on the Mavic Pro, seventeen releases of firmware since October 2016. So it would seem that barring a couple of snags they seem to have more or less gotten it fairly good with the Air.

I was thinking the same.  Aside from early shakes (literally), the MA has gone of without a hitch.
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First Officer
United States

Wachtberger Posted at 2018-8-15 12:41
Although some people will not like my feedback, I want to stress that it is true and honest from my perspective. For my personal flying experience (and this it not referring to other pilotes less positive experiences, whatever their cause might be) the latest firmware update for Mavic Air was of high quality with only one minor issue that was quickly acknowledged by DJI and promised to be fixed in the next version, which is the false ''Motor current error'' message. When flying I experienced it only twice but by now I know when it occurs and can easily reproduce it. Nevertheless it has no impact on flight behaviour or safety.
In summary it is my firm opinion that DJI was wise to take the time for verifying all other reported issues that are not so easy to reproduce and to identify their root cause before rushing out a premature firmware update that most likely would have been again or even more frustrating for those, whose issues would not yet have been addressed in case they turn out to be firmware related. Better take the time to do a proper release with as many fixes as possible and maybe for the first time also some new features for Mavic Air.
And here my hint to DJI: Waypoints are hoped for by many (not particularly by me, but there seems to be high demand)!

Better take the time to do a proper release with as many fixes as possible and maybe for the first time also some new features for Mavic Air.

Two things:
1) Firmware fix for known bug causing False ''Motor current error'' does not need to wait for a full firmware release.  
2) Firmware release meant to incoporate many fixes for existing problems, should not include new features.  Incorporating new features could induced new problem(s), which would make installing new firmware a choice of living with existing problems or dealing with new problem(s).

And here is my hint to DJI: Focus on fixing all software problems (FW, App, Programs, OS) before adding on software that has potential to cause even more problems.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2768694 ft

I am flying MA with latest firmware and not see major problem. I do see some issues with the firmware but not that worse as others mentioned. There are lot of things can affect the aircraft stability and performance. Firmware just one of the factors. I am not saying the issues others mentioned not related to the firmware but put all issues under it is not the right way. I see some people replying on other people’s issues say it’s firmware issue without checking any further details. I don’t think this is responsible reply. We do see some of those “firmware issues“ finally confirmed not related to firmware.

I agree DJI need to face real firmware problem and fix it ASAP.  Pilot should help to provide the correct information to DJI to check. Try your best to identify what caused the problem. Test is it really related to the firmware or something else. Not just jump out and say it’s not working fix it.

Put all issues under firmware or pilot error is not the way to fix problems. Need to see the facts and find out the real cause.  
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First Officer
United States

GDL Posted at 2018-8-15 18:12
I am flying MA with latest firmware and not see major problem. I do see some issues with the firmware but not that worse as others mentioned. There are lot of things can affect the aircraft stability and performance. Firmware just one of the factors. I am not saying the issues others mentioned not related to the firmware but put all issues under it is not the right way. I see some people replying on other people’s issues say it’s firmware issue without checking any further details. I don’t think this is responsible reply. We do see some of those “firmware issues“ finally confirmed not related to firmware.

I agree DJI need to face real firmware problem and fix it ASAP.  Pilot should help to provide the correct information to DJI to check. Try your best to identify what caused the problem. Test is it really related to the firmware or something else. Not just jump out and say it’s not working fix it.

I see some people replying on other people’s issues say it’s firmware issue without checking any further details.
Put all issues under firmware or pilot error is not the way to fix problems. Need to see the facts and find out the real cause.

True.  But how do we do that, being it is a one-way street?

We are not given diagnostics tools to check for hardware problems.
Those with MAs updated to .0400, can't be rollback.  Which is one way of determing cause.
The updates appear to be making some changes that rollinkg back will not remove.  Leading to issue of there is no way to make back-ups or create restore-points prior to installing an update.
The install process for updates is broken, being DJI keeps suggesting ''Reflashing'' update (aka re-installing); and in some cases that fixes problems.  Leading to install process failing to verify proper installation of update.
DJI's release notes are not release notes.
Providing snapshots, logs, and videos gets usually nothing more than - Thanks and we will pass it on.
Calling, Emailing, Chatting with support amounts to lot of wasted time, and maybe a Case opened that sits without response; let alone closure.

With sole information we have mainly being people posting information about their problems with recent update - How do we do find out the real cause?  

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Flight distance : 254370 ft

I think, DJI is focussing on the MP2 release, they have cancled it once, probably to some issues coming up during tests - which is a good choice to my opinion. So there are less resources on developing the firmware for the MA.

For me, the MA is a perfect traveling drone, foldable to a small package - ideal for hiking, biking and all outdoor activities. So, waypoints are not priority for me. I would like to see a dynamic RTH and the "must to have" for a adventure drone: constant level over ground feature to realize low flying shots in all terrain. The world is not flat! Would like to see that feature in the next firmware.

