Flight distance : 282589 ft
MrArcher Posted at 2018-8-21 07:37
Let's put it this way, if the folks who you are filming request you fly over, I would HIGHLY recommend you get it in writing with a liability waiver, and make the fly over brief. In the most basic analogy, it's like rear ending the car in front of you. There is almost no scenario that in the event of a collision that you will not be held 100% liable. So, if someone asks you to tailgate on their bumper for some strange reason to take a photo, with someone elses kids in the car, you better get this in writing - clearly highlighting the high likelihood of a collision and that they accept full responsibility. That's the reality. The camp can verbally request you do all sorts of things, but if that drone drops on a kid and injures them, it's YOU the parents are coming after.
However, it's also important to understand the additional obligations of commercial use as well. Either way, when you fly over people you are taking a huge risk, and you are opening a Pandora's Box that brings other issues to play as well. For a novice, it's best just to avoid it all together until you develop the pilot skills and have very clear understanding of the regulations and legal issues involved. My .02 fwiw.
I got it.. nicely said, but you dont expect of a drone at 1050 euros to fall down.To tell the truth... mine had dropped 2 times.. warranty activated, faulty battery.. so yeah.. I think now I fully got what you said.
(My video if you want to check it out)