Well. I got the RC afterall, tried my first long flight today, got out a little over 1 mile, fair enough, got disconnect errors and image error..waited, and after 10-15 sec i got video back, and tried to cancel RTH, but got the timed out notice...not until it was 1/4 mile to home it could cancel, The video button also lagged on RTH, is this common? Djigo on iphone 6 newest version, spark and rc on newest also
But, well, i put a little video of sparks summer adventure.. Enjoy.
DJI Gamora Posted at 2018-8-18 05:52
Hi ,thanks for reaching DJI Forum. We do apologize for the troubles you had. Just to clarify, the app you downloaded was DJI Go or the DJI Go 4 app?
Djigo4. But i believe all have this kind of bug, after what i read
Hi, thank you for your fast response. Have you tried to download and app thru an Android phone? I will be posting some of the supported and suggested phones by our engineers. Hope this helps. Thank you.