Just my 2 cent - happy landings.
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

devilsBastard Posted at 2018-8-16 02:01
I think, DJI is focussing on the MP2 release, they have cancled it once, probably to some issues coming up during tests - which is a good choice to my opinion. So there are less resources on developing the firmware for the MA.

For me, the MA is a perfect traveling drone, foldable to a small package - ideal for hiking, biking and all outdoor activities. So, waypoints are not priority for me. I would like to see a dynamic RTH and the "must to have" for a adventure drone: constant level over ground feature to realize low flying shots in all terrain. The world is not flat! Would like to see that feature in the next firmware.

Good stuff.  For me dynamic home point would be huge.  As far as waypoints, I’ve got Litchi for that.  It does a better job then DJI could do anyway.  I like your constant level terrain idea.  
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Flight distance : 820682 ft

Hello i got some issue with Mavic air after update it did not do asteroid mode and some compass calibration issue.  i contacted dji they told me to do a refresh using dji assistant 2.  Once done mavic air was back to normal and fully working.  Maybe those having issue with firmware can try to do refresh.
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First Officer
United States

devilsBastard Posted at 2018-8-16 02:01
I think, DJI is focussing on the MP2 release, they have cancled it once, probably to some issues coming up during tests - which is a good choice to my opinion. So there are less resources on developing the firmware for the MA.

For me, the MA is a perfect traveling drone, foldable to a small package - ideal for hiking, biking and all outdoor activities. So, waypoints are not priority for me. I would like to see a dynamic RTH and the "must to have" for a adventure drone: constant level over ground feature to realize low flying shots in all terrain. The world is not flat! Would like to see that feature in the next firmware.

So there are less resources on developing the firmware for the MA.

I have no issue with DJI holding off release of Mavic Pro 2 (or what ever the Big Wow Wow is).  
However, if DJI actually did pull resources away from existing products (MA, MP, CS, GO-4, Assistant, ...), putting those products on back burner (or warming tray); I got a big problem with it.
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Flight distance : 254370 ft

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-8-16 14:50
So there are less resources on developing the firmware for the MA.

I have no issue with DJI holding off release of Mavic Pro 2 (or what ever the Big Wow Wow is).  

Yep, actually we have no information about update schedule/philosphy/resources. The only thing we can do is to speculate about - and hope...
Yes, I have never a problem with holding a release of a new product. Don't want to be a beta-tester, I am customer. Testing a product on customers back would be a bad habbit.

Happy landings
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Regarding FW, we all know that there has never been a FW update that hasn’t caused problems for some or solved problems for all.

We can only go on what we know, comparing Mavic Air to other aircraft like Mavic Pro , we know that after it’s release and over the first 6 months after its release, it has had less problems than both Mavic Pro and spark in their first 6 months.

With regards to diagnostics , I don’t have diagnostics for any of my other electronic products, what happens when diagnostics go wrong, when users read them wrong, we end up with more problems, and do we really need this, I don’t believe these aircraft will ever be foolproof for all users, it is very much a user participation hobby and requires users to get involved, get to know their aircraft learn how it best works, learn how to fly safely etc.

While we can continue to ask for improvements, it’s very clear that this technology has given millions the ability to both fly and film from the air in a very short time, and I think it’s fair to say that the growth in people now using this technology, shows how safe and easy it is to become part of this hobby.

I’m sure we will see FW soon for Mavic Air, and I’m certain this FW will cause problems for some, this is now part and parcel of FW updates .
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-17 06:35
Regarding FW, we all know that there has never been a FW update that hasn’t caused problems for some or solved problems for all.

We can only go on what we know, comparing Mavic Air to other aircraft like Mavic Pro , we know that after it’s release and over the first 6 months after its release, it has had less problems than both Mavic Pro and spark in their first 6 months.

Well stated, and I agree with this.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-17 06:35
Regarding FW, we all know that there has never been a FW update that hasn’t caused problems for some or solved problems for all.

We can only go on what we know, comparing Mavic Air to other aircraft like Mavic Pro , we know that after it’s release and over the first 6 months after its release, it has had less problems than both Mavic Pro and spark in their first 6 months.

I fully agree as well! Yet right after the next firmware update the unsacred litany of certain people that we know well will start again by making false statements and causing unneccessary concerns for other users. And should the firmware be released on a full moon it will be even worse...
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

devilsBastard Posted at 2018-8-16 02:01
I think, DJI is focussing on the MP2 release, they have cancled it once, probably to some issues coming up during tests - which is a good choice to my opinion. So there are less resources on developing the firmware for the MA.

For me, the MA is a perfect traveling drone, foldable to a small package - ideal for hiking, biking and all outdoor activities. So, waypoints are not priority for me. I would like to see a dynamic RTH and the "must to have" for a adventure drone: constant level over ground feature to realize low flying shots in all terrain. The world is not flat! Would like to see that feature in the next firmware.

Excellent proposals! Can anyone tell me if the bigger DJI drones have something like the "constant level" feature? In my understanding it could only work in the VPS sensors range, thus at rather low level. But that would without doubt help to produce exciting footage.
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First Officer
United States

Yet right after the next firmware update the unsacred litany of certain people that -

- we know all to well will continue with their spinning, deceiving, and bragging about having no problems for purpose of Trolling people having problems after installing next update.

full moon it will be even worse...

I got full moon for ya.  The East end of a West bound horse.  

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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

Well, that was rather unnecessary.
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Flight distance : 254370 ft

Wachtberger Posted at 2018-8-17 08:47
Excellent proposals! Can anyone tell me if the bigger DJI drones have something like the "constant level" feature? In my understanding it could only work in the VPS sensors range, thus at rather low level. But that would without doubt help to produce exciting footage.

I think, the MP has a "Follow Terrain" mode, if I remember right.

I think the hardware is there, surely it will be a huge part of implementation. But I missed it from the beginning. One of my first flights was up and down a hill, 25° steepness between trees. Forward and up/down standing behind the bird is no fun. Depth of field was missing. Would be a great help to fly and film.
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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devilsBastard Posted at 2018-8-17 09:31
I think, the MP has a "Follow Terrain" mode, if I remember right.

I think the hardware is there, surely it will be a huge part of implementation. But I missed it from the beginning. One of my first flights was up and down a hill, 25° steepness between trees. Forward and up/down standing behind the bird is no fun. Depth of field was missing. Would be a great help to fly and film.

It does have follow terrain, I used it once and it works well, I have found at times I should have used this more, I actually think on Mavic Air it would be a good inclusion and maybe some more photo style modes, and maybe the introduction of a battery with just 4 more minutes.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

devilsBastard Posted at 2018-8-17 09:31
I think, the MP has a "Follow Terrain" mode, if I remember right.

I think the hardware is there, surely it will be a huge part of implementation. But I missed it from the beginning. One of my first flights was up and down a hill, 25° steepness between trees. Forward and up/down standing behind the bird is no fun. Depth of field was missing. Would be a great help to fly and film.

Now I fully agree that we definitely want this feature for Mavic Air too, thank you very much again and I hope that DJI will take note!
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

hallmark007 Posted at 2018-8-17 09:55
It does have follow terrain, I used it once and it works well, I have found at times I should have used this more, I actually think on Mavic Air it would be a good inclusion and maybe some more photo style modes, and maybe the introduction of a battery with just 4 more minutes.

Thank you for the confirmation and the other proposals. I believe that Mavic Air will not too far in the future reach the stage when other features will be released some time after next Thursday... ;-)
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Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 12400594 ft
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Wachtberger Posted at 2018-8-17 11:57
Thank you for the confirmation and the other proposals. I believe that Mavic Air will not too far in the future reach the stage when other features will be released some time after next Thursday... ;-)

Yeah, I think we should see some add on features in upcoming FW.
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First Officer
United States

Oracle Miata Posted at 2018-8-17 09:22
Well, that was rather unnecessary.

Well, that was rather unnecessary.

Okay, I appoligize.

Now tell me why Wachtbeger's post was necessary, and my response unnecessary?


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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-8-17 14:19
Well, that was rather unnecessary.

Okay, I appoligize.

I don’t approve of that either.  Yourpersonal insult was simply more vile, where as his wasn’t as personal and actually more tongue and cheek. Neither is necessary,  but one is certainly worse than the other.
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First Officer
United States

Oracle Miata Posted at 2018-8-17 14:26
I don’t approve of that either.  Yourpersonal insult was simply more vile, where as his wasn’t as personal and actually more tongue and cheek. Neither is necessary,  but one is certainly worse than the other.

Got it.  Double-Standard
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Oracle Miata
First Officer
Flight distance : 3759829 ft
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United States

HedgeTrimmer Posted at 2018-8-17 14:28
Got it.  Double-Standard

Hardly, but your entitled to your opinion.
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Flight distance : 261509 ft

Oracle Miata Posted at 2018-8-17 14:26
I don’t approve of that either.  Yourpersonal insult was simply more vile, where as his wasn’t as personal and actually more tongue and cheek. Neither is necessary,  but one is certainly worse than the other.

I wish to sincerely apologise should my post have been over the top. But I continue to struggle with the fact that certain persons here do not get tired to post negative comments about an aircraft they don't even own and have no personal experience with at all, while blaming those who quite happily fly them without having relevant issues and blaming honest feedback in a more than insulting manner. Something is not right with this I believe...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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devilsBastard Posted at 2018-8-17 09:31
I think, the MP has a "Follow Terrain" mode, if I remember right.

I think the hardware is there, surely it will be a huge part of implementation. But I missed it from the beginning. One of my first flights was up and down a hill, 25° steepness between trees. Forward and up/down standing behind the bird is no fun. Depth of field was missing. Would be a great help to fly and film.

The MP (and MPP and P4 series) all support 'Terrain follow' which, as the aircraft moves forward, will move up a slope at a constant distance from the ground, maximum slope of 20 degrees if I remember correctly. But as a safety feature it will not follow terrain in descent, but stays at its previous highest altitude. I believe this is to stop the aircraft moving down into a dip, or down other side of a hill where signal would be lost and RTH initiated.
